import React from 'react'; import Icon from '../base/icons/components/Icon'; import { IconMic, IconMicSlash, IconVideo, IconVideoOff } from '../base/icons/svg'; /** * Reducer key for the feature. */ export const REDUCER_KEY = 'features/participants-pane'; export type ActionTrigger = 'Hover' | 'Permanent'; /** * Enum of possible participant action triggers. */ export const ACTION_TRIGGER: { HOVER: ActionTrigger; PERMANENT: ActionTrigger; } = { HOVER: 'Hover', PERMANENT: 'Permanent' }; export type MediaState = 'DominantSpeaker' | 'Muted' | 'ForceMuted' | 'Unmuted' | 'None'; /** * Enum of possible participant media states. */ export const MEDIA_STATE: { [key: string]: MediaState; } = { DOMINANT_SPEAKER: 'DominantSpeaker', MUTED: 'Muted', FORCE_MUTED: 'ForceMuted', UNMUTED: 'Unmuted', NONE: 'None' }; export type QuickActionButtonType = 'Mute' | 'AskToUnmute' | 'AllowVideo' | 'StopVideo' | 'None'; /** * Enum of possible participant mute button states. */ export const QUICK_ACTION_BUTTON: { ALLOW_VIDEO: QuickActionButtonType; ASK_TO_UNMUTE: QuickActionButtonType; MUTE: QuickActionButtonType; NONE: QuickActionButtonType; STOP_VIDEO: QuickActionButtonType; } = { ALLOW_VIDEO: 'AllowVideo', MUTE: 'Mute', ASK_TO_UNMUTE: 'AskToUnmute', NONE: 'None', STOP_VIDEO: 'StopVideo' }; /** * Icon mapping for possible participant audio states. */ export const AudioStateIcons = { [MEDIA_STATE.DOMINANT_SPEAKER]: ( ), [MEDIA_STATE.FORCE_MUTED]: ( ), [MEDIA_STATE.MUTED]: ( ), [MEDIA_STATE.UNMUTED]: ( ), [MEDIA_STATE.NONE]: null }; /** * Icon mapping for possible participant video states. */ export const VideoStateIcons = { [MEDIA_STATE.DOMINANT_SPEAKER]: null, [MEDIA_STATE.FORCE_MUTED]: ( ), [MEDIA_STATE.MUTED]: ( ), [MEDIA_STATE.UNMUTED]: ( ), [MEDIA_STATE.NONE]: null }; /** * Mobile web context menu avatar size. */ export const AVATAR_SIZE = 20;