/** * The pathName for the dialInInfo page. * * @type {string} */ export const DIAL_IN_INFO_PAGE_PATH_NAME = 'static/dialInInfo.html'; /** * The identifier of the sound to be played when the status of an outgoing call * is expired. * * @type {string} */ export const OUTGOING_CALL_EXPIRED_SOUND_ID = 'OUTGOING_CALL_EXPIRED_SOUND'; /** * The identifier of the sound to be played when the status of an outgoing call * is rejected. * * @type {string} */ export const OUTGOING_CALL_REJECTED_SOUND_ID = 'OUTGOING_CALL_REJECTED_SOUND'; /** * The identifier of the sound to be played when the status of an outgoing call * is ringing. * * @type {string} */ export const OUTGOING_CALL_RINGING_SOUND_ID = 'OUTGOING_CALL_RINGING_SOUND'; /** * The identifier of the sound to be played when outgoing call is started. * * @type {string} */ export const OUTGOING_CALL_START_SOUND_ID = 'OUTGOING_CALL_START_SOUND'; /** * Regex for matching sip addresses. */ // eslint-disable-next-line max-len export const SIP_ADDRESS_REGEX = /^[+a-zA-Z0-9]+(?:([^\s>:@]+)(?::([^\s@>]+))?@)?([\w\-.]+)(?::(\d+))?((?:;[^\s=?>;]+(?:=[^\s?;]+)?)*)(?:\?(([^\s&=>]+=[^\s&=>]+)(&[^\s&=>]+=[^\s&=>]+)*))?$/; /** * Different invite types mapping. */ export const INVITE_TYPES = { PHONE: 'phone', ROOM: 'room', SIP: 'sip', USER: 'user', VIDEO_ROOM: 'videosipgw' }; export const UPGRADE_OPTIONS_TEXT = 'jaas.8x8.vc'; export const UPGRADE_OPTIONS_LINK = 'https://jaas.8x8.vc/#/plan/upgrade';