import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { connect } from 'react-redux'; import { setAudioInputDevice, setAudioOutputDevice, setVideoInputDevice } from '../../base/devices'; import { Dialog, hideDialog } from '../../base/dialog'; import { translate } from '../../base/i18n'; import { createLocalTrack } from '../../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import AudioInputPreview from './AudioInputPreview'; import AudioOutputPreview from './AudioOutputPreview'; import DeviceSelector from './DeviceSelector'; import VideoInputPreview from './VideoInputPreview'; /** * React component for previewing and selecting new audio and video sources. * * @extends Component */ class DeviceSelectionDialog extends Component { /** * DeviceSelectionDialog component's property types. * * @static */ static propTypes = { /** * All known audio and video devices split by type. This prop comes from * the app state. */ _devices: React.PropTypes.object, /** * Device id for the current audio output device. */ currentAudioOutputId: React.PropTypes.string, /** * JitsiLocalTrack for the current local audio. * * JitsiLocalTracks for the current audio and video, if any, should be * passed in for re-use in the previews. This is needed for Internet * Explorer, which cannot get multiple tracks from the same device, even * across tabs. */ currentAudioTrack: React.PropTypes.object, /** * JitsiLocalTrack for the current local video. * * Needed for reuse. See comment for propTypes.currentAudioTrack. */ currentVideoTrack: React.PropTypes.object, /** * Whether or not the audio selector can be interacted with. If true, * the audio input selector will be rendered as disabled. This is * specifically used to prevent audio device changing in Firefox, which * currently does not work due to a browser-side regression. */ disableAudioInputChange: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * True if device changing is configured to be disallowed. Selectors * will display as disabled. */ disableDeviceChange: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * Invoked to notify the store of app state changes. */ dispatch: React.PropTypes.func, /** * Whether or not new audio input source can be selected. */ hasAudioPermission: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * Whether or not new video input sources can be selected. */ hasVideoPermission: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * If true, the audio meter will not display. Necessary for browsers or * configurations that do not support local stats to prevent a * non-responsive mic preview from displaying. */ hideAudioInputPreview: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * Whether or not the audio output source selector should display. If * true, the audio output selector and test audio link will not be * rendered. This is specifically used for hiding audio output on * temasys browsers which do not support such change. */ hideAudioOutputSelect: React.PropTypes.bool, /** * Invoked to obtain translated strings. */ t: React.PropTypes.func } /** * Initializes a new DeviceSelectionDialog instance. * * @param {Object} props - The read-only React Component props with which * the new instance is to be initialized. */ constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { // JitsiLocalTracks to use for live previewing. previewAudioTrack: null, previewVideoTrack: null, // Device ids to keep track of new selections. videInput: null, audioInput: null, audioOutput: null }; // Preventing closing while cleaning up previews is important for // supporting temasys video cleanup. Temasys requires its video object // to be in the dom and visible for proper detaching of tracks. Delaying // closure until cleanup is complete ensures no errors in the process. this._isClosing = false; this._closeModal = this._closeModal.bind(this); this._getAndSetAudioOutput = this._getAndSetAudioOutput.bind(this); this._getAndSetAudioTrack = this._getAndSetAudioTrack.bind(this); this._getAndSetVideoTrack = this._getAndSetVideoTrack.bind(this); this._onCancel = this._onCancel.bind(this); this._onSubmit = this._onSubmit.bind(this); } /** * Clean up any preview tracks that might not have been cleaned up already. * * @inheritdoc */ componentWillUnmount() { // This handles the case where neither submit nor cancel were triggered, // such as on modal switch. In that case, make a dying attempt to clean // up previews. if (!this._isClosing) { this._attemptPreviewTrackCleanup(); } } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc */ render() { return (
{ this._renderAudioInputPreview() }
{ this._renderSelectors() }
{ this._renderAudioOutputPreview() }
); } /** * Cleans up preview tracks if they are not active tracks. * * @private * @returns {Array} Zero to two promises will be returned. One * promise can be for video cleanup and another for audio cleanup. */ _attemptPreviewTrackCleanup() { const cleanupPromises = []; if (!this._isPreviewingCurrentVideoTrack()) { cleanupPromises.push(this._disposeVideoPreview()); } if (!this._isPreviewingCurrentAudioTrack()) { cleanupPromises.push(this._disposeAudioPreview()); } return cleanupPromises; } /** * Signals to close DeviceSelectionDialog. * * @private * @returns {void} */ _closeModal() { this.props.dispatch(hideDialog()); } /** * Utility function for disposing the current audio preview. * * @private * @returns {Promise} */ _disposeAudioPreview() { return this.state.previewAudioTrack ? this.state.previewAudioTrack.dispose() : Promise.resolve(); } /** * Utility function for disposing the current video preview. * * @private * @returns {Promise} */ _disposeVideoPreview() { return this.state.previewVideoTrack ? this.state.previewVideoTrack.dispose() : Promise.resolve(); } /** * Callback invoked when a new audio output device has been selected. * Updates the internal state of the user's selection. * * @param {string} deviceId - The id of the chosen audio output device. * @private * @returns {void} */ _getAndSetAudioOutput(deviceId) { this.setState({ audioOutput: deviceId }); } /** * Callback invoked when a new audio input device has been selected. * Updates the internal state of the user's selection as well as the audio * track that should display in the preview. Will reuse the current local * audio track if it has been selected. * * @param {string} deviceId - The id of the chosen audio input device. * @private * @returns {void} */ _getAndSetAudioTrack(deviceId) { this.setState({ audioInput: deviceId }, () => { const cleanupPromise = this._isPreviewingCurrentAudioTrack() ? Promise.resolve() : this._disposeAudioPreview(); if (this._isCurrentAudioTrack(deviceId)) { cleanupPromise .then(() => { this.setState({ previewAudioTrack: this.props.currentAudioTrack }); }); } else { cleanupPromise .then(() => createLocalTrack('audio', deviceId)) .then(jitsiLocalTrack => { this.setState({ previewAudioTrack: jitsiLocalTrack }); }); } }); } /** * Callback invoked when a new video input device has been selected. Updates * the internal state of the user's selection as well as the video track * that should display in the preview. Will reuse the current local video * track if it has been selected. * * @param {string} deviceId - The id of the chosen video input device. * @private * @returns {void} */ _getAndSetVideoTrack(deviceId) { this.setState({ videoInput: deviceId }, () => { const cleanupPromise = this._isPreviewingCurrentVideoTrack() ? Promise.resolve() : this._disposeVideoPreview(); if (this._isCurrentVideoTrack(deviceId)) { cleanupPromise .then(() => { this.setState({ previewVideoTrack: this.props.currentVideoTrack }); }); } else { cleanupPromise .then(() => createLocalTrack('video', deviceId)) .then(jitsiLocalTrack => { this.setState({ previewVideoTrack: jitsiLocalTrack }); }); } }); } /** * Utility function for determining if the current local audio track has the * passed in device id. * * @param {string} deviceId - The device id to match against. * @private * @returns {boolean} True if the device id is being used by the local audio * track. */ _isCurrentAudioTrack(deviceId) { return this.props.currentAudioTrack && this.props.currentAudioTrack.getDeviceId() === deviceId; } /** * Utility function for determining if the current local video track has the * passed in device id. * * @param {string} deviceId - The device id to match against. * @private * @returns {boolean} True if the device id is being used by the local * video track. */ _isCurrentVideoTrack(deviceId) { return this.props.currentVideoTrack && this.props.currentVideoTrack.getDeviceId() === deviceId; } /** * Utility function for detecting if the current audio preview track is not * the currently used audio track. * * @private * @returns {boolean} True if the current audio track is being used for * the preview. */ _isPreviewingCurrentAudioTrack() { return !this.state.previewAudioTrack || this.state.previewAudioTrack === this.props.currentAudioTrack; } /** * Utility function for detecting if the current video preview track is not * the currently used video track. * * @private * @returns {boolean} True if the current video track is being used as the * preview. */ _isPreviewingCurrentVideoTrack() { return !this.state.previewVideoTrack || this.state.previewVideoTrack === this.props.currentVideoTrack; } /** * Cleans existing preview tracks and signal to closeDeviceSelectionDialog. * * @private * @returns {boolean} Returns false to prevent closure until cleanup is * complete. */ _onCancel() { if (this._isClosing) { return false; } this._isClosing = true; const cleanupPromises = this._attemptPreviewTrackCleanup(); Promise.all(cleanupPromises) .then(this._closeModal) .catch(this._closeModal); return false; } /** * Identify changes to the preferred input/output devices and perform * necessary cleanup and requests to use those devices. Closes the modal * after cleanup and device change requests complete. * * @private * @returns {boolean} Returns false to prevent closure until cleanup is * complete. */ _onSubmit() { if (this._isClosing) { return false; } this._isClosing = true; const deviceChangePromises = []; if (this.state.videoInput && !this._isPreviewingCurrentVideoTrack()) { const changeVideoPromise = this._disposeVideoPreview() .then(() => { this.props.dispatch(setVideoInputDevice( this.state.videoInput)); }); deviceChangePromises.push(changeVideoPromise); } if (this.state.audioInput && !this._isPreviewingCurrentAudioTrack()) { const changeAudioPromise = this._disposeAudioPreview() .then(() => { this.props.dispatch(setAudioInputDevice( this.state.audioInput)); }); deviceChangePromises.push(changeAudioPromise); } if (this.state.audioOutput && this.state.audioOutput !== this.props.currentAudioOutputId) { this.props.dispatch(setAudioOutputDevice(this.state.audioOutput)); } Promise.all(deviceChangePromises) .then(this._closeModal) .catch(this._closeModal); return false; } /** * Creates an AudioInputPreview for previewing if audio is being received. * Null will be returned if local stats for tracking audio input levels * cannot be obtained. * * @private * @returns {ReactComponent|null} */ _renderAudioInputPreview() { if (this.props.hideAudioInputPreview) { return null; } return ( ); } /** * Creates an AudioOutputPreview instance for playing a test sound with the * passed in device id. Null will be returned if hideAudioOutput is truthy. * * @private * @returns {ReactComponent|null} */ _renderAudioOutputPreview() { if (this.props.hideAudioOutputSelect) { return null; } return ( ); } /** * Creates a DeviceSelector instance based on the passed in configuration. * * @private * @param {Object} props - The props for the DeviceSelector. * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderSelector(props) { return ( ); } /** * Creates DeviceSelector instances for video output, audio input, and audio * output. * * @private * @returns {Array} DeviceSelector instances. */ _renderSelectors() { const availableDevices = this.props._devices; const currentAudioId = this.state.audioInput || (this.props.currentAudioTrack && this.props.currentAudioTrack.getDeviceId()); const currentAudioOutId = this.state.audioOutput || this.props.currentAudioOutputId; // FIXME: On temasys, without a device selected and put into local // storage as the default device to use, the current video device id is // a blank string. This is because the library gets a local video track // and then maps the track's device id by matching the track's label to // the MediaDeviceInfos returned from enumerateDevices. In WebRTC, the // track label is expected to return the camera device label. However, // temasys video track labels refer to track id, not device label, so // the library cannot match the track to a device. The workaround of // defaulting to the first videoInput available has been re-used from // the previous device settings implementation. const currentVideoId = this.state.videoInput || (this.props.currentVideoTrack && this.props.currentVideoTrack.getDeviceId()) || (availableDevices.videoInput[0] && availableDevices.videoInput[0].deviceId) || ''; // DeviceSelector expects a string for prop selectedDeviceId. const configurations = [ { devices: availableDevices.videoInput, hasPermission: this.props.hasVideoPermission, icon: 'icon-camera', isDisabled: this.props.disableDeviceChange, key: 'videoInput', label: 'settings.selectCamera', onSelect: this._getAndSetVideoTrack, selectedDeviceId: currentVideoId }, { devices: availableDevices.audioInput, hasPermission: this.props.hasAudioPermission, icon: 'icon-microphone', isDisabled: this.props.disableAudioInputChange || this.props.disableDeviceChange, key: 'audioInput', label: 'settings.selectMic', onSelect: this._getAndSetAudioTrack, selectedDeviceId: currentAudioId } ]; if (!this.props.hideAudioOutputSelect) { configurations.push({ devices: availableDevices.audioOutput, hasPermission: this.props.hasAudioPermission || this.props.hasVideoPermission, icon: 'icon-volume', isDisabled: this.props.disableDeviceChange, key: 'audioOutput', label: 'settings.selectAudioOutput', onSelect: this._getAndSetAudioOutput, selectedDeviceId: currentAudioOutId }); } return; } } /** * Maps (parts of) the Redux state to the associated DeviceSelectionDialog's * props. * * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. * @private * @returns {{ * _devices: Object * }} */ function _mapStateToProps(state) { return { _devices: state['features/base/devices'] }; } export default translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(DeviceSelectionDialog));