import { getLocationContextRoot } from '../base/util/uri'; import { addTrackStateToURL } from './functions.any'; import { IStore } from './types'; /** * Redirects to another page generated by replacing the path in the original URL * with the given path. * * @param {(string)} pathname - The path to navigate to. * @returns {Function} */ export function redirectWithStoredParams(pathname: string) { return (dispatch: IStore['dispatch'], getState: IStore['getState']) => { const { locationURL } = getState()['features/base/connection']; const newLocationURL = new URL(locationURL?.href ?? ''); newLocationURL.pathname = pathname; window.location.assign(newLocationURL.toString()); }; } /** * Assigns a specific pathname to window.location.pathname taking into account * the context root of the Web app. * * @param {string} pathname - The pathname to assign to * window.location.pathname. If the specified pathname is relative, the context * root of the Web app will be prepended to the specified pathname before * assigning it to window.location.pathname. * @param {string} hashParam - Optional hash param to assign to * window.location.hash. * @returns {Function} */ export function redirectToStaticPage(pathname: string, hashParam?: string) { return () => { const windowLocation = window.location; let newPathname = pathname; if (!newPathname.startsWith('/')) { // A pathname equal to ./ specifies the current directory. It will be // fine but pointless to include it because contextRoot is the current // directory. newPathname.startsWith('./') && (newPathname = newPathname.substring(2)); newPathname = getLocationContextRoot(windowLocation) + newPathname; } if (hashParam) { windowLocation.hash = hashParam; } windowLocation.pathname = newPathname; }; } /** * Reloads the page by restoring the original URL. * * @returns {Function} */ export function reloadWithStoredParams() { return (dispatch: IStore['dispatch'], getState: IStore['getState']) => { const state = getState(); const { locationURL } = state['features/base/connection']; // Preserve the local tracks muted states. // @ts-ignore const newURL = addTrackStateToURL(locationURL, state); const windowLocation = window.location; const oldSearchString =; windowLocation.replace(newURL.toString()); if ( === oldSearchString) { // NOTE: Assuming that only the hash or search part of the URL will // be changed! // location.replace will not trigger redirect/reload when // only the hash params are changed. That's why we need to call // reload in addition to replace. windowLocation.reload(); } }; }