import { setWasmPaths } from '@tensorflow/tfjs-backend-wasm'; import { Human, Config, FaceResult } from '@vladmandic/human'; import { DETECTION_TYPES, FACE_DETECTION_SCORE_THRESHOLD, FACE_EXPRESSIONS_NAMING_MAPPING } from './constants'; type DetectInput = { image: ImageBitmap | ImageData, threshold: number }; type FaceBox = { left: number, right: number, width?: number }; type InitInput = { baseUrl: string, detectionTypes: string[] } type DetectOutput = { faceExpression?: string, faceBox?: FaceBox, faceCount: number }; export interface FaceLandmarksHelper { getFaceBox(detections: Array, threshold: number): FaceBox | undefined; getFaceExpression(detections: Array): string | undefined; getFaceCount(detections : Array): number; getDetections(image: ImageBitmap | ImageData): Promise>; init(): Promise; detect({ image, threshold } : DetectInput): Promise; getDetectionInProgress(): boolean; } /** * Helper class for human library */ export class HumanHelper implements FaceLandmarksHelper { protected human: Human | undefined; protected faceDetectionTypes: string[]; protected baseUrl: string; private detectionInProgress = false; private lastValidFaceBox: FaceBox | undefined; /** * Configuration for human. */ private config: Partial = { backend: 'humangl', async: true, warmup: 'none', cacheModels: true, cacheSensitivity: 0, debug: false, deallocate: true, filter: { enabled: false }, face: { enabled: false, detector: { enabled: false, rotation: false, modelPath: 'blazeface-front.json', maxDetected: 20 }, mesh: { enabled: false }, iris: { enabled: false }, emotion: { enabled: false, modelPath: 'emotion.json' }, description: { enabled: false } }, hand: { enabled: false }, gesture: { enabled: false }, body: { enabled: false }, segmentation: { enabled: false } }; constructor({ baseUrl, detectionTypes }: InitInput) { this.faceDetectionTypes = detectionTypes; this.baseUrl = baseUrl; this.init(); } async init(): Promise { if (!this.human) { this.config.modelBasePath = this.baseUrl; if (!self.OffscreenCanvas) { this.config.backend = 'wasm'; this.config.wasmPath = this.baseUrl; setWasmPaths(this.baseUrl); } if (this.faceDetectionTypes.length > 0 && this.config.face) { this.config.face.enabled = true } if (this.faceDetectionTypes.includes(DETECTION_TYPES.FACE_BOX) && this.config.face?.detector) { this.config.face.detector.enabled = true; } if (this.faceDetectionTypes.includes(DETECTION_TYPES.FACE_EXPRESSIONS) && this.config.face?.emotion) { this.config.face.emotion.enabled = true; } const initialHuman = new Human(this.config); try { await initialHuman.load(); } catch (err) { console.error(err); } this.human = initialHuman; } } getFaceBox(detections: Array, threshold: number): FaceBox | undefined { if (this.getFaceCount(detections) !== 1) { return; } const faceBox: FaceBox = { // normalize to percentage based left: Math.round(detections[0].boxRaw[0] * 100), right: Math.round((detections[0].boxRaw[0] + detections[0].boxRaw[2]) * 100) }; faceBox.width = Math.round(faceBox.right - faceBox.left); if (this.lastValidFaceBox && threshold && Math.abs(this.lastValidFaceBox.left - faceBox.left) < threshold) { return; } this.lastValidFaceBox = faceBox; return faceBox; } getFaceExpression(detections: Array): string | undefined { if (this.getFaceCount(detections) !== 1) { return; } if (detections[0].emotion) { return FACE_EXPRESSIONS_NAMING_MAPPING[detections[0].emotion[0].emotion]; } } getFaceCount(detections: Array | undefined): number { if (detections) { return detections.length; } return 0; } async getDetections(image: ImageBitmap | ImageData): Promise> { if (!this.human || !this.faceDetectionTypes.length) { return []; }; const imageTensor =; const { face: detections } = await this.human.detect(imageTensor, this.config);; return detections.filter(detection => detection.score > FACE_DETECTION_SCORE_THRESHOLD); } public async detect({ image, threshold } : DetectInput): Promise { let detections; let faceExpression; let faceBox; this.detectionInProgress = true; detections = await this.getDetections(image); if (this.faceDetectionTypes.includes(DETECTION_TYPES.FACE_EXPRESSIONS)) { faceExpression = this.getFaceExpression(detections); } if (this.faceDetectionTypes.includes(DETECTION_TYPES.FACE_BOX)) { //if more than one face is detected the face centering will be disabled. if (this.getFaceCount(detections) > 1 ) { this.faceDetectionTypes.splice(this.faceDetectionTypes.indexOf(DETECTION_TYPES.FACE_BOX), 1); //face-box for re-centering faceBox = { left: 0, right: 100, width: 100, }; } else { faceBox = this.getFaceBox(detections, threshold); } } this.detectionInProgress = false; return { faceExpression, faceBox, faceCount: this.getFaceCount(detections) } } public getDetectionInProgress(): boolean { return this.detectionInProgress; } }