/* * Copyright @ 2015 Atlassian Pty Ltd * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ import UIEvents from '../service/UI/UIEvents'; import VideoLayout from './UI/videolayout/VideoLayout'; /** * The (name of the) command which transports the state (represented by * {State} for the local state at the time of this writing) of a {FollowMe} * (instance) between participants. */ const _COMMAND = "follow-me"; /** * The timeout after which a follow-me command that has been received will be * ignored if not consumed. * * @type {number} in seconds * @private */ const _FOLLOW_ME_RECEIVED_TIMEOUT = 30; /** * Represents the set of {FollowMe}-related states (properties and their * respective values) which are to be followed by a participant. {FollowMe} * will send {_COMMAND} whenever a property of {State} changes (if the local * participant is in her right to issue such a command, of course). */ class State { /** * Initializes a new {State} instance. * * @param propertyChangeCallback {Function} which is to be called when a * property of the new instance has its value changed from an old value * into a (different) new value. The function is supplied with the name of * the property, the old value of the property before the change, and the * new value of the property after the change. */ constructor (propertyChangeCallback) { this._propertyChangeCallback = propertyChangeCallback; } get filmStripVisible () { return this._filmStripVisible; } set filmStripVisible (b) { var oldValue = this._filmStripVisible; if (oldValue !== b) { this._filmStripVisible = b; this._firePropertyChange('filmStripVisible', oldValue, b); } } get nextOnStage() { return this._nextOnStage; } set nextOnStage(id) { var oldValue = this._nextOnStage; if (oldValue !== id) { this._nextOnStage = id; this._firePropertyChange('nextOnStage', oldValue, id); } } get sharedDocumentVisible () { return this._sharedDocumentVisible; } set sharedDocumentVisible (b) { var oldValue = this._sharedDocumentVisible; if (oldValue !== b) { this._sharedDocumentVisible = b; this._firePropertyChange('sharedDocumentVisible', oldValue, b); } } /** * Invokes {_propertyChangeCallback} to notify it that {property} had its * value changed from {oldValue} to {newValue}. * * @param property the name of the property which had its value changed * from {oldValue} to {newValue} * @param oldValue the value of {property} before the change * @param newValue the value of {property} after the change */ _firePropertyChange (property, oldValue, newValue) { var propertyChangeCallback = this._propertyChangeCallback; if (propertyChangeCallback) propertyChangeCallback(property, oldValue, newValue); } } /** * Represents the "Follow Me" feature which enables a moderator to * (partially) control the user experience/interface (e.g. film strip * visibility) of (other) non-moderator particiapnts. * * @author Lyubomir Marinov */ class FollowMe { /** * Initializes a new {FollowMe} instance. * * @param conference the {conference} which is to transport * {FollowMe}-related information between participants * @param UI the {UI} which is the source (model/state) to be sent to * remote participants if the local participant is the moderator or the * destination (model/state) to receive from the remote moderator if the * local participant is not the moderator */ constructor (conference, UI) { this._conference = conference; this._UI = UI; this.nextOnStageTimer = 0; // The states of the local participant which are to be followed (by the // remote participants when the local participant is in her right to // issue such commands). this._local = new State(this._localPropertyChange.bind(this)); // Listen to "Follow Me" commands. I'm not sure whether a moderator can // (in lib-jitsi-meet and/or Meet) become a non-moderator. If that's // possible, then it may be easiest to always listen to commands. The // listener will validate received commands before acting on them. conference.commands.addCommandListener( _COMMAND, this._onFollowMeCommand.bind(this)); } /** * Sets the current state of all follow-me properties, which will fire a * localPropertyChangeEvent and trigger a send of the follow-me command. * @private */ _setFollowMeInitialState() { this._filmStripToggled.bind(this, this._UI.isFilmStripVisible()); var pinnedId = VideoLayout.getPinnedId(); var isPinned = false; var smallVideo; if (pinnedId) { isPinned = true; smallVideo = VideoLayout.getSmallVideo(pinnedId); } this._nextOnStage(smallVideo, isPinned); // check whether shared document is enabled/initialized if(this._UI.getSharedDocumentManager()) this._sharedDocumentToggled .bind(this, this._UI.getSharedDocumentManager().isVisible()); } /** * Adds listeners for the UI states of the local participant which are * to be followed (by the remote participants). A non-moderator (very * likely) can become a moderator so it may be easiest to always track * the states of interest. * @private */ _addFollowMeListeners () { this.filmStripEventHandler = this._filmStripToggled.bind(this); this._UI.addListener(UIEvents.TOGGLED_FILM_STRIP, this.filmStripEventHandler); var self = this; this.pinnedEndpointEventHandler = function (smallVideo, isPinned) { self._nextOnStage(smallVideo, isPinned); }; this._UI.addListener(UIEvents.PINNED_ENDPOINT, this.pinnedEndpointEventHandler); this.sharedDocEventHandler = this._sharedDocumentToggled.bind(this); this._UI.addListener( UIEvents.TOGGLED_SHARED_DOCUMENT, this.sharedDocEventHandler); } /** * Removes all follow me listeners. * @private */ _removeFollowMeListeners () { this._UI.removeListener(UIEvents.TOGGLED_FILM_STRIP, this.filmStripEventHandler); this._UI.removeListener(UIEvents.TOGGLED_SHARED_DOCUMENT, this.sharedDocEventHandler); this._UI.removeListener(UIEvents.PINNED_ENDPOINT, this.pinnedEndpointEventHandler); } /** * Enables or disabled the follow me functionality * * @param enable {true} to enable the follow me functionality, {false} - * to disable it */ enableFollowMe (enable) { if (enable) { this._setFollowMeInitialState(); this._addFollowMeListeners(); } else this._removeFollowMeListeners(); } /** * Notifies this instance that the (visibility of the) film strip was * toggled (in the user interface of the local participant). * * @param filmStripVisible {Boolean} {true} if the film strip was shown (as * a result of the toggle) or {false} if the film strip was hidden */ _filmStripToggled (filmStripVisible) { this._local.filmStripVisible = filmStripVisible; } /** * Notifies this instance that the (visibility of the) shared document was * toggled (in the user interface of the local participant). * * @param sharedDocumentVisible {Boolean} {true} if the shared document was * shown (as a result of the toggle) or {false} if it was hidden */ _sharedDocumentToggled (sharedDocumentVisible) { this._local.sharedDocumentVisible = sharedDocumentVisible; } /** * Changes the nextOnStage property value. * * @param smallVideo the {SmallVideo} that was pinned or unpinned * @param isPinned indicates if the given {SmallVideo} was pinned or * unpinned * @private */ _nextOnStage (smallVideo, isPinned) { if (!this._conference.isModerator) return; var nextOnStage = null; if(isPinned) nextOnStage = smallVideo.getId(); this._local.nextOnStage = nextOnStage; } /** * Sends the follow-me command, when a local property change occurs. * * @param property the property name * @param oldValue the old value * @param newValue the new value * @private */ _localPropertyChange (property, oldValue, newValue) { // Only a moderator is allowed to send commands. var conference = this._conference; if (!conference.isModerator) return; var commands = conference.commands; // XXX The "Follow Me" command represents a snapshot of all states // which are to be followed so don't forget to removeCommand before // sendCommand! commands.removeCommand(_COMMAND); var self = this; commands.sendCommandOnce( _COMMAND, { attributes: { filmStripVisible: self._local.filmStripVisible, nextOnStage: self._local.nextOnStage, sharedDocumentVisible: self._local.sharedDocumentVisible } }); } /** * Notifies this instance about a &qout;Follow Me&qout; command (delivered * by the Command(s) API of {this._conference}). * * @param attributes the attributes {Object} carried by the command * @param id the identifier of the participant who issued the command. A * notable idiosyncrasy of the Command(s) API to be mindful of here is that * the command may be issued by the local participant. */ _onFollowMeCommand ({ attributes }, id) { // We require to know who issued the command because (1) only a // moderator is allowed to send commands and (2) a command MUST be // issued by a defined commander. if (typeof id === 'undefined') return; // The Command(s) API will send us our own commands and we don't want // to act upon them. if (this._conference.isLocalId(id)) return; if (!this._conference.isParticipantModerator(id)) { console.warn('Received follow-me command ' + 'not from moderator'); return; } // Applies the received/remote command to the user experience/interface // of the local participant. this._onFilmStripVisible(attributes.filmStripVisible); this._onNextOnStage(attributes.nextOnStage); this._onSharedDocumentVisible(attributes.sharedDocumentVisible); } /** * Process a film strip open / close event received from FOLLOW-ME * command. * @param filmStripVisible indicates if the film strip has been shown or * hidden * @private */ _onFilmStripVisible(filmStripVisible) { if (typeof filmStripVisible !== 'undefined') { // XXX The Command(s) API doesn't preserve the types (of // attributes, at least) at the time of this writing so take into // account that what originated as a Boolean may be a String on // receipt. filmStripVisible = (filmStripVisible == 'true'); // FIXME The UI (module) very likely doesn't (want to) expose its // eventEmitter as a public field. I'm not sure at the time of this // writing whether calling UI.toggleFilmStrip() is acceptable (from // a design standpoint) either. if (filmStripVisible !== this._UI.isFilmStripVisible()) this._UI.eventEmitter.emit(UIEvents.TOGGLE_FILM_STRIP); } } /** * Process the id received from a FOLLOW-ME command. * @param id the identifier of the next participant to show on stage or * undefined if we're clearing the stage (we're unpining all pined and we * rely on dominant speaker events) * @private */ _onNextOnStage(id) { var clickId = null; var pin; if(typeof id !== 'undefined' && !VideoLayout.isPinned(id)) { clickId = id; pin = true; } else if (typeof id == 'undefined' && VideoLayout.getPinnedId()) { clickId = VideoLayout.getPinnedId(); pin = false; } if (clickId) this._pinVideoThumbnailById(clickId, pin); } /** * Process a shared document open / close event received from FOLLOW-ME * command. * @param sharedDocumentVisible indicates if the shared document has been * opened or closed * @private */ _onSharedDocumentVisible(sharedDocumentVisible) { if (typeof sharedDocumentVisible !== 'undefined') { // XXX The Command(s) API doesn't preserve the types (of // attributes, at least) at the time of this writing so take into // account that what originated as a Boolean may be a String on // receipt. sharedDocumentVisible = (sharedDocumentVisible == 'true'); if (sharedDocumentVisible !== this._UI.getSharedDocumentManager().isVisible()) this._UI.getSharedDocumentManager().toggleEtherpad(); } } /** * Pins / unpins the video thumbnail given by clickId. * * @param clickId the identifier of the video thumbnail to pin or unpin * @param pin {true} to pin, {false} to unpin * @private */ _pinVideoThumbnailById(clickId, pin) { var self = this; var smallVideo = VideoLayout.getSmallVideo(clickId); // If the SmallVideo for the given clickId exists we proceed with the // pin/unpin. if (smallVideo) { this.nextOnStageTimer = 0; clearTimeout(this.nextOnStageTimout); if (pin && !VideoLayout.isPinned(clickId) || !pin && VideoLayout.isPinned(clickId)) VideoLayout.handleVideoThumbClicked(clickId); } // If there's no SmallVideo object for the given id, lets wait and see // if it's going to be created in the next 30sec. else { this.nextOnStageTimout = setTimeout(function () { if (self.nextOnStageTimer > _FOLLOW_ME_RECEIVED_TIMEOUT) { self.nextOnStageTimer = 0; return; } this.nextOnStageTimer++; self._pinVideoThumbnailById(clickId, pin); }, 1000); } } } export default FollowMe;