// @flow import _ from 'lodash'; import React from 'react'; import { ActivityIndicator, Alert, FlatList, KeyboardAvoidingView, SafeAreaView, TextInput, TouchableOpacity, View } from 'react-native'; import { Icon } from '../../../../base/font-icons'; import { translate } from '../../../../base/i18n'; import { AvatarListItem, HeaderWithNavigation, Modal, type Item } from '../../../../base/react'; import { connect } from '../../../../base/redux'; import { setAddPeopleDialogVisible } from '../../../actions'; import AbstractAddPeopleDialog, { type Props as AbstractProps, type State as AbstractState, _mapStateToProps as _abstractMapStateToProps } from '../AbstractAddPeopleDialog'; import styles, { AVATAR_SIZE, DARK_GREY } from './styles'; type Props = AbstractProps & { /** * True if the invite dialog should be open, false otherwise. */ _isVisible: boolean, /** * Function used to translate i18n labels. */ t: Function }; type State = AbstractState & { /** * True if a search is in progress, false otherwise. */ searchInprogress: boolean, /** * An array of items that are selectable on this dialog. This is usually * populated by an async search. */ selectableItems: Array<Object> }; /** * Implements a special dialog to invite people from a directory service. */ class AddPeopleDialog extends AbstractAddPeopleDialog<Props, State> { /** * Default state object to reset the state to when needed. */ defaultState = { addToCallError: false, addToCallInProgress: false, inviteItems: [], searchInprogress: false, selectableItems: [] }; /** * Ref of the search field. */ inputFieldRef: ?TextInput; /** * TimeoutID to delay the search for the time the user is probably typing. */ searchTimeout: TimeoutID; /** * Contrustor of the component. * * @inheritdoc */ constructor(props: Props) { super(props); this.state = this.defaultState; this._keyExtractor = this._keyExtractor.bind(this); this._renderItem = this._renderItem.bind(this); this._renderSeparator = this._renderSeparator.bind(this); this._onCloseAddPeopleDialog = this._onCloseAddPeopleDialog.bind(this); this._onInvite = this._onInvite.bind(this); this._onPressItem = this._onPressItem.bind(this); this._onTypeQuery = this._onTypeQuery.bind(this); this._setFieldRef = this._setFieldRef.bind(this); } /** * Implements {@code Component#componentDidUpdate}. * * @inheritdoc */ componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (prevProps._isVisible !== this.props._isVisible) { // Clear state this._clearState(); } } /** * Implements {@code Component#render}. * * @inheritdoc */ render() { const { _addPeopleEnabled, _dialOutEnabled } = this.props; const { inviteItems } = this.state; let placeholderKey = 'searchPlaceholder'; if (!_addPeopleEnabled) { placeholderKey = 'searchCallOnlyPlaceholder'; } else if (!_dialOutEnabled) { placeholderKey = 'searchPeopleOnlyPlaceholder'; } return ( <Modal onRequestClose = { this._onCloseAddPeopleDialog } visible = { this.props._isVisible }> <HeaderWithNavigation forwardDisabled = { this._isAddDisabled() } forwardLabelKey = 'inviteDialog.send' headerLabelKey = 'inviteDialog.header' onPressBack = { this._onCloseAddPeopleDialog } onPressForward = { this._onInvite } /> <KeyboardAvoidingView behavior = 'padding' style = { styles.avoidingView }> <SafeAreaView style = { styles.dialogWrapper }> <View style = { styles.searchFieldWrapper }> <View style = { styles.searchIconWrapper }> { this.state.searchInprogress ? <ActivityIndicator color = { DARK_GREY } size = 'small' /> : <Icon name = { 'search' } style = { styles.searchIcon } />} </View> <TextInput autoCorrect = { false } autoFocus = { true } onChangeText = { this._onTypeQuery } placeholder = { this.props.t(`inviteDialog.${placeholderKey}`) } ref = { this._setFieldRef } style = { styles.searchField } /> </View> <FlatList ItemSeparatorComponent = { this._renderSeparator } data = { this.state.selectableItems } extraData = { inviteItems } keyExtractor = { this._keyExtractor } keyboardShouldPersistTaps = 'always' renderItem = { this._renderItem } style = { styles.resultList } /> </SafeAreaView> </KeyboardAvoidingView> </Modal> ); } /** * Clears the dialog content. * * @returns {void} */ _clearState() { this.setState(this.defaultState); } _invite: Array<Object> => Promise<Array<Object>> _isAddDisabled: () => boolean; _keyExtractor: Object => string /** * Key extractor for the flatlist. * * @param {Object} item - The flatlist item that we need the key to be * generated for. * @returns {string} */ _keyExtractor(item) { return item.type === 'user' ? item.user_id : item.number; } _onCloseAddPeopleDialog: () => void /** * Closes the dialog. * * @returns {void} */ _onCloseAddPeopleDialog() { this.props.dispatch(setAddPeopleDialogVisible(false)); } _onInvite: () => void /** * Invites the selected entries. * * @returns {void} */ _onInvite() { this._invite(this.state.inviteItems) .then(invitesLeftToSend => { if (invitesLeftToSend.length) { this.setState({ inviteItems: invitesLeftToSend }); this._showFailedInviteAlert(); } else { this._onCloseAddPeopleDialog(); } }); } _onPressItem: Item => Function /** * Function to preapre a callback for the onPress event of the touchable. * * @param {Item} item - The item on which onPress was invoked. * @returns {Function} */ _onPressItem(item) { return () => { const { inviteItems } = this.state; const finderKey = item.type === 'phone' ? 'number' : 'user_id'; if (inviteItems.find( _.matchesProperty(finderKey, item[finderKey]))) { // Item is already selected, need to unselect it. this.setState({ inviteItems: inviteItems.filter( element => item[finderKey] !== element[finderKey]) }); } else { // Item is not selected yet, need to add to the list. const items: Array<*> = inviteItems.concat(item); this.setState({ inviteItems: _.sortBy(items, [ 'name', 'number' ]) }); } }; } _onTypeQuery: string => void /** * Handles the typing event of the text field on the dialog and performs the * search. * * @param {string} query - The query that is typed in the field. * @returns {void} */ _onTypeQuery(query) { clearTimeout(this.searchTimeout); this.searchTimeout = setTimeout(() => { this.setState({ searchInprogress: true }, () => { this._performSearch(query); }); }, 500); } /** * Performs the actual search. * * @param {string} query - The query to search for. * @returns {void} */ _performSearch(query) { this._query(query).then(results => { const { inviteItems } = this.state; let selectableItems = results.filter(result => { switch (result.type) { case 'phone': return result.allowed && result.number && !inviteItems.find( _.matchesProperty('number', result.number)); case 'user': return result.user_id && !inviteItems.find( _.matchesProperty('user_id', result.user_id)); default: return false; } }); selectableItems = _.sortBy(selectableItems, [ 'name', 'number' ]); this.setState({ selectableItems: this.state.inviteItems.concat(selectableItems) }); }) .finally(() => { this.setState({ searchInprogress: false }, () => { this.inputFieldRef && this.inputFieldRef.focus(); }); }); } _query: (string) => Promise<Array<Object>>; _renderItem: Object => ?React$Element<*> /** * Renders a single item in the {@code FlatList}. * * @param {Object} flatListItem - An item of the data array of the * {@code FlatList}. * @param {number} index - The index of the currently rendered item. * @returns {?React$Element<*>} */ _renderItem(flatListItem, index) { const { item } = flatListItem; const { inviteItems } = this.state; let selected = false; let renderableItem; switch (item.type) { case 'phone': selected = inviteItems.find(_.matchesProperty('number', item.number)); renderableItem = { avatar: 'phone', key: item.number, title: item.number }; break; case 'user': selected = inviteItems.find(_.matchesProperty('user_id', item.user_id)); renderableItem = { avatar: item.avatar, key: item.user_id, title: item.name }; break; default: return null; } return ( <TouchableOpacity onPress = { this._onPressItem(item) } > <View pointerEvents = 'box-only' style = { styles.itemWrapper }> <Icon name = { selected ? 'radio_button_checked' : 'radio_button_unchecked' } style = { styles.radioButton } /> <AvatarListItem avatarSize = { AVATAR_SIZE } avatarStyle = { styles.avatar } avatarTextStyle = { styles.avatarText } item = { renderableItem } key = { index } linesStyle = { styles.itemLinesStyle } titleStyle = { styles.itemText } /> </View> </TouchableOpacity> ); } _renderSeparator: () => React$Element<*> | null /** * Renders the item separator. * * @returns {?React$Element<*>} */ _renderSeparator() { return ( <View style = { styles.separator } /> ); } _setFieldRef: ?TextInput => void /** * Sets a reference to the input field for later use. * * @param {?TextInput} input - The reference to the input field. * @returns {void} */ _setFieldRef(input) { this.inputFieldRef = input; } /** * Shows an alert telling the user that some invitees were failed to be * invited. * * NOTE: We're using an Alert here because we're on a modal and it makes * using our dialogs a tad more difficult. * * @returns {void} */ _showFailedInviteAlert() { const { t } = this.props; Alert.alert( t('inviteDialog.alertTitle'), t('inviteDialog.alertText'), [ { text: t('inviteDialog.alertOk') } ] ); } } /** * Maps part of the Redux state to the props of this component. * * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. * @returns {{ * _isVisible: boolean * }} */ function _mapStateToProps(state: Object) { return { ..._abstractMapStateToProps(state), _isVisible: state['features/invite'].inviteDialogVisible }; } export default translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(AddPeopleDialog));