/** * The identifier of the sound to be played when e2ee is disabled. * * @type {string} */ export const E2EE_OFF_SOUND_ID = 'E2EE_OFF_SOUND'; /** * The identifier of the sound to be played when e2ee is enabled. * * @type {string} */ export const E2EE_ON_SOUND_ID = 'E2EE_ON_SOUND'; /** * The number of participants after which e2ee maxMode is set to MAX_MODE.ENABLED. * * @type {integer} */ export const MAX_MODE_LIMIT = 20; /** * If the number of participants is greater then MAX_MODE_LIMIT + MAX_MODE_THRESHOLD * e2ee maxMode is set to MAX_MODE.THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED. * * @type {integer} */ export const MAX_MODE_THRESHOLD = 5; export const MAX_MODE = { /** * Mode for which the e2ee can be enabled or disabled. * If e2ee is enabled, e2ee section is enabled with a warning text. * If e2ee is disabled, e2ee section is disabled with a warning text. * * @type {string} */ ENABLED: 'max-mode-enabled', /** * Mode for which the e2ee and the e2ee section are automatically disabled. * * @type {string} */ THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED: 'max-mode-threshold-exceeded', /** * The default e2ee maxMode, e2ee can be enabled/disabled, e2ee section is enabled. * * @type {string} */ DISABLED: 'max-mode-disabled' };