// @flow import { JitsiParticipantConnectionStatus } from '../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import { MEDIA_TYPE } from '../base/media'; import { getLocalParticipant, getParticipantById, getParticipantCountWithFake, getPinnedParticipant } from '../base/participants'; import { toState } from '../base/redux'; import { getLocalVideoTrack, getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant, isLocalTrackMuted, isRemoteTrackMuted } from '../base/tracks/functions'; import { TILE_ASPECT_RATIO } from './constants'; declare var interfaceConfig: Object; // Minimum space to keep between the sides of the tiles and the sides // of the window. const TILE_VIEW_SIDE_MARGINS = 20; /** * Returns true if the filmstrip on mobile is visible, false otherwise. * * NOTE: Filmstrip on web behaves differently to mobile, much simpler, but so * function lies here only for the sake of consistency and to avoid flow errors * on import. * * @param {Object | Function} stateful - The Object or Function that can be * resolved to a Redux state object with the toState function. * @returns {boolean} */ export function isFilmstripVisible(stateful: Object | Function) { return toState(stateful)['features/filmstrip'].visible; } /** * Determines whether the remote video thumbnails should be displayed/visible in * the filmstrip. * * @param {Object} state - The full redux state. * @returns {boolean} - If remote video thumbnails should be displayed/visible * in the filmstrip, then {@code true}; otherwise, {@code false}. */ export function shouldRemoteVideosBeVisible(state: Object) { if (state['features/invite'].calleeInfoVisible) { return false; } // Include fake participants to derive how many thumbnails are dispalyed, // as it is assumed all participants, including fake, will be displayed // in the filmstrip. const participantCount = getParticipantCountWithFake(state); let pinnedParticipant; return Boolean( participantCount > 2 // Always show the filmstrip when there is another participant to // show and the filmstrip is hovered, or local video is pinned, or // the toolbar is displayed. || (participantCount > 1 && (state['features/filmstrip'].hovered || state['features/toolbox'].visible || ((pinnedParticipant = getPinnedParticipant(state)) && pinnedParticipant.local))) || state['features/base/config'].disable1On1Mode); } /** * Checks whether there is a playable video stream available for the user associated with the passed ID. * * @param {Object | Function} stateful - The Object or Function that can be * resolved to a Redux state object with the toState function. * @param {string} id - The id of the participant. * @returns {boolean} true if there is a playable video stream available * or false otherwise. */ export function isVideoPlayable(stateful: Object | Function, id: String) { const state = toState(stateful); const tracks = state['features/base/tracks']; const participant = id ? getParticipantById(state, id) : getLocalParticipant(state); const isLocal = participant?.local ?? true; const { connectionStatus } = participant || {}; const videoTrack = isLocal ? getLocalVideoTrack(tracks) : getTrackByMediaTypeAndParticipant(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, id); const isAudioOnly = Boolean(state['features/base/audio-only'].enabled); let isPlayable = false; if (isLocal) { const isVideoMuted = isLocalTrackMuted(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO); isPlayable = Boolean(videoTrack) && !isVideoMuted && !isAudioOnly; } else if (!participant?.isFakeParticipant) { // remote participants excluding shared video const isVideoMuted = isRemoteTrackMuted(tracks, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, id); isPlayable = Boolean(videoTrack) && !isVideoMuted && !isAudioOnly && connectionStatus === JitsiParticipantConnectionStatus.ACTIVE; } return isPlayable; } /** * Calculates the size for thumbnails when in horizontal view layout. * * @param {number} clientHeight - The height of the app window. * @returns {{local: {height, width}, remote: {height, width}}} */ export function calculateThumbnailSizeForHorizontalView(clientHeight: number = 0) { const topBottomMargin = 15; const availableHeight = Math.min(clientHeight, (interfaceConfig.FILM_STRIP_MAX_HEIGHT || 120) + topBottomMargin); const height = availableHeight - topBottomMargin; return { local: { height, width: Math.floor(interfaceConfig.LOCAL_THUMBNAIL_RATIO * height) }, remote: { height, width: Math.floor(interfaceConfig.REMOTE_THUMBNAIL_RATIO * height) } }; } /** * Calculates the size for thumbnails when in tile view layout. * * @param {Object} dimensions - The desired dimensions of the tile view grid. * @returns {{height, width}} */ export function calculateThumbnailSizeForTileView({ columns, visibleRows, clientWidth, clientHeight }: Object) { const viewWidth = clientWidth - TILE_VIEW_SIDE_MARGINS; const viewHeight = clientHeight - TILE_VIEW_SIDE_MARGINS; const initialWidth = viewWidth / columns; const aspectRatioHeight = initialWidth / TILE_ASPECT_RATIO; const height = Math.floor(Math.min(aspectRatioHeight, viewHeight / visibleRows)); const width = Math.floor(TILE_ASPECT_RATIO * height); return { height, width }; } /** * Returns the width of the visible area (doesn't include the left margin/padding) of the the vertical filmstrip. * * @returns {number} - The width of the vertical filmstrip. */ export function getVerticalFilmstripVisibleAreaWidth() { // Adding 11px for the 2px right margin, 2px borders on the left and right and 5px right padding. // Also adding 7px for the scrollbar. Note that we are not counting the left margins and paddings because this // function is used for calculating the available space and they are invisible. // TODO: Check if we can remove the left margins and paddings from the CSS. // FIXME: This function is used to calculate the size of the large video, etherpad or shared video. Once everything // is reactified this calculation will need to move to the corresponding components. const filmstripMaxWidth = (interfaceConfig.FILM_STRIP_MAX_HEIGHT || 120) + 18; return Math.min(filmstripMaxWidth, window.innerWidth); }