/* global $, APP, JitsiMeetJS, config, interfaceConfig */ import {openConnection} from './connection'; import Invite from './modules/UI/invite/Invite'; import ContactList from './modules/UI/side_pannels/contactlist/ContactList'; import AuthHandler from './modules/UI/authentication/AuthHandler'; import ConnectionQuality from './modules/connectionquality/connectionquality'; import Recorder from './modules/recorder/Recorder'; import CQEvents from './service/connectionquality/CQEvents'; import UIEvents from './service/UI/UIEvents'; import mediaDeviceHelper from './modules/devices/mediaDeviceHelper'; import {reportError} from './modules/util/helpers'; import UIUtil from './modules/UI/util/UIUtil'; const ConnectionEvents = JitsiMeetJS.events.connection; const ConnectionErrors = JitsiMeetJS.errors.connection; const ConferenceEvents = JitsiMeetJS.events.conference; const ConferenceErrors = JitsiMeetJS.errors.conference; const TrackEvents = JitsiMeetJS.events.track; const TrackErrors = JitsiMeetJS.errors.track; let room, connection, localAudio, localVideo; /** * Indicates whether the connection is interrupted or not. */ let connectionIsInterrupted = false; /** * Indicates whether extension external installation is in progress or not. */ let DSExternalInstallationInProgress = false; import {VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE} from "./modules/UI/videolayout/VideoContainer"; /** * Known custom conference commands. */ const commands = { CONNECTION_QUALITY: "stats", EMAIL: "email", AVATAR_URL: "avatar-url", AVATAR_ID: "avatar-id", ETHERPAD: "etherpad", SHARED_VIDEO: "shared-video", CUSTOM_ROLE: "custom-role" }; /** * Open Connection. When authentication failed it shows auth dialog. * @param roomName the room name to use * @returns Promise */ function connect(roomName) { return openConnection({retry: true, roomName: roomName}) .catch(function (err) { if (err === ConnectionErrors.PASSWORD_REQUIRED) { APP.UI.notifyTokenAuthFailed(); } else { APP.UI.notifyConnectionFailed(err); } throw err; }); } /** * Creates local media tracks and connects to room. Will show error * dialogs in case if accessing local microphone and/or camera failed. Will * show guidance overlay for users on how to give access to camera and/or * microphone, * @param {string} roomName * @returns {Promise.} */ function createInitialLocalTracksAndConnect(roomName) { let audioAndVideoError, audioOnlyError; JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events.mediaDevices.PERMISSION_PROMPT_IS_SHOWN, browser => APP.UI.showUserMediaPermissionsGuidanceOverlay(browser)); // First try to retrieve both audio and video. let tryCreateLocalTracks = createLocalTracks( { devices: ['audio', 'video'] }, true) .catch(err => { // If failed then try to retrieve only audio. audioAndVideoError = err; return createLocalTracks({ devices: ['audio'] }, true); }) .catch(err => { // If audio failed too then just return empty array for tracks. audioOnlyError = err; return []; }); return Promise.all([ tryCreateLocalTracks, connect(roomName) ]) .then(([tracks, con]) => { APP.UI.hideUserMediaPermissionsGuidanceOverlay(); if (audioAndVideoError) { if (audioOnlyError) { // If both requests for 'audio' + 'video' and 'audio' only // failed, we assume that there is some problems with user's // microphone and show corresponding dialog. APP.UI.showDeviceErrorDialog(audioOnlyError, null); } else { // If request for 'audio' + 'video' failed, but request for // 'audio' only was OK, we assume that we had problems with // camera and show corresponding dialog. APP.UI.showDeviceErrorDialog(null, audioAndVideoError); } } return [tracks, con]; }); } /** * Share data to other users. * @param command the command * @param {string} value new value */ function sendData (command, value) { room.removeCommand(command); room.sendCommand(command, {value: value}); } /** * Get user nickname by user id. * @param {string} id user id * @returns {string?} user nickname or undefined if user is unknown. */ function getDisplayName (id) { if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { return APP.settings.getDisplayName(); } let participant = room.getParticipantById(id); if (participant && participant.getDisplayName()) { return participant.getDisplayName(); } } /** * Mute or unmute local audio stream if it exists. * @param {boolean} muted - if audio stream should be muted or unmuted. * @param {boolean} userInteraction - indicates if this local audio mute was a * result of user interaction */ function muteLocalAudio (muted) { muteLocalMedia(localAudio, muted, 'Audio'); } function muteLocalMedia(localMedia, muted, localMediaTypeString) { if (!localMedia) { return; } const method = muted ? 'mute' : 'unmute'; localMedia[method]().catch(reason => { console.warn(`${localMediaTypeString} ${method} was rejected:`, reason); }); } /** * Mute or unmute local video stream if it exists. * @param {boolean} muted if video stream should be muted or unmuted. */ function muteLocalVideo (muted) { muteLocalMedia(localVideo, muted, 'Video'); } /** * Check if the welcome page is enabled and redirects to it. * If requested show a thank you dialog before that. * If we have a close page enabled, redirect to it without * showing any other dialog. * @param {boolean} showThankYou whether we should show a thank you dialog */ function maybeRedirectToWelcomePage(showThankYou) { // if close page is enabled redirect to it, without further action if (config.enableClosePage) { window.location.pathname = "close.html"; return; } if (showThankYou) { APP.UI.messageHandler.openMessageDialog( null, "dialog.thankYou", {appName:interfaceConfig.APP_NAME}); } if (!config.enableWelcomePage) { return; } // redirect to welcome page setTimeout(() => { APP.settings.setWelcomePageEnabled(true); window.location.pathname = "/"; }, 3000); } /** * Create local tracks of specified types. * @param {Object} options * @param {string[]} options.devices - required track types * ('audio', 'video' etc.) * @param {string|null} (options.cameraDeviceId) - camera device id, if * undefined - one from settings will be used * @param {string|null} (options.micDeviceId) - microphone device id, if * undefined - one from settings will be used * @param {boolean} (checkForPermissionPrompt) - if lib-jitsi-meet should check * for gUM permission prompt * @returns {Promise} */ function createLocalTracks (options, checkForPermissionPrompt) { options || (options = {}); return JitsiMeetJS .createLocalTracks({ // copy array to avoid mutations inside library devices: options.devices.slice(0), resolution: config.resolution, cameraDeviceId: typeof options.cameraDeviceId === 'undefined' || options.cameraDeviceId === null ? APP.settings.getCameraDeviceId() : options.cameraDeviceId, micDeviceId: typeof options.micDeviceId === 'undefined' || options.micDeviceId === null ? APP.settings.getMicDeviceId() : options.micDeviceId, // adds any ff fake device settings if any firefox_fake_device: config.firefox_fake_device, desktopSharingExtensionExternalInstallation: options.desktopSharingExtensionExternalInstallation }, checkForPermissionPrompt).then( (tracks) => { tracks.forEach((track) => { track.on(TrackEvents.NO_DATA_FROM_SOURCE, APP.UI.showTrackNotWorkingDialog.bind(null, track)); }); return tracks; }).catch(function (err) { console.error( 'failed to create local tracks', options.devices, err); return Promise.reject(err); }); } /** * Changes the email for the local user * @param email {string} the new email */ function changeLocalEmail(email = '') { email = email.trim(); if (email === APP.settings.getEmail()) { return; } APP.settings.setEmail(email); APP.UI.setUserEmail(room.myUserId(), email); sendData(commands.EMAIL, email); } /** * Changes the display name for the local user * @param nickname {string} the new display name */ function changeLocalDisplayName(nickname = '') { nickname = nickname.trim(); if (nickname === APP.settings.getDisplayName()) { return; } APP.settings.setDisplayName(nickname); room.setDisplayName(nickname); APP.UI.changeDisplayName(APP.conference.getMyUserId(), nickname); } class ConferenceConnector { constructor(resolve, reject) { this._resolve = resolve; this._reject = reject; this.reconnectTimeout = null; room.on(ConferenceEvents.CONFERENCE_JOINED, this._handleConferenceJoined.bind(this)); room.on(ConferenceEvents.CONFERENCE_FAILED, this._onConferenceFailed.bind(this)); room.on(ConferenceEvents.CONFERENCE_ERROR, this._onConferenceError.bind(this)); } _handleConferenceFailed(err) { this._unsubscribe(); this._reject(err); } _onConferenceFailed(err, ...params) { console.error('CONFERENCE FAILED:', err, ...params); APP.UI.hideRingOverLay(); switch (err) { // room is locked by the password case ConferenceErrors.PASSWORD_REQUIRED: APP.UI.emitEvent(UIEvents.PASSWORD_REQUIRED); break; case ConferenceErrors.CONNECTION_ERROR: { let [msg] = params; APP.UI.notifyConnectionFailed(msg); } break; case ConferenceErrors.NOT_ALLOWED_ERROR: { // let's show some auth not allowed page window.location.pathname = "authError.html"; } break; // not enough rights to create conference case ConferenceErrors.AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED: // schedule reconnect to check if someone else created the room this.reconnectTimeout = setTimeout(function () { room.join(); }, 5000); // notify user that auth is required AuthHandler.requireAuth(room, this.invite.getRoomLocker().password); break; case ConferenceErrors.RESERVATION_ERROR: { let [code, msg] = params; APP.UI.notifyReservationError(code, msg); } break; case ConferenceErrors.GRACEFUL_SHUTDOWN: APP.UI.notifyGracefulShutdown(); break; case ConferenceErrors.JINGLE_FATAL_ERROR: APP.UI.notifyInternalError(); break; case ConferenceErrors.CONFERENCE_DESTROYED: { let [reason] = params; APP.UI.hideStats(); APP.UI.notifyConferenceDestroyed(reason); } break; // FIXME FOCUS_DISCONNECTED is confusing event name. // What really happens there is that the library is not ready yet, // because Jicofo is not available, but it is going to give // it another try. case ConferenceErrors.FOCUS_DISCONNECTED: { let [focus, retrySec] = params; APP.UI.notifyFocusDisconnected(focus, retrySec); } break; case ConferenceErrors.FOCUS_LEFT: case ConferenceErrors.VIDEOBRIDGE_NOT_AVAILABLE: // Log the page reload event // FIXME (CallStats - issue) this event will not make it to // the CallStats, because the log queue is not flushed, before // "fabric terminated" is sent to the backed APP.conference.logEvent('page.reload'); // FIXME the conference should be stopped by the library and not by // the app. Both the errors above are unrecoverable from the library // perspective. room.leave().then(() => connection.disconnect()); APP.UI.showPageReloadOverlay(); break; case ConferenceErrors.CONFERENCE_MAX_USERS: connection.disconnect(); APP.UI.notifyMaxUsersLimitReached(); break; case ConferenceErrors.INCOMPATIBLE_SERVER_VERSIONS: window.location.reload(); break; default: this._handleConferenceFailed(err, ...params); } } _onConferenceError(err, ...params) { console.error('CONFERENCE Error:', err, params); switch (err) { case ConferenceErrors.CHAT_ERROR: { let [code, msg] = params; APP.UI.showChatError(code, msg); } break; default: console.error("Unknown error."); } } _unsubscribe() { room.off( ConferenceEvents.CONFERENCE_JOINED, this._handleConferenceJoined); room.off( ConferenceEvents.CONFERENCE_FAILED, this._onConferenceFailed); if (this.reconnectTimeout !== null) { clearTimeout(this.reconnectTimeout); } AuthHandler.closeAuth(); } _handleConferenceJoined() { this._unsubscribe(); this._resolve(); } connect() { room.join(); } } /** * Disconnects the connection. * @returns resolved Promise. We need this in order to make the Promise.all * call in hangup() to resolve when all operations are finished. */ function disconnect() { connection.disconnect(); APP.API.notifyConferenceLeft(APP.conference.roomName); return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Set permanent ptoperties to analytics. * NOTE: Has to be used after JitsiMeetJS.init. otherwise analytics will be * null. */ function setAnalyticsPermanentProperties() { let permanentProperties = { userAgent: navigator.userAgent, roomName: APP.conference.roomName }; let {server, group} = APP.tokenData; if(server) { permanentProperties.server = server; } if(group) { permanentProperties.group = group; } JitsiMeetJS.analytics.addPermanentProperties(permanentProperties); } export default { isModerator: false, audioMuted: false, videoMuted: false, isSharingScreen: false, isDesktopSharingEnabled: false, /* * Whether the local "raisedHand" flag is on. */ isHandRaised: false, /* * Whether the local participant is the dominant speaker in the conference. */ isDominantSpeaker: false, /** * Open new connection and join to the conference. * @param {object} options * @param {string} roomName name of the conference * @returns {Promise} */ init(options) { this.roomName = options.roomName; JitsiMeetJS.setLogLevel(JitsiMeetJS.logLevels.TRACE); // attaches global error handler, if there is already one, respect it if(JitsiMeetJS.getGlobalOnErrorHandler){ var oldOnErrorHandler = window.onerror; window.onerror = function (message, source, lineno, colno, error) { JitsiMeetJS.getGlobalOnErrorHandler( message, source, lineno, colno, error); if(oldOnErrorHandler) oldOnErrorHandler(message, source, lineno, colno, error); }; var oldOnUnhandledRejection = window.onunhandledrejection; window.onunhandledrejection = function(event) { JitsiMeetJS.getGlobalOnErrorHandler( null, null, null, null, event.reason); if(oldOnUnhandledRejection) oldOnUnhandledRejection(event); }; } return JitsiMeetJS.init(config) .then(() => { setAnalyticsPermanentProperties(); return createInitialLocalTracksAndConnect(options.roomName); }).then(([tracks, con]) => { console.log('initialized with %s local tracks', tracks.length); APP.connection = connection = con; this._bindConnectionFailedHandler(con); this._createRoom(tracks); this.isDesktopSharingEnabled = JitsiMeetJS.isDesktopSharingEnabled(); APP.UI.ContactList = new ContactList(room); // if user didn't give access to mic or camera or doesn't have // them at all, we disable corresponding toolbar buttons if (!tracks.find((t) => t.isAudioTrack())) { APP.UI.setMicrophoneButtonEnabled(false); } if (!tracks.find((t) => t.isVideoTrack())) { APP.UI.setCameraButtonEnabled(false); } this._initDeviceList(); if (config.iAmRecorder) this.recorder = new Recorder(); // XXX The API will take care of disconnecting from the XMPP // server (and, thus, leaving the room) on unload. return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { (new ConferenceConnector(resolve, reject)).connect(); }); }); }, /** * Check if id is id of the local user. * @param {string} id id to check * @returns {boolean} */ isLocalId (id) { return this.getMyUserId() === id; }, /** * Binds a handler that will handle the case when the connection is dropped * in the middle of the conference. * @param {JitsiConnection} connection the connection to which the handler * will be bound to. * @private */ _bindConnectionFailedHandler (connection) { const handler = function (error, errMsg) { if (ConnectionErrors.OTHER_ERROR === error) { // - item-not-found // - connection dropped(closed by Strophe unexpectedly // possible due too many transport errors) console.error("XMPP connection error: " + errMsg); APP.UI.showPageReloadOverlay(); connection.removeEventListener( ConnectionEvents.CONNECTION_FAILED, handler); // FIXME it feels like the conference should be stopped // by lib-jitsi-meet if (room) room.leave(); } }; connection.addEventListener( ConnectionEvents.CONNECTION_FAILED, handler); }, /** * Simulates toolbar button click for audio mute. Used by shortcuts and API. * @param mute true for mute and false for unmute. */ muteAudio (mute) { muteLocalAudio(mute); }, /** * Returns whether local audio is muted or not. * @returns {boolean} */ isLocalAudioMuted() { return this.audioMuted; }, /** * Simulates toolbar button click for audio mute. Used by shortcuts and API. */ toggleAudioMuted () { this.muteAudio(!this.audioMuted); }, /** * Simulates toolbar button click for video mute. Used by shortcuts and API. * @param mute true for mute and false for unmute. */ muteVideo (mute) { muteLocalVideo(mute); }, /** * Simulates toolbar button click for video mute. Used by shortcuts and API. */ toggleVideoMuted () { this.muteVideo(!this.videoMuted); }, /** * Retrieve list of conference participants (without local user). * @returns {JitsiParticipant[]} */ listMembers () { return room.getParticipants(); }, /** * Retrieve list of ids of conference participants (without local user). * @returns {string[]} */ listMembersIds () { return room.getParticipants().map(p => p.getId()); }, /** * Checks whether the participant identified by id is a moderator. * @id id to search for participant * @return {boolean} whether the participant is moderator */ isParticipantModerator (id) { let user = room.getParticipantById(id); return user && user.isModerator(); }, /** * Check if SIP is supported. * @returns {boolean} */ sipGatewayEnabled () { return room.isSIPCallingSupported(); }, get membersCount () { return room.getParticipants().length + 1; }, /** * Returns true if the callstats integration is enabled, otherwise returns * false. * * @returns true if the callstats integration is enabled, otherwise returns * false. */ isCallstatsEnabled () { return room.isCallstatsEnabled(); }, /** * Sends the given feedback through CallStats if enabled. * * @param overallFeedback an integer between 1 and 5 indicating the * user feedback * @param detailedFeedback detailed feedback from the user. Not yet used */ sendFeedback (overallFeedback, detailedFeedback) { return room.sendFeedback (overallFeedback, detailedFeedback); }, /** * Returns the connection times stored in the library. */ getConnectionTimes () { return this._room.getConnectionTimes(); }, // used by torture currently isJoined () { return this._room && this._room.isJoined(); }, getConnectionState () { return this._room && this._room.getConnectionState(); }, /** * Checks whether or not our connection is currently in interrupted and * reconnect attempts are in progress. * * @returns {boolean} true if the connection is in interrupted state or * false otherwise. */ isConnectionInterrupted () { return connectionIsInterrupted; }, /** * Finds JitsiParticipant for given id. * * @param {string} id participant's identifier(MUC nickname). * * @returns {JitsiParticipant|null} participant instance for given id or * null if not found. */ getParticipantById (id) { return room ? room.getParticipantById(id) : null; }, /** * Checks whether the user identified by given id is currently connected. * * @param {string} id participant's identifier(MUC nickname) * * @returns {boolean|null} true if participant's connection is ok or false * if the user is having connectivity issues. */ isParticipantConnectionActive (id) { let participant = this.getParticipantById(id); return participant ? participant.isConnectionActive() : null; }, /** * Gets the display name foe the JitsiParticipant identified by * the given id. * * @param id {string} the participant's id(MUC nickname/JVB endpoint id) * * @return {string} the participant's display name or the default string if * absent. */ getParticipantDisplayName (id) { let displayName = getDisplayName(id); if (displayName) { return displayName; } else { if (APP.conference.isLocalId(id)) { return APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( interfaceConfig.DEFAULT_LOCAL_DISPLAY_NAME); } else { return interfaceConfig.DEFAULT_REMOTE_DISPLAY_NAME; } } }, getMyUserId () { return this._room && this._room.myUserId(); }, /** * Indicates if recording is supported in this conference. */ isRecordingSupported() { return this._room && this._room.isRecordingSupported(); }, /** * Returns the recording state or undefined if the room is not defined. */ getRecordingState() { return (this._room) ? this._room.getRecordingState() : undefined; }, /** * Will be filled with values only when config.debug is enabled. * Its used by torture to check audio levels. */ audioLevelsMap: {}, /** * Returns the stored audio level (stored only if config.debug is enabled) * @param id the id for the user audio level to return (the id value is * returned for the participant using getMyUserId() method) */ getPeerSSRCAudioLevel (id) { return this.audioLevelsMap[id]; }, /** * @return {number} the number of participants in the conference with at * least one track. */ getNumberOfParticipantsWithTracks() { return this._room.getParticipants() .filter((p) => p.getTracks().length > 0) .length; }, /** * Returns the stats. */ getStats() { return ConnectionQuality.getStats(); }, // end used by torture getLogs () { return room.getLogs(); }, /** * Download logs, a function that can be called from console while * debugging. * @param filename (optional) specify target filename */ saveLogs (filename = 'meetlog.json') { // this can be called from console and will not have reference to this // that's why we reference the global var let logs = APP.conference.getLogs(); let data = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(logs, null, ' ')); let elem = document.createElement('a'); elem.download = filename; elem.href = 'data:application/json;charset=utf-8,\n' + data; elem.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/json', elem.download, elem.href].join(':'); elem.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('click', { view: window, bubbles: true, cancelable: false })); }, /** * Exposes a Command(s) API on this instance. It is necessitated by (1) the * desire to keep room private to this instance and (2) the need of other * modules to send and receive commands to and from participants. * Eventually, this instance remains in control with respect to the * decision whether the Command(s) API of room (i.e. lib-jitsi-meet's * JitsiConference) is to be used in the implementation of the Command(s) * API of this instance. */ commands: { /** * Known custom conference commands. */ defaults: commands, /** * Receives notifications from other participants about commands aka * custom events (sent by sendCommand or sendCommandOnce methods). * @param command {String} the name of the command * @param handler {Function} handler for the command */ addCommandListener () { room.addCommandListener.apply(room, arguments); }, /** * Removes command. * @param name {String} the name of the command. */ removeCommand () { room.removeCommand.apply(room, arguments); }, /** * Sends command. * @param name {String} the name of the command. * @param values {Object} with keys and values that will be sent. */ sendCommand () { room.sendCommand.apply(room, arguments); }, /** * Sends command one time. * @param name {String} the name of the command. * @param values {Object} with keys and values that will be sent. */ sendCommandOnce () { room.sendCommandOnce.apply(room, arguments); } }, _createRoom (localTracks) { room = connection.initJitsiConference(APP.conference.roomName, this._getConferenceOptions()); this._setLocalAudioVideoStreams(localTracks); this.invite = new Invite(room); this._room = room; // FIXME do not use this let email = APP.settings.getEmail(); email && sendData(this.commands.defaults.EMAIL, email); let avatarUrl = APP.settings.getAvatarUrl(); avatarUrl && sendData(this.commands.defaults.AVATAR_URL, avatarUrl); !email && sendData( this.commands.defaults.AVATAR_ID, APP.settings.getAvatarId()); let nick = APP.settings.getDisplayName(); if (config.useNicks && !nick) { nick = APP.UI.askForNickname(); APP.settings.setDisplayName(nick); } nick && room.setDisplayName(nick); this._setupListeners(); }, /** * Sets local video and audio streams. * @param {JitsiLocalTrack[]} tracks=[] * @returns {Promise[]} * @private */ _setLocalAudioVideoStreams(tracks = []) { return tracks.map(track => { if (track.isAudioTrack()) { return this.useAudioStream(track); } else if (track.isVideoTrack()) { return this.useVideoStream(track); } else { console.error( "Ignored not an audio nor a video track: ", track); return Promise.resolve(); } }); }, _getConferenceOptions() { let options = config; if(config.enableRecording && !config.recordingType) { options.recordingType = (config.hosts && (typeof config.hosts.jirecon != "undefined"))? "jirecon" : "colibri"; } return options; }, /** * Start using provided video stream. * Stops previous video stream. * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} [stream] new stream to use or null * @returns {Promise} */ useVideoStream (stream) { let promise = Promise.resolve(); if (localVideo) { // this calls room.removeTrack internally // so we don't need to remove it manually promise = localVideo.dispose(); } localVideo = stream; return promise.then(function () { if (stream) { return room.addTrack(stream); } }).then(() => { if (stream) { this.videoMuted = stream.isMuted(); this.isSharingScreen = stream.videoType === 'desktop'; APP.UI.addLocalStream(stream); stream.videoType === 'camera' && APP.UI.setCameraButtonEnabled(true); } else { this.videoMuted = false; this.isSharingScreen = false; } APP.UI.setVideoMuted(this.getMyUserId(), this.videoMuted); APP.UI.updateDesktopSharingButtons(); }); }, /** * Start using provided audio stream. * Stops previous audio stream. * @param {JitsiLocalTrack} [stream] new stream to use or null * @returns {Promise} */ useAudioStream (stream) { let promise = Promise.resolve(); if (localAudio) { // this calls room.removeTrack internally // so we don't need to remove it manually promise = localAudio.dispose(); } localAudio = stream; return promise.then(function () { if (stream) { return room.addTrack(stream); } }).then(() => { if (stream) { this.audioMuted = stream.isMuted(); APP.UI.addLocalStream(stream); } else { this.audioMuted = false; } APP.UI.setMicrophoneButtonEnabled(true); APP.UI.setAudioMuted(this.getMyUserId(), this.audioMuted); }); }, videoSwitchInProgress: false, toggleScreenSharing (shareScreen = !this.isSharingScreen) { if (this.videoSwitchInProgress) { console.warn("Switch in progress."); return; } if (!this.isDesktopSharingEnabled) { console.warn("Cannot toggle screen sharing: not supported."); return; } this.videoSwitchInProgress = true; let externalInstallation = false; if (shareScreen) { createLocalTracks({ devices: ['desktop'], desktopSharingExtensionExternalInstallation: { interval: 500, checkAgain: () => { return DSExternalInstallationInProgress; }, listener: (status, url) => { switch(status) { case "waitingForExtension": DSExternalInstallationInProgress = true; externalInstallation = true; APP.UI.showExtensionExternalInstallationDialog( url); break; case "extensionFound": if(externalInstallation) //close the dialog $.prompt.close(); break; default: //Unknown status } } } }).then(([stream]) => { DSExternalInstallationInProgress = false; // close external installation dialog on success. if(externalInstallation) $.prompt.close(); stream.on( TrackEvents.LOCAL_TRACK_STOPPED, () => { // if stream was stopped during screensharing session // then we should switch to video // otherwise we stopped it because we already switched // to video, so nothing to do here if (this.isSharingScreen) { this.toggleScreenSharing(false); } } ); return this.useVideoStream(stream); }).then(() => { this.videoSwitchInProgress = false; JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent( 'conference.sharingDesktop.start'); console.log('sharing local desktop'); }).catch((err) => { // close external installation dialog to show the error. if(externalInstallation) $.prompt.close(); this.videoSwitchInProgress = false; this.toggleScreenSharing(false); if (err.name === TrackErrors.CHROME_EXTENSION_USER_CANCELED) { return; } console.error('failed to share local desktop', err); if (err.name === TrackErrors.FIREFOX_EXTENSION_NEEDED) { APP.UI.showExtensionRequiredDialog( config.desktopSharingFirefoxExtensionURL ); return; } // Handling: // TrackErrors.PERMISSION_DENIED // TrackErrors.CHROME_EXTENSION_INSTALLATION_ERROR // TrackErrors.GENERAL // and any other let dialogTxt; let dialogTitleKey; if (err.name === TrackErrors.PERMISSION_DENIED) { dialogTxt = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.screenSharingPermissionDeniedError"); dialogTitleKey = "dialog.error"; } else { dialogTxt = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML( "dialog.failtoinstall"); dialogTitleKey = "dialog.permissionDenied"; } APP.UI.messageHandler.openDialog( dialogTitleKey, dialogTxt, false); }); } else { createLocalTracks({ devices: ['video'] }).then( ([stream]) => this.useVideoStream(stream) ).then(() => { this.videoSwitchInProgress = false; JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent( 'conference.sharingDesktop.stop'); console.log('sharing local video'); }).catch((err) => { this.useVideoStream(null); this.videoSwitchInProgress = false; console.error('failed to share local video', err); }); } }, /** * Setup interaction between conference and UI. */ _setupListeners () { // add local streams when joined to the conference room.on(ConferenceEvents.CONFERENCE_JOINED, () => { APP.UI.mucJoined(); APP.API.notifyConferenceJoined(APP.conference.roomName); connectionIsInterrupted = false; APP.UI.markVideoInterrupted(false); }); room.on( ConferenceEvents.AUTH_STATUS_CHANGED, function (authEnabled, authLogin) { APP.UI.updateAuthInfo(authEnabled, authLogin); } ); room.on(ConferenceEvents.USER_JOINED, (id, user) => { if (user.isHidden()) return; console.log('USER %s connnected', id, user); APP.API.notifyUserJoined(id); APP.UI.addUser(user); // check the roles for the new user and reflect them APP.UI.updateUserRole(user); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.USER_LEFT, (id, user) => { console.log('USER %s LEFT', id, user); APP.API.notifyUserLeft(id); APP.UI.removeUser(id, user.getDisplayName()); APP.UI.onSharedVideoStop(id); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.USER_ROLE_CHANGED, (id, role) => { if (this.isLocalId(id)) { console.info(`My role changed, new role: ${role}`); if (this.isModerator !== room.isModerator()) { this.isModerator = room.isModerator(); APP.UI.updateLocalRole(room.isModerator()); } } else { let user = room.getParticipantById(id); if (user) { APP.UI.updateUserRole(user); } } }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.TRACK_ADDED, (track) => { if(!track || track.isLocal()) return; track.on(TrackEvents.TRACK_VIDEOTYPE_CHANGED, (type) => { APP.UI.onPeerVideoTypeChanged(track.getParticipantId(), type); }); APP.UI.addRemoteStream(track); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.TRACK_REMOVED, (track) => { if(!track || track.isLocal()) return; APP.UI.removeRemoteStream(track); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.TRACK_MUTE_CHANGED, (track) => { if(!track) return; const handler = (track.getType() === "audio")? APP.UI.setAudioMuted : APP.UI.setVideoMuted; let id; const mute = track.isMuted(); if(track.isLocal()){ id = APP.conference.getMyUserId(); if(track.getType() === "audio") { this.audioMuted = mute; } else { this.videoMuted = mute; } } else { id = track.getParticipantId(); } handler(id , mute); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.TRACK_AUDIO_LEVEL_CHANGED, (id, lvl) => { if(this.isLocalId(id) && localAudio && localAudio.isMuted()) { lvl = 0; } if(config.debug) { this.audioLevelsMap[id] = lvl; if(config.debugAudioLevels) console.log("AudioLevel:" + id + "/" + lvl); } APP.UI.setAudioLevel(id, lvl); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.TALK_WHILE_MUTED, () => { APP.UI.showToolbar(6000); UIUtil.animateShowElement($("#talkWhileMutedPopup"), true, 5000); }); /* room.on(ConferenceEvents.IN_LAST_N_CHANGED, (inLastN) => { //FIXME if (config.muteLocalVideoIfNotInLastN) { // TODO mute or unmute if required // mark video on UI // APP.UI.markVideoMuted(true/false); } }); */ room.on( ConferenceEvents.LAST_N_ENDPOINTS_CHANGED, (ids, enteringIds) => { APP.UI.handleLastNEndpoints(ids, enteringIds); }); room.on( ConferenceEvents.PARTICIPANT_CONN_STATUS_CHANGED, (id, isActive) => { APP.UI.participantConnectionStatusChanged(id, isActive); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.DOMINANT_SPEAKER_CHANGED, (id) => { if (this.isLocalId(id)) { this.isDominantSpeaker = true; this.setRaisedHand(false); } else { this.isDominantSpeaker = false; var participant = room.getParticipantById(id); if (participant) { APP.UI.setRaisedHandStatus(participant, false); } } APP.UI.markDominantSpeaker(id); }); if (!interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly) { room.on(ConferenceEvents.CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED, () => { APP.UI.markVideoInterrupted(true); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.CONNECTION_RESTORED, () => { APP.UI.markVideoInterrupted(false); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.MESSAGE_RECEIVED, (id, text, ts) => { let nick = getDisplayName(id); APP.API.notifyReceivedChatMessage(id, nick, text, ts); APP.UI.addMessage(id, nick, text, ts); }); } room.on(ConferenceEvents.CONNECTION_INTERRUPTED, () => { connectionIsInterrupted = true; ConnectionQuality.updateLocalConnectionQuality(0); APP.UI.showLocalConnectionInterrupted(true); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.CONNECTION_RESTORED, () => { connectionIsInterrupted = false; APP.UI.showLocalConnectionInterrupted(false); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGED, (id, displayName) => { APP.API.notifyDisplayNameChanged(id, displayName); APP.UI.changeDisplayName(id, displayName); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.PARTICIPANT_PROPERTY_CHANGED, (participant, name, oldValue, newValue) => { if (name === "raisedHand") { APP.UI.setRaisedHandStatus(participant, newValue); } }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.RECORDER_STATE_CHANGED, (status, error) => { console.log("Received recorder status change: ", status, error); APP.UI.updateRecordingState(status); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.KICKED, () => { APP.UI.hideStats(); APP.UI.notifyKicked(); // FIXME close }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.DTMF_SUPPORT_CHANGED, (isDTMFSupported) => { APP.UI.updateDTMFSupport(isDTMFSupported); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.EXTERNAL_INSTALLATION_CANCELED, () => { // Wait a little bit more just to be sure that we won't miss the // extension installation setTimeout(() => DSExternalInstallationInProgress = false, 500); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.OPEN_EXTENSION_STORE, (url) => { window.open( url, "extension_store_window", "resizable,scrollbars=yes,status=1"); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.AUDIO_MUTED, muteLocalAudio); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.VIDEO_MUTED, muteLocalVideo); if (!interfaceConfig.filmStripOnly) { APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.MESSAGE_CREATED, (message) => { APP.API.notifySendingChatMessage(message); room.sendTextMessage(message); }); } room.on(ConferenceEvents.CONNECTION_STATS, function (stats) { // if we say video muted we will use old method of calculating // quality and will not depend on localVideo if it is missing ConnectionQuality.updateLocalStats( stats, connectionIsInterrupted, localVideo ? localVideo.videoType : undefined, localVideo ? localVideo.isMuted() : true, localVideo ? localVideo.resolution : null); }); ConnectionQuality.addListener(CQEvents.LOCALSTATS_UPDATED, (percent, stats) => { APP.UI.updateLocalStats(percent, stats); // Send only the data that remote participants care about. let data = { bitrate: stats.bitrate, packetLoss: stats.packetLoss}; if (localVideo && localVideo.resolution) { data.resolution = localVideo.resolution; } try { room.broadcastEndpointMessage({ type: this.commands.defaults.CONNECTION_QUALITY, values: data }); } catch (e) { reportError(e); } }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.ENDPOINT_MESSAGE_RECEIVED, (participant, payload) => { switch(payload.type) { case this.commands.defaults.CONNECTION_QUALITY: { let remoteVideo = participant.getTracks() .find(tr => tr.isVideoTrack()); ConnectionQuality.updateRemoteStats( participant.getId(), payload.values, remoteVideo ? remoteVideo.videoType : undefined, remoteVideo ? remoteVideo.isMuted() : undefined); break; } default: console.warn("Unknown datachannel message", payload); } }); ConnectionQuality.addListener(CQEvents.REMOTESTATS_UPDATED, (id, percent, stats) => { APP.UI.updateRemoteStats(id, percent, stats); }); room.addCommandListener(this.commands.defaults.ETHERPAD, ({value}) => { APP.UI.initEtherpad(value); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.EMAIL_CHANGED, changeLocalEmail); room.addCommandListener(this.commands.defaults.EMAIL, (data, from) => { APP.UI.setUserEmail(from, data.value); }); room.addCommandListener(this.commands.defaults.AVATAR_URL, (data, from) => { APP.UI.setUserAvatarUrl(from, data.value); }); room.addCommandListener(this.commands.defaults.AVATAR_ID, (data, from) => { APP.UI.setUserAvatarID(from, data.value); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.NICKNAME_CHANGED, changeLocalDisplayName); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.START_MUTED_CHANGED, (startAudioMuted, startVideoMuted) => { room.setStartMutedPolicy({ audio: startAudioMuted, video: startVideoMuted }); } ); room.on( ConferenceEvents.START_MUTED_POLICY_CHANGED, ({ audio, video }) => { APP.UI.onStartMutedChanged(audio, video); } ); room.on(ConferenceEvents.STARTED_MUTED, () => { (room.isStartAudioMuted() || room.isStartVideoMuted()) && APP.UI.notifyInitiallyMuted(); }); room.on( ConferenceEvents.AVAILABLE_DEVICES_CHANGED, function (id, devices) { APP.UI.updateDevicesAvailability(id, devices); } ); // call hangup APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.HANGUP, () => { this.hangup(true); }); // logout APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.LOGOUT, () => { AuthHandler.logout(room).then(url => { if (url) { window.location.href = url; } else { this.hangup(true); } }); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.SIP_DIAL, (sipNumber) => { room.dial(sipNumber); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.RESOLUTION_CHANGED, (id, oldResolution, newResolution, delay) => { var logObject = { id: "resolution_change", participant: id, oldValue: oldResolution, newValue: newResolution, delay: delay }; room.sendApplicationLog(JSON.stringify(logObject)); // We only care about the delay between simulcast streams. // Longer delays will be caused by something else and will just // poison the data. if (delay < 2000) { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('stream.switch.delay', {value: delay}); } }); // Starts or stops the recording for the conference. APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.RECORDING_TOGGLED, (options) => { room.toggleRecording(options); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.SUBJECT_CHANGED, (topic) => { room.setSubject(topic); }); room.on(ConferenceEvents.SUBJECT_CHANGED, function (subject) { APP.UI.setSubject(subject); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.USER_KICKED, (id) => { room.kickParticipant(id); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.REMOTE_AUDIO_MUTED, (id) => { room.muteParticipant(id); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.AUTH_CLICKED, () => { AuthHandler.authenticate(room); }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.SELECTED_ENDPOINT, (id) => { try { // do not try to select participant if there is none (we are // alone in the room), otherwise an error will be thrown cause // reporting mechanism is not available (datachannels currently) if (room.getParticipants().length === 0) return; room.selectParticipant(id); } catch (e) { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('selectParticipant.failed'); reportError(e); } }); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.PINNED_ENDPOINT, (smallVideo, isPinned) => { var smallVideoId = smallVideo.getId(); // FIXME why VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE instead of checking if // the participant is on the large video ? if (smallVideo.getVideoType() === VIDEO_CONTAINER_TYPE && !APP.conference.isLocalId(smallVideoId)) { // When the library starts supporting multiple pins we would // pass the isPinned parameter together with the identifier, // but currently we send null to indicate that we unpin the // last pinned. try { room.pinParticipant(isPinned ? smallVideoId : null); } catch (e) { reportError(e); } } }); APP.UI.addListener( UIEvents.VIDEO_DEVICE_CHANGED, (cameraDeviceId) => { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent('settings.changeDevice.video'); createLocalTracks({ devices: ['video'], cameraDeviceId: cameraDeviceId, micDeviceId: null }) .then(([stream]) => { this.useVideoStream(stream); console.log('switched local video device'); APP.settings.setCameraDeviceId(cameraDeviceId, true); }) .catch((err) => { APP.UI.showDeviceErrorDialog(null, err); APP.UI.setSelectedCameraFromSettings(); }); } ); APP.UI.addListener( UIEvents.AUDIO_DEVICE_CHANGED, (micDeviceId) => { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent( 'settings.changeDevice.audioIn'); createLocalTracks({ devices: ['audio'], cameraDeviceId: null, micDeviceId: micDeviceId }) .then(([stream]) => { this.useAudioStream(stream); console.log('switched local audio device'); APP.settings.setMicDeviceId(micDeviceId, true); }) .catch((err) => { APP.UI.showDeviceErrorDialog(err, null); APP.UI.setSelectedMicFromSettings(); }); } ); APP.UI.addListener( UIEvents.AUDIO_OUTPUT_DEVICE_CHANGED, (audioOutputDeviceId) => { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent( 'settings.changeDevice.audioOut'); APP.settings.setAudioOutputDeviceId(audioOutputDeviceId) .then(() => console.log('changed audio output device')) .catch((err) => { console.warn('Failed to change audio output device. ' + 'Default or previously set audio output device ' + 'will be used instead.', err); APP.UI.setSelectedAudioOutputFromSettings(); }); } ); APP.UI.addListener( UIEvents.TOGGLE_SCREENSHARING, this.toggleScreenSharing.bind(this) ); APP.UI.addListener(UIEvents.UPDATE_SHARED_VIDEO, (url, state, time, isMuted, volume) => { // send start and stop commands once, and remove any updates // that had left if (state === 'stop' || state === 'start' || state === 'playing') { room.removeCommand(this.commands.defaults.SHARED_VIDEO); room.sendCommandOnce(this.commands.defaults.SHARED_VIDEO, { value: url, attributes: { state: state, time: time, muted: isMuted, volume: volume } }); } else { // in case of paused, in order to allow late users to join // paused room.removeCommand(this.commands.defaults.SHARED_VIDEO); room.sendCommand(this.commands.defaults.SHARED_VIDEO, { value: url, attributes: { state: state, time: time, muted: isMuted, volume: volume } }); } }); room.addCommandListener( this.commands.defaults.SHARED_VIDEO, ({value, attributes}, id) => { if (attributes.state === 'stop') { APP.UI.onSharedVideoStop(id, attributes); } else if (attributes.state === 'start') { APP.UI.onSharedVideoStart(id, value, attributes); } else if (attributes.state === 'playing' || attributes.state === 'pause') { APP.UI.onSharedVideoUpdate(id, value, attributes); } }); }, /** * Adds any room listener. * @param eventName one of the ConferenceEvents * @param callBack the function to be called when the event occurs */ addConferenceListener(eventName, callBack) { room.on(eventName, callBack); }, /** * Inits list of current devices and event listener for device change. * @private */ _initDeviceList() { if (JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceListAvailable() && JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.isDeviceChangeAvailable()) { JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices(devices => { // Ugly way to synchronize real device IDs with local // storage and settings menu. This is a workaround until // getConstraints() method will be implemented in browsers. if (localAudio) { APP.settings.setMicDeviceId( localAudio.getDeviceId(), false); } if (localVideo) { APP.settings.setCameraDeviceId( localVideo.getDeviceId(), false); } mediaDeviceHelper.setCurrentMediaDevices(devices); APP.UI.onAvailableDevicesChanged(devices); }); JitsiMeetJS.mediaDevices.addEventListener( JitsiMeetJS.events.mediaDevices.DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED, (devices) => window.setTimeout( () => this._onDeviceListChanged(devices), 0)); } }, /** * Event listener for JitsiMediaDevicesEvents.DEVICE_LIST_CHANGED to * handle change of available media devices. * @private * @param {MediaDeviceInfo[]} devices * @returns {Promise} */ _onDeviceListChanged(devices) { let currentDevices = mediaDeviceHelper.getCurrentMediaDevices(); // Event handler can be fired before direct // enumerateDevices() call, so handle this situation here. if (!currentDevices.audioinput && !currentDevices.videoinput && !currentDevices.audiooutput) { mediaDeviceHelper.setCurrentMediaDevices(devices); currentDevices = mediaDeviceHelper.getCurrentMediaDevices(); } let newDevices = mediaDeviceHelper.getNewMediaDevicesAfterDeviceListChanged( devices, this.isSharingScreen, localVideo, localAudio); let promises = []; let audioWasMuted = this.audioMuted; let videoWasMuted = this.videoMuted; let availableAudioInputDevices = mediaDeviceHelper.getDevicesFromListByKind(devices, 'audioinput'); let availableVideoInputDevices = mediaDeviceHelper.getDevicesFromListByKind(devices, 'videoinput'); if (typeof newDevices.audiooutput !== 'undefined') { // Just ignore any errors in catch block. promises.push(APP.settings .setAudioOutputDeviceId(newDevices.audiooutput) .catch()); } promises.push( mediaDeviceHelper.createLocalTracksAfterDeviceListChanged( createLocalTracks, newDevices.videoinput, newDevices.audioinput) .then(tracks => Promise.all(this._setLocalAudioVideoStreams(tracks))) .then(() => { // If audio was muted before, or we unplugged current device // and selected new one, then mute new audio track. if (audioWasMuted || currentDevices.audioinput.length > availableAudioInputDevices.length) { muteLocalAudio(true); } // If video was muted before, or we unplugged current device // and selected new one, then mute new video track. if (videoWasMuted || currentDevices.videoinput.length > availableVideoInputDevices.length) { muteLocalVideo(true); } })); return Promise.all(promises) .then(() => { mediaDeviceHelper.setCurrentMediaDevices(devices); APP.UI.onAvailableDevicesChanged(devices); }); }, /** * Toggles the local "raised hand" status. */ maybeToggleRaisedHand() { this.setRaisedHand(!this.isHandRaised); }, /** * Sets the local "raised hand" status to a particular value. */ setRaisedHand(raisedHand) { if (raisedHand !== this.isHandRaised) { APP.UI.onLocalRaiseHandChanged(raisedHand); this.isHandRaised = raisedHand; // Advertise the updated status room.setLocalParticipantProperty("raisedHand", raisedHand); // Update the view APP.UI.setLocalRaisedHandStatus(raisedHand); } }, /** * Log event to callstats and analytics. * @param {string} name the event name * @param {int} value the value (it's int because google analytics supports * only int). * NOTE: Should be used after conference.init */ logEvent(name, value) { if(JitsiMeetJS.analytics) { JitsiMeetJS.analytics.sendEvent(name, {value}); } if(room) { room.sendApplicationLog(JSON.stringify({name, value})); } }, /** * Disconnect from the conference and optionally request user feedback. * @param {boolean} [requestFeedback=false] if user feedback should be * requested */ hangup (requestFeedback = false) { APP.UI.hideRingOverLay(); let requestFeedbackPromise = requestFeedback ? APP.UI.requestFeedbackOnHangup() // false - because the thank you dialog shouldn't be displayed .catch(() => Promise.resolve(false)) : Promise.resolve(true);// true - because the thank you dialog //should be displayed // All promises are returning Promise.resolve to make Promise.all to // be resolved when both Promises are finished. Otherwise Promise.all // will reject on first rejected Promise and we can redirect the page // before all operations are done. Promise.all([ requestFeedbackPromise, room.leave().then(disconnect, disconnect) ]).then(values => { APP.API.notifyReadyToClose(); maybeRedirectToWelcomePage(values[0]); }); } };