import { BoxModel, ColorPalette, createStyleSheet, fixAndroidViewClipping } from '../../base/styles'; /** * The default color of text on the WelcomePage. */ const TEXT_COLOR = ColorPalette.white; /** * The styles of the React {@code Components} of the feature welcome including * {@code WelcomePage} and {@code BlankPage}. */ export default createStyleSheet({ /** * The style of the top-level container of {@code BlankPage}. */ blankPage: { }, /** * Join button style. */ button: { backgroundColor: ColorPalette.white, borderColor: ColorPalette.white, borderRadius: 8, borderWidth: 1, height: 45, justifyContent: 'center', marginBottom: BoxModel.margin, marginTop: BoxModel.margin }, /** * Join button text style. */ buttonText: { alignSelf: 'center', color:, fontSize: 18 }, /** * The style of the legal-related content such as (hyper)links to Privacy * Policy and Terms of Service displayed on the WelcomePage. */ legaleseContainer: { alignItems: 'center', flex: 0, flexDirection: 'row', justifyContent: 'center' }, /** * The style of a piece of legal-related content such as a (hyper)link to * Privacy Policy or Terms of Service displayed on the WelcomePage. */ legaleseItem: { color: TEXT_COLOR, fontSize: 12, margin: BoxModel.margin }, /** * The style of the {@code View} displayed over the local video by * {@code LocalVideoTrackUnderlay}. The latter is thought of as the * background (content). The former is thought of as the foreground * (content). */ localVideoTrackOverlay: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', bottom: 0, flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', left: 0, position: 'absolute', right: 0, top: 0 }, /** * The style of the top-level container/{@code View} of * {@code LocalVideoTrackUnderlay}. */ localVideoTrackUnderlay: fixAndroidViewClipping({ alignSelf: 'stretch', backgroundColor: 'transparent', flex: 1 }), /** * Container for room name input box and 'join' button. */ roomContainer: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', justifyContent: 'center', margin: 3 * BoxModel.margin }, /** * Room input style. */ textInput: { backgroundColor: 'transparent', borderColor: ColorPalette.white, borderRadius: 8, borderWidth: 1, color: TEXT_COLOR, fontSize: 23, height: 50, padding: 4, textAlign: 'center' }, /** * Application title style. */ title: { color: TEXT_COLOR, fontSize: 25, marginBottom: 2 * BoxModel.margin, textAlign: 'center' }, /** * The style of the top-level container of {@code WelcomePage}. */ welcomePage: { backgroundColor: } });