// @flow import React, { PureComponent } from 'react'; import { FlatList, SafeAreaView } from 'react-native'; import { getLocalParticipant } from '../../../base/participants'; import { Platform } from '../../../base/react'; import { connect } from '../../../base/redux'; import { ASPECT_RATIO_NARROW } from '../../../base/responsive-ui/constants'; import { shouldHideSelfView } from '../../../base/settings/functions.any'; import { setVisibleRemoteParticipants } from '../../actions'; import { isFilmstripVisible, shouldRemoteVideosBeVisible } from '../../functions'; import LocalThumbnail from './LocalThumbnail'; import Thumbnail from './Thumbnail'; import styles from './styles'; // Immutable reference to avoid re-renders. const NO_REMOTE_VIDEOS = []; /** * Filmstrip component's property types. */ type Props = { /** * Application's aspect ratio. */ _aspectRatio: Symbol, _clientWidth: number, _clientHeight: number, /** * Whether or not to hide the self view. */ _disableSelfView: boolean, _localParticipantId: string, /** * The participants in the conference. */ _participants: Array, /** * The indicator which determines whether the filmstrip is visible. */ _visible: boolean, /** * Invoked to trigger state changes in Redux. */ dispatch: Function, }; /** * Implements a React {@link Component} which represents the filmstrip on * mobile/React Native. * * @augments Component */ class Filmstrip extends PureComponent { /** * Whether the local participant should be rendered separately from the * remote participants ie outside of their {@link ScrollView}. */ _separateLocalThumbnail: boolean; /** * The FlatList's viewabilityConfig. */ _viewabilityConfig: Object; /** * Constructor of the component. * * @inheritdoc */ constructor(props) { super(props); // XXX Our current design is to have the local participant separate from // the remote participants. Unfortunately, Android's Video // implementation cannot accommodate that because remote participants' // videos appear on top of the local participant's video at times. // That's because Android's Video utilizes EGL and EGL gives us only two // practical layers in which we can place our participants' videos: // layer #0 sits behind the window, creates a hole in the window, and // there we render the LargeVideo; layer #1 is known as media overlay in // EGL terms, renders on top of layer #0, and, consequently, is for the // Filmstrip. With the separate LocalThumnail, we should have left the // remote participants' Thumbnails in layer #1 and utilized layer #2 for // LocalThumbnail. Unfortunately, layer #2 is not practical (that's why // I said we had two practical layers only) because it renders on top of // everything which in our case means on top of participant-related // indicators such as moderator, audio and video muted, etc. For now we // do not have much of a choice but to continue rendering LocalThumbnail // as any other remote Thumbnail on Android. this._separateLocalThumbnail = Platform.OS !== 'android'; this._viewabilityConfig = { itemVisiblePercentThreshold: 30, minimumViewTime: 500 }; this._keyExtractor = this._keyExtractor.bind(this); this._getItemLayout = this._getItemLayout.bind(this); this._onViewableItemsChanged = this._onViewableItemsChanged.bind(this); this._renderThumbnail = this._renderThumbnail.bind(this); } _keyExtractor: string => string; /** * Returns a key for a passed item of the list. * * @param {string} item - The user ID. * @returns {string} - The user ID. */ _keyExtractor(item) { return item; } /** * Calculates the width and height of the filmstrip based on the screen size and aspect ratio. * * @returns {Object} - The width and the height. */ _getDimensions() { const { _aspectRatio, _clientWidth, _clientHeight } = this.props; const { height, width, margin } = styles.thumbnail; if (_aspectRatio === ASPECT_RATIO_NARROW) { return { height, width: this._separateLocalThumbnail ? _clientWidth - width - (margin * 2) : _clientWidth }; } return { height: this._separateLocalThumbnail ? _clientHeight - height - (margin * 2) : _clientHeight, width }; } _getItemLayout: (?Array, number) => {length: number, offset: number, index: number}; /** * Optimization for FlatList. Returns the length, offset and index for an item. * * @param {Array} data - The data array with user IDs. * @param {number} index - The index number of the item. * @returns {Object} */ _getItemLayout(data, index) { const { _aspectRatio } = this.props; const isNarrowAspectRatio = _aspectRatio === ASPECT_RATIO_NARROW; const length = isNarrowAspectRatio ? styles.thumbnail.width : styles.thumbnail.height; return { length, offset: length * index, index }; } _onViewableItemsChanged: Object => void; /** * A handler for visible items changes. * * @param {Object} data - The visible items data. * @param {Array} data.viewableItems - The visible items array. * @returns {void} */ _onViewableItemsChanged({ viewableItems = [] }) { const { _disableSelfView } = this.props; if (!this._separateLocalThumbnail && !_disableSelfView && viewableItems[0]?.index === 0) { // Skip the local thumbnail. viewableItems.shift(); } if (viewableItems.length === 0) { // User might be fast-scrolling, it will stabilize. return; } let startIndex = viewableItems[0].index; let endIndex = viewableItems[viewableItems.length - 1].index; if (!this._separateLocalThumbnail && !_disableSelfView) { // We are off by one in the remote participants array. startIndex -= 1; endIndex -= 1; } this.props.dispatch(setVisibleRemoteParticipants(startIndex, endIndex)); } _renderThumbnail: Object => Object; /** * Creates React Element to display each participant in a thumbnail. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderThumbnail({ item /* , index , separators */ }) { return ( ) ; } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {ReactElement} */ render() { const { _aspectRatio, _disableSelfView, _localParticipantId, _participants, _visible } = this.props; if (!_visible) { return null; } const isNarrowAspectRatio = _aspectRatio === ASPECT_RATIO_NARROW; const filmstripStyle = isNarrowAspectRatio ? styles.filmstripNarrow : styles.filmstripWide; const { height, width } = this._getDimensions(); const { height: thumbnailHeight, width: thumbnailWidth, margin } = styles.thumbnail; const initialNumToRender = Math.ceil(isNarrowAspectRatio ? width / (thumbnailWidth + (2 * margin)) : height / (thumbnailHeight + (2 * margin)) ); let participants; if (this._separateLocalThumbnail || _disableSelfView) { participants = _participants; } else if (isNarrowAspectRatio) { participants = [ ..._participants, _localParticipantId ]; } else { participants = [ _localParticipantId, ..._participants ]; } return ( { this._separateLocalThumbnail && !isNarrowAspectRatio && !_disableSelfView && } { this._separateLocalThumbnail && isNarrowAspectRatio && !_disableSelfView && } ); } } /** * Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated {@code Filmstrip}'s props. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state. * @private * @returns {Props} */ function _mapStateToProps(state) { const { enabled, remoteParticipants } = state['features/filmstrip']; const disableSelfView = shouldHideSelfView(state); const showRemoteVideos = shouldRemoteVideosBeVisible(state); const responsiveUI = state['features/base/responsive-ui']; return { _aspectRatio: state['features/base/responsive-ui'].aspectRatio, _clientHeight: responsiveUI.clientHeight, _clientWidth: responsiveUI.clientWidth, _disableSelfView: disableSelfView, _localParticipantId: getLocalParticipant(state)?.id, _participants: showRemoteVideos ? remoteParticipants : NO_REMOTE_VIDEOS, _visible: enabled && isFilmstripVisible(state) }; } export default connect(_mapStateToProps)(Filmstrip);