// @flow import { NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE } from '../../notifications'; import { showWarningNotification } from '../../notifications/actions'; import { timeout } from '../../virtual-background/functions'; import logger from '../../virtual-background/logger'; import JitsiStreamBackgroundEffect from './JitsiStreamBackgroundEffect'; import createTFLiteModule from './vendor/tflite/tflite'; import createTFLiteSIMDModule from './vendor/tflite/tflite-simd'; const models = { modelLandscape: 'libs/selfie_segmentation_landscape.tflite' }; let tflite; let wasmCheck; let isWasmDisabled = false; const segmentationDimensions = { modelLandscape: { height: 144, width: 256 } }; /** * Creates a new instance of JitsiStreamBackgroundEffect. This loads the Meet background model that is used to * extract person segmentation. * * @param {Object} virtualBackground - The virtual object that contains the background image source and * the isVirtualBackground flag that indicates if virtual image is activated. * @param {Function} dispatch - The Redux dispatch function. * @returns {Promise} */ export async function createVirtualBackgroundEffect(virtualBackground: Object, dispatch: Function) { if (!MediaStreamTrack.prototype.getSettings && !MediaStreamTrack.prototype.getConstraints) { throw new Error('JitsiStreamBackgroundEffect not supported!'); } // Checks if WebAssembly feature is supported or enabled by/in the browser. // Conditional import of wasm-check package is done to prevent // the browser from crashing when the user opens the app. if (!tflite && !isWasmDisabled) { try { wasmCheck = require('wasm-check'); const tfliteTimeout = 10000; if (wasmCheck?.feature?.simd) { tflite = await timeout(tfliteTimeout, createTFLiteSIMDModule()); } else { tflite = await timeout(tfliteTimeout, createTFLiteModule()); } } catch (err) { if (err?.message === '408') { logger.error('Failed to download tflite model!'); dispatch(showWarningNotification({ titleKey: 'virtualBackground.backgroundEffectError' }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.LONG)); } else { isWasmDisabled = true; logger.error('Looks like WebAssembly is disabled or not supported on this browser', err); dispatch(showWarningNotification({ titleKey: 'virtualBackground.webAssemblyWarning', descriptionKey: 'virtualBackground.webAssemblyWarningDescription' }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.LONG)); } return; } } else if (isWasmDisabled) { dispatch(showWarningNotification({ titleKey: 'virtualBackground.backgroundEffectError' }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.LONG)); return; } const modelBufferOffset = tflite._getModelBufferMemoryOffset(); const modelResponse = await fetch(models.modelLandscape); if (!modelResponse.ok) { throw new Error('Failed to download tflite model!'); } const model = await modelResponse.arrayBuffer(); tflite.HEAPU8.set(new Uint8Array(model), modelBufferOffset); tflite._loadModel(model.byteLength); const options = { ...segmentationDimensions.modelLandscape, virtualBackground }; return new JitsiStreamBackgroundEffect(tflite, options); }