import React from 'react'; import { Platform } from 'react-native'; import { Icon, IconHelp, IconHome, IconInfo, IconSettings } from '../../base/icons'; import BaseTheme from '../../base/ui/components/BaseTheme.native'; import { goBack } from './components/conference/ConferenceNavigationContainerRef'; import { goBack as goBackToLobbyScreen } from './components/lobby/LobbyNavigationContainerRef'; import { screenHeaderCloseButton } from './functions'; /** * Navigation container theme. */ export const navigationContainerTheme = { colors: { background: BaseTheme.palette.uiBackground } }; /** * Drawer navigator screens options and transition types. */ export const drawerNavigatorScreenOptions = { animation: 'default', gestureEnabled: true, headerShown: false }; /** * Drawer screen options and transition types. */ export const drawerScreenOptions = { animation: 'default', gestureEnabled: true, headerShown: true, headerStyle: { backgroundColor: BaseTheme.palette.screen02Header }, orientation:{ ios: 'default', android: 'all' }) }; /** * Drawer content options. */ export const drawerContentOptions = { drawerActiveBackgroundColor: BaseTheme.palette.uiBackground, drawerActiveTintColor: BaseTheme.palette.screen01Header, drawerInactiveTintColor: BaseTheme.palette.text02, drawerLabelStyle: { marginLeft: BaseTheme.spacing[2] }, drawerStyle: { backgroundColor: BaseTheme.palette.uiBackground, maxWidth: 400, width: '75%' } }; /** * Screen options for welcome page. */ export const welcomeScreenOptions = { ...drawerScreenOptions, drawerIcon: ({ focused }) => ( ), headerStyle: { backgroundColor: BaseTheme.palette.screen01Header }, // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty-function headerTitle: () => {} }; /** * Screen options for settings screen. */ export const settingsScreenOptions = { ...drawerScreenOptions, drawerIcon: ({ focused }) => ( ), headerTitleStyle: { color: BaseTheme.palette.text01 } }; /** * Screen options for terms/privacy screens. */ export const termsAndPrivacyScreenOptions = { ...drawerScreenOptions, drawerIcon: ({ focused }) => ( ), headerTitleStyle: { color: BaseTheme.palette.text01 } }; /** * Screen options for help screen. */ export const helpScreenOptions = { ...drawerScreenOptions, drawerIcon: ({ focused }) => ( ), headerTitleStyle: { color: BaseTheme.palette.text01 } }; /** * Screen options for conference. */ export const conferenceScreenOptions = { animation: 'default', gestureEnabled: false, headerShown: false, orientation:{ ios: 'default', android: 'all' }) }; /** * Tab bar options for chat screen. */ export const chatTabBarOptions = { tabBarActiveTintColor: BaseTheme.palette.screen01Header, tabBarLabelStyle: { fontSize: BaseTheme.typography.labelRegular.fontSize }, tabBarInactiveTintColor: BaseTheme.palette.text01, tabBarIndicatorStyle: { backgroundColor: BaseTheme.palette.screen01Header } }; /** * Screen options for presentation type modals. */ export const presentationScreenOptions = { animation: 'slide_from_right', headerBackTitleVisible: false, headerLeft: () => screenHeaderCloseButton(goBack), headerStatusBarHeight: 0, headerStyle: { backgroundColor: BaseTheme.palette.screen02Header }, headerTitleStyle: { color: BaseTheme.palette.text01 }, orientation:{ ios: 'default', android: 'all' }) }; /** * Screen options for car mode. */ export const carmodeScreenOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Screen options for chat. */ export const chatScreenOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Dial-IN Info screen options and transition types. */ export const dialInSummaryScreenOptions = { ...presentationScreenOptions, headerLeft: undefined }; /** * Screen options for invite modal. */ export const inviteScreenOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Screen options for participants modal. */ export const participantsScreenOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Screen options for speaker stats modal. */ export const speakerStatsScreenOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Screen options for security options modal. */ export const securityScreenOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Screen options for recording modal. */ export const recordingScreenOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Screen options for live stream modal. */ export const liveStreamScreenOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Screen options for lobby modal. */ export const lobbyScreenOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Screen options for lobby chat modal. */ export const lobbyChatScreenOptions = { ...presentationScreenOptions, headerLeft: () => screenHeaderCloseButton(goBackToLobbyScreen) }; /** * Screen options for salesforce link modal. */ export const salesforceScreenOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Screen options for GIPHY integration modal. */ export const gifsMenuOptions = presentationScreenOptions; /** * Screen options for shared document. */ export const sharedDocumentScreenOptions = { animation: 'slide_from_right', headerBackTitleVisible: false, headerShown: true, headerStyle: { backgroundColor: BaseTheme.palette.screen02Header }, headerTitleStyle: { color: BaseTheme.palette.text01 }, orientation:{ ios: 'default', android: 'all' }) };