/** * Provides a wrapper class for the MediaStream. * * TODO : Add here the src from the video element and other related properties * and get rid of some of the mappings that we use throughout the UI. */ var MediaStream = (function() { /** * Creates a MediaStream object for the given data, session id and ssrc. * * @param data the data object from which we obtain the stream, * the peerjid, etc. * @param sid the session id * @param ssrc the ssrc corresponding to this MediaStream * * @constructor */ function MediaStreamProto(data, sid, ssrc) { this.stream = data.stream; this.peerjid = data.peerjid; this.ssrc = ssrc; this.session = connection.jingle.sessions[sid]; this.type = (this.stream.getVideoTracks().length > 0) ? MediaStream.VIDEO_TYPE : MediaStream.AUDIO_TYPE; this.muted = false; } return MediaStreamProto; })(); MediaStream.VIDEO_TYPE = 'Video'; MediaStream.AUDIO_TYPE = 'Audio';