import EventEmitter from 'events'; import { PostMessageTransportBackend, Transport } from '../../transport'; const logger = require('jitsi-meet-logger').getLogger(__filename); /** * Maps the names of the commands expected by the API with the name of the * commands expected by jitsi-meet */ const commands = { avatarUrl: 'avatar-url', displayName: 'display-name', email: 'email', hangup: 'video-hangup', toggleAudio: 'toggle-audio', toggleChat: 'toggle-chat', toggleContactList: 'toggle-contact-list', toggleFilmStrip: 'toggle-film-strip', toggleShareScreen: 'toggle-share-screen', toggleVideo: 'toggle-video' }; /** * Maps the names of the events expected by the API with the name of the * events expected by jitsi-meet */ const events = { 'display-name-change': 'displayNameChange', 'incoming-message': 'incomingMessage', 'outgoing-message': 'outgoingMessage', 'participant-joined': 'participantJoined', 'participant-left': 'participantLeft', 'video-ready-to-close': 'readyToClose', 'video-conference-joined': 'videoConferenceJoined', 'video-conference-left': 'videoConferenceLeft' }; /** * Last id of api object * @type {number} */ let id = 0; /** * The minimum height for the Jitsi Meet frame * @type {number} */ const MIN_HEIGHT = 300; /** * The minimum width for the Jitsi Meet frame * @type {number} */ const MIN_WIDTH = 790; /** * Adds given number to the numberOfParticipants property of given APIInstance. * * @param {JitsiMeetExternalAPI} APIInstance - The instance of the API. * @param {int} number - The number of participants to be added to * numberOfParticipants property (this parameter can be negative number if the * numberOfParticipants should be decreased). * @returns {void} */ function changeParticipantNumber(APIInstance, number) { APIInstance.numberOfParticipants += number; } /** * Generates array with URL params based on the passed config object that will * be used for the Jitsi Meet URL generation. * * @param {Object} config - The config object. * @returns {Array} The array with URL param strings. */ function configToURLParamsArray(config = {}) { const params = []; for (const key in config) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in try { params.push( `${key}=${encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(config[key]))}`); } catch (e) { console.warn(`Error encoding ${key}: ${e}`); } } return params; } /** * Generates the URL for the iframe. * * @param {string} domain - The domain name of the server that hosts the * conference. * @param {string} [options] - Another optional parameters. * @param {Object} [options.configOverwrite] - Object containing configuration * options defined in config.js to be overridden. * @param {Object} [options.interfaceConfigOverwrite] - Object containing * configuration options defined in interface_config.js to be overridden. * @param {string} [options.jwt] - The JWT token if needed by jitsi-meet for * authentication. * @param {boolean} [options.noSsl] - If the value is true https won't be used. * @param {string} [options.roomName] - The name of the room to join. * @returns {string} The URL. */ function generateURL(domain, options = {}) { const { configOverwrite, interfaceConfigOverwrite, jwt, noSSL, roomName } = options; let url = `${noSSL ? 'http' : 'https'}://${domain}/${roomName || ''}`; if (jwt) { url += `?jwt=${jwt}`; } url += `#jitsi_meet_external_api_id=${id}`; const configURLParams = configToURLParamsArray(configOverwrite); if (configURLParams.length) { url += `&config.${configURLParams.join('&config.')}`; } const interfaceConfigURLParams = configToURLParamsArray(interfaceConfigOverwrite); if (interfaceConfigURLParams.length) { url += `&interfaceConfig.${ interfaceConfigURLParams.join('&interfaceConfig.')}`; } return url; } /** * The IFrame API interface class. */ export default class JitsiMeetExternalAPI extends EventEmitter { /** * Constructs new API instance. Creates iframe and loads Jitsi Meet in it. * * @param {string} domain - The domain name of the server that hosts the * conference. * @param {string} [roomName] - The name of the room to join. * @param {number} [width] - Width of the iframe. * @param {number} [height] - Height of the iframe. * @param {DOMElement} [parentNode] - The node that will contain the * iframe. * @param {Object} [configOverwrite] - Object containing configuration * options defined in config.js to be overridden. * @param {Object} [interfaceConfigOverwrite] - Object containing * configuration options defined in interface_config.js to be overridden. * @param {boolean} [noSSL] - If the value is true https won't be used. * @param {string} [jwt] - The JWT token if needed by jitsi-meet for * authentication. */ constructor(domain, // eslint-disable-line max-params roomName = '', width = MIN_WIDTH, height = MIN_HEIGHT, parentNode = document.body, configOverwrite = {}, interfaceConfigOverwrite = {}, noSSL = false, jwt = undefined) { super(); this.parentNode = parentNode; this.url = generateURL(domain, { configOverwrite, interfaceConfigOverwrite, jwt, noSSL, roomName }); this._createIFrame(height, width); this._transport = new Transport({ backend: new PostMessageTransportBackend({ postisOptions: { scope: `jitsi_meet_external_api_${id}`, window: this.frame.contentWindow } }) }); this.numberOfParticipants = 1; this._setupListeners(); id++; } /** * Creates the iframe element. * * @param {number} height - The height of the iframe. * @param {number} width - The with of the iframe. * @returns {void} * * @private */ _createIFrame(height, width) { // Compute valid values for height and width. If a number is specified // it's treated as pixel units and our minimum constraints are applied. // If the value is expressed in em, pt or percentage, it's used as is. // Also protect ourselves from undefined, because // Math.max(undefined, 100) === NaN, obviously. // // This regex parses values of the form 100em, 100pt or 100%. Values // like 100 or 100px are handled outside of the regex, and invalid // values will be ignored and the minimum will be used. const re = /([0-9]*\.?[0-9]+)(em|pt|%)$/; /* eslint-disable no-param-reassign */ if (String(height).match(re) === null) { height = parseInt(height, 10) || MIN_HEIGHT; height = `${Math.max(height, MIN_HEIGHT)}px`; } if (String(width).match(re) === null) { width = parseInt(width, 10) || MIN_WIDTH; width = `${Math.max(width, MIN_WIDTH)}px`; } /* eslint-enable no-param-reassign */ this.iframeHolder = this.parentNode.appendChild(document.createElement('div')); = `jitsiConference${id}`; = width; = height; this.frameName = `jitsiConferenceFrame${id}`; this.frame = document.createElement('iframe'); this.frame.src = this.url; = this.frameName; = this.frameName; this.frame.width = '100%'; this.frame.height = '100%'; this.frame.setAttribute('allowFullScreen', 'true'); = 0; this.frame = this.iframeHolder.appendChild(this.frame); } /** * Setups listeners that are used internally for JitsiMeetExternalAPI. * * @returns {void} * * @private */ _setupListeners() { this._transport.on('event', ({ name, }) => { if (name === 'participant-joined') { changeParticipantNumber(this, 1); } else if (name === 'participant-left') { changeParticipantNumber(this, -1); } const eventName = events[name]; if (eventName) { this.emit(eventName, data); return true; } return false; }); } /** * Adds event listener to Meet Jitsi. * * @param {string} event - The name of the event. * @param {Function} listener - The listener. * @returns {void} * * @deprecated * NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes. */ addEventListener(event, listener) { this.on(event, listener); } /** * Adds event listeners to Meet Jitsi. * * @param {Object} listeners - The object key should be the name of * the event and value - the listener. * Currently we support the following * events: * incomingMessage - receives event notifications about incoming * messages. The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * 'from': from,//JID of the user that sent the message * 'nick': nick,//the nickname of the user that sent the message * 'message': txt//the text of the message * }} * outgoingMessage - receives event notifications about outgoing * messages. The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * 'message': txt//the text of the message * }} * displayNameChanged - receives event notifications about display name * change. The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * jid: jid,//the JID of the participant that changed his display name * displayname: displayName //the new display name * }} * participantJoined - receives event notifications about new participant. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * jid: jid //the jid of the participant * }} * participantLeft - receives event notifications about the participant that * left the room. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * jid: jid //the jid of the participant * }} * video-conference-joined - receives event notifications about the local * user has successfully joined the video conference. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * roomName: room //the room name of the conference * }} * video-conference-left - receives event notifications about the local user * has left the video conference. * The listener will receive object with the following structure: * {{ * roomName: room //the room name of the conference * }} * readyToClose - all hangup operations are completed and Jitsi Meet is * ready to be disposed. * @returns {void} * * @deprecated * NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes. */ addEventListeners(listeners) { for (const event in listeners) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in this.addEventListener(event, listeners[event]); } } /** * Removes the listeners and removes the Jitsi Meet frame. * * @returns {void} */ dispose() { this._transport.dispose(); this.removeAllListeners(); if (this.iframeHolder) { this.iframeHolder.parentNode.removeChild(this.iframeHolder); } } /** * Executes command. The available commands are: * displayName - sets the display name of the local participant to the value * passed in the arguments array. * toggleAudio - mutes / unmutes audio with no arguments. * toggleVideo - mutes / unmutes video with no arguments. * toggleFilmStrip - hides / shows the filmstrip with no arguments. * If the command doesn't require any arguments the parameter should be set * to empty array or it may be omitted. * * @param {string} name - The name of the command. * @returns {void} */ executeCommand(name, ...args) { if (!(name in commands)) { logger.error('Not supported command name.'); return; } this._transport.sendEvent({ data: args, name: commands[name] }); } /** * Executes commands. The available commands are: * displayName - sets the display name of the local participant to the value * passed in the arguments array. * toggleAudio - mutes / unmutes audio. no arguments * toggleVideo - mutes / unmutes video. no arguments * toggleFilmStrip - hides / shows the filmstrip. no arguments * toggleChat - hides / shows chat. no arguments. * toggleContactList - hides / shows contact list. no arguments. * toggleShareScreen - starts / stops screen sharing. no arguments. * * @param {Object} commandList - The object with commands to be executed. * The keys of the object are the commands that will be executed and the * values are the arguments for the command. * @returns {void} */ executeCommands(commandList) { for (const key in commandList) { // eslint-disable-line guard-for-in this.executeCommand(key, commandList[key]); } } /** * Returns the iframe that loads Jitsi Meet. * * @returns {HTMLElement} The iframe. */ getIFrame() { return this.frame; } /** * Returns the number of participants in the conference. The local * participant is included. * * @returns {int} The number of participants in the conference. */ getNumberOfParticipants() { return this.numberOfParticipants; } /** * Removes event listener. * * @param {string} event - The name of the event. * @returns {void} * * @deprecated * NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes. */ removeEventListener(event) { this.removeAllListeners(event); } /** * Removes event listeners. * * @param {Array} eventList - Array with the names of the events. * @returns {void} * * @deprecated * NOTE: This method is not removed for backward comatability purposes. */ removeEventListeners(eventList) { eventList.forEach(event => this.removeEventListener(event)); } }