-- This module implements a generic metadata storage system for rooms. -- -- VirtualHost "jitmeet.example.com" -- modules_enabled = { -- "room_metadata" -- } -- room_metadata_component = "metadata.jitmeet.example.com" -- main_muc = "conference.jitmeet.example.com" -- -- Component "metadata.jitmeet.example.com" "room_metadata_component" -- muc_component = "conference.jitmeet.example.com" -- breakout_rooms_component = "breakout.jitmeet.example.com" local jid_node = require 'util.jid'.node; local json = require 'util.json'; local st = require 'util.stanza'; local util = module:require 'util'; local is_healthcheck_room = util.is_healthcheck_room; local get_room_from_jid = util.get_room_from_jid; local room_jid_match_rewrite = util.room_jid_match_rewrite; local COMPONENT_IDENTITY_TYPE = 'room_metadata'; local FORM_KEY = 'muc#roominfo_jitsimetadata'; local muc_component_host = module:get_option_string('muc_component'); if muc_component_host == nil then module:log("error", "No muc_component specified. No muc to operate on!"); return; end local breakout_rooms_component_host = module:get_option_string('breakout_rooms_component'); module:log("info", "Starting room metadata for %s", muc_component_host); -- Utility functions function getMetadataJSON(room) return json.encode({ type = COMPONENT_IDENTITY_TYPE, metadata = room.jitsiMetadata or {} }); end -- Putting the information on the config form / disco-info allows us to save -- an extra message to users who join later. function getFormData(room) return { name = FORM_KEY; type = 'text-multi'; label = 'Room metadata'; value = getMetadataJSON(room); }; end function broadcastMetadata(room) local json_msg = getMetadataJSON(room); for _, occupant in room:each_occupant() do if jid_node(occupant.jid) ~= 'focus' then send_json_msg(occupant.jid, json_msg) end end end function send_json_msg(to_jid, json_msg) local stanza = st.message({ from = module.host; to = to_jid; }) :tag('json-message', { xmlns = 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet' }):text(json_msg):up(); module:send(stanza); end -- Handling events function room_created(event) local room = event.room; if is_healthcheck_room(room.jid) then return ; end room.jitsiMetadata = {}; end function on_message(event) local session = event.origin; -- Check the type of the incoming stanza to avoid loops: if event.stanza.attr.type == 'error' then return; -- We do not want to reply to these, so leave. end if not session or not session.jitsi_web_query_room then return false; end local message = event.stanza:get_child(COMPONENT_IDENTITY_TYPE, 'http://jitsi.org/jitmeet'); local messageText = message:get_text(); if not message or not messageText then return false; end local roomJid = message.attr.room; local room = get_room_from_jid(room_jid_match_rewrite(roomJid)); if not room then module:log('warn', 'No room found found for %s/%s', session.jitsi_web_query_prefix, session.jitsi_web_query_room); return false; end -- check that the participant requesting is a moderator and is an occupant in the room local from = event.stanza.attr.from; local occupant = room:get_occupant_by_real_jid(from); if not occupant then module:log('warn', 'No occupant %s found for %s', from, room.jid); return false; end if occupant.role ~= 'moderator' then module:log('warn', 'Occupant %s is not moderator and not allowed this operation for %s', from, room.jid); return false; end local jsonData = json.decode(messageText); if jsonData == nil then -- invalid JSON module:log("error", "Invalid JSON message: %s", messageText); return false; end if jsonData.key == nil or jsonData.data == nil then module:log("error", "Invalid JSON payload, key or data are missing: %s", messageText); return false; end room.jitsiMetadata[jsonData.key] = jsonData.data; broadcastMetadata(room); return true; end -- Module operations -- process a host module directly if loaded or hooks to wait for its load function process_host_module(name, callback) local function process_host(host) if host == name then callback(module:context(host), host); end end if prosody.hosts[name] == nil then module:log('debug', 'No host/component found, will wait for it: %s', name) -- when a host or component is added prosody.events.add_handler('host-activated', process_host); else process_host(name); end end -- handle messages to this component module:hook("message/host", on_message); -- operates on already loaded main muc module function process_main_muc_loaded(main_muc, host_module) module:log('debug', 'Main muc loaded'); module:log("info", "Hook to muc events on %s", muc_component_host); host_module:hook("muc-room-created", room_created, -1); host_module:hook('muc-disco#info', function (event) local room = event.room; table.insert(event.form, getFormData(room)); end); host_module:hook("muc-config-form", function(event) local room = event.room; table.insert(event.form, getFormData(room)); end); end -- process or waits to process the main muc component process_host_module(muc_component_host, function(host_module, host) local muc_module = prosody.hosts[host].modules.muc; if muc_module then process_main_muc_loaded(muc_module, host_module); else module:log('debug', 'Will wait for muc to be available'); prosody.hosts[host].events.add_handler('module-loaded', function(event) if (event.module == 'muc') then process_main_muc_loaded(prosody.hosts[host].modules.muc, host_module); end end); end end); -- breakout rooms support function process_breakout_muc_loaded(breakout_muc, host_module) module:log('debug', 'Breakout rooms muc loaded'); module:log("info", "Hook to muc events on %s", breakout_rooms_component_host); host_module:hook("muc-room-created", room_created, -1); host_module:hook('muc-disco#info', function (event) local room = event.room; table.insert(event.form, getFormData(room)); end); host_module:hook("muc-config-form", function(event) local room = event.room; table.insert(event.form, getFormData(room)); end); end if breakout_rooms_component_host then process_host_module(breakout_rooms_component_host, function(host_module, host) local muc_module = prosody.hosts[host].modules.muc; if muc_module then process_breakout_muc_loaded(muc_module, host_module); else module:log('debug', 'Will wait for muc to be available'); prosody.hosts[host].events.add_handler('module-loaded', function(event) if (event.module == 'muc') then process_breakout_muc_loaded(prosody.hosts[host].modules.muc, host_module); end end); end end); end