// @flow import { setFollowMe, setStartMutedPolicy } from '../base/conference'; import { openDialog } from '../base/dialog'; import { i18next } from '../base/i18n'; import { updateSettings } from '../base/settings'; import { setPrejoinPageVisibility } from '../prejoin/actions'; import { PREJOIN_SCREEN_STATES } from '../prejoin/constants'; import { setScreenshareFramerate } from '../screen-share/actions'; import { SET_AUDIO_SETTINGS_VISIBILITY, SET_VIDEO_SETTINGS_VISIBILITY } from './actionTypes'; import { LogoutDialog, SettingsDialog } from './components'; import { getMoreTabProps, getProfileTabProps, getSoundsTabProps } from './functions'; declare var APP: Object; /** * Opens {@code LogoutDialog}. * * @param {Function} onLogout - The event in {@code LogoutDialog} that should be * enabled on click. * @returns {Function} */ export function openLogoutDialog(onLogout: Function) { return openDialog(LogoutDialog, { onLogout }); } /** * Opens {@code SettingsDialog}. * * @param {string} defaultTab - The tab in {@code SettingsDialog} that should be * displayed initially. * @returns {Function} */ export function openSettingsDialog(defaultTab: string) { return openDialog(SettingsDialog, { defaultTab }); } /** * Sets the visibility of the audio settings. * * @param {boolean} value - The new value. * @returns {Function} */ function setAudioSettingsVisibility(value: boolean) { return { type: SET_AUDIO_SETTINGS_VISIBILITY, value }; } /** * Sets the visibility of the video settings. * * @param {boolean} value - The new value. * @returns {Function} */ function setVideoSettingsVisibility(value: boolean) { return { type: SET_VIDEO_SETTINGS_VISIBILITY, value }; } /** * Submits the settings from the "More" tab of the settings dialog. * * @param {Object} newState - The new settings. * @returns {Function} */ export function submitMoreTab(newState: Object): Function { return (dispatch, getState) => { const currentState = getMoreTabProps(getState()); if (newState.followMeEnabled !== currentState.followMeEnabled) { dispatch(setFollowMe(newState.followMeEnabled)); } const showPrejoinPage = newState.showPrejoinPage; if (showPrejoinPage !== currentState.showPrejoinPage) { // The 'showPrejoin' flag starts as 'true' on every new session. // This prevents displaying the prejoin page when the user re-enables it. if (showPrejoinPage && getState()['features/prejoin']?.showPrejoin) { dispatch(setPrejoinPageVisibility(PREJOIN_SCREEN_STATES.HIDDEN)); } dispatch(updateSettings({ userSelectedSkipPrejoin: !showPrejoinPage })); } if (newState.startAudioMuted !== currentState.startAudioMuted || newState.startVideoMuted !== currentState.startVideoMuted) { dispatch(setStartMutedPolicy( newState.startAudioMuted, newState.startVideoMuted)); } if (newState.currentLanguage !== currentState.currentLanguage) { i18next.changeLanguage(newState.currentLanguage); } if (newState.currentFramerate !== currentState.currentFramerate) { const frameRate = parseInt(newState.currentFramerate, 10); dispatch(setScreenshareFramerate(frameRate)); } }; } /** * Submits the settings from the "Profile" tab of the settings dialog. * * @param {Object} newState - The new settings. * @returns {Function} */ export function submitProfileTab(newState: Object): Function { return (dispatch, getState) => { const currentState = getProfileTabProps(getState()); if (newState.displayName !== currentState.displayName) { APP.conference.changeLocalDisplayName(newState.displayName); } if (newState.email !== currentState.email) { APP.conference.changeLocalEmail(newState.email); } }; } /** * Submits the settings from the "Sounds" tab of the settings dialog. * * @param {Object} newState - The new settings. * @returns {Function} */ export function submitSoundsTab(newState: Object): Function { return (dispatch, getState) => { const currentState = getSoundsTabProps(getState()); const shouldUpdate = (newState.soundsIncomingMessage !== currentState.soundsIncomingMessage) || (newState.soundsParticipantJoined !== currentState.soundsParticipantJoined) || (newState.soundsParticipantLeft !== currentState.soundsParticipantLeft) || (newState.soundsTalkWhileMuted !== currentState.soundsTalkWhileMuted) || (newState.soundsReactions !== currentState.soundsReactions); if (shouldUpdate) { dispatch(updateSettings({ soundsIncomingMessage: newState.soundsIncomingMessage, soundsParticipantJoined: newState.soundsParticipantJoined, soundsParticipantLeft: newState.soundsParticipantLeft, soundsTalkWhileMuted: newState.soundsTalkWhileMuted, soundsReactions: newState.soundsReactions })); } }; } /** * Toggles the visibility of the audio settings. * * @returns {void} */ export function toggleAudioSettings() { return (dispatch: Function, getState: Function) => { const value = getState()['features/settings'].audioSettingsVisible; dispatch(setAudioSettingsVisibility(!value)); }; } /** * Toggles the visibility of the video settings. * * @returns {void} */ export function toggleVideoSettings() { return (dispatch: Function, getState: Function) => { const value = getState()['features/settings'].videoSettingsVisible; dispatch(setVideoSettingsVisibility(!value)); }; }