// @flow import Spinner from '@atlaskit/spinner'; import Bourne from '@hapi/bourne'; import { jitsiLocalStorage } from '@jitsi/js-utils/jitsi-local-storage'; import React, { useState, useEffect, useCallback, useRef } from 'react'; import uuid from 'uuid'; import { Dialog, hideDialog, openDialog } from '../../base/dialog'; import { translate } from '../../base/i18n'; import { Icon, IconCloseSmall, IconPlusCircle, IconShareDesktop } from '../../base/icons'; import { browser, JitsiTrackErrors } from '../../base/lib-jitsi-meet'; import { createLocalTrack } from '../../base/lib-jitsi-meet/functions'; import { VIDEO_TYPE } from '../../base/media'; import { connect } from '../../base/redux'; import { updateSettings } from '../../base/settings'; import { Tooltip } from '../../base/tooltip'; import { getLocalVideoTrack } from '../../base/tracks'; import { showErrorNotification } from '../../notifications'; import { toggleBackgroundEffect } from '../actions'; import { VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE } from '../constants'; import { resizeImage, toDataURL } from '../functions'; import logger from '../logger'; import VirtualBackgroundPreview from './VirtualBackgroundPreview'; type Image = { tooltip?: string, id: string, src: string } // The limit of virtual background uploads is 24. When the number // of uploads is 25 we trigger the deleteStoredImage function to delete // the first/oldest uploaded background. const backgroundsLimit = 25; const images: Array = [ { tooltip: 'image1', id: '1', src: 'images/virtual-background/background-1.jpg' }, { tooltip: 'image2', id: '2', src: 'images/virtual-background/background-2.jpg' }, { tooltip: 'image3', id: '3', src: 'images/virtual-background/background-3.jpg' }, { tooltip: 'image4', id: '4', src: 'images/virtual-background/background-4.jpg' }, { tooltip: 'image5', id: '5', src: 'images/virtual-background/background-5.jpg' }, { tooltip: 'image6', id: '6', src: 'images/virtual-background/background-6.jpg' }, { tooltip: 'image7', id: '7', src: 'images/virtual-background/background-7.jpg' } ]; type Props = { /** * The current local flip x status. */ _localFlipX: boolean, /** * Returns the jitsi track that will have backgraund effect applied. */ _jitsiTrack: Object, /** * Returns the selected thumbnail identifier. */ _selectedThumbnail: string, /** * Returns the selected virtual background object. */ _virtualBackground: Object, /** * The redux {@code dispatch} function. */ dispatch: Function, /** * The initial options copied in the state for the {@code VirtualBackground} component. * * NOTE: currently used only for electron in order to open the dialog in the correct state after desktop sharing * selection. */ initialOptions: Object, /** * Invoked to obtain translated strings. */ t: Function }; const onError = event => { event.target.style.display = 'none'; }; /** * Maps (parts of) the redux state to the associated props for the * {@code VirtualBackground} component. * * @param {Object} state - The Redux state. * @private * @returns {{Props}} */ function _mapStateToProps(state): Object { const { localFlipX } = state['features/base/settings']; return { _localFlipX: Boolean(localFlipX), _virtualBackground: state['features/virtual-background'], _selectedThumbnail: state['features/virtual-background'].selectedThumbnail, _jitsiTrack: getLocalVideoTrack(state['features/base/tracks'])?.jitsiTrack }; } const VirtualBackgroundDialog = translate(connect(_mapStateToProps)(VirtualBackground)); /** * Renders virtual background dialog. * * @returns {ReactElement} */ function VirtualBackground({ _localFlipX, _jitsiTrack, _selectedThumbnail, _virtualBackground, dispatch, initialOptions, t }: Props) { const [ options, setOptions ] = useState({ ...initialOptions }); const localImages = jitsiLocalStorage.getItem('virtualBackgrounds'); const [ storedImages, setStoredImages ] = useState>((localImages && Bourne.parse(localImages)) || []); const [ loading, setLoading ] = useState(false); const uploadImageButton: Object = useRef(null); const [ activeDesktopVideo ] = useState(_virtualBackground?.virtualSource?.videoType === VIDEO_TYPE.DESKTOP ? _virtualBackground.virtualSource : null); const [ initialVirtualBackground ] = useState(_virtualBackground); const deleteStoredImage = useCallback(e => { const imageId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-imageid'); setStoredImages(storedImages.filter(item => item.id !== imageId)); }, [ storedImages ]); const deleteStoredImageKeyPress = useCallback(e => { if (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); deleteStoredImage(e); } }, [ deleteStoredImage ]); /** * Updates stored images on local storage. */ useEffect(() => { try { jitsiLocalStorage.setItem('virtualBackgrounds', JSON.stringify(storedImages)); } catch (err) { // Preventing localStorage QUOTA_EXCEEDED_ERR err && setStoredImages(storedImages.slice(1)); } if (storedImages.length === backgroundsLimit) { setStoredImages(storedImages.slice(1)); } if (!_localFlipX) { dispatch(updateSettings({ localFlipX: !_localFlipX })); } }, [ storedImages, _localFlipX ]); const enableBlur = useCallback(async () => { setOptions({ backgroundType: VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE.BLUR, enabled: true, blurValue: 25, selectedThumbnail: 'blur' }); }, []); const enableBlurKeyPress = useCallback(e => { if (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); enableBlur(); } }, [ enableBlur ]); const enableSlideBlur = useCallback(async () => { setOptions({ backgroundType: VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE.BLUR, enabled: true, blurValue: 8, selectedThumbnail: 'slight-blur' }); }, []); const enableSlideBlurKeyPress = useCallback(e => { if (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); enableSlideBlur(); } }, [ enableSlideBlur ]); const shareDesktop = useCallback(async () => { let isCancelled = false, url; try { url = await createLocalTrack('desktop', ''); } catch (e) { if (e.name === JitsiTrackErrors.SCREENSHARING_USER_CANCELED) { isCancelled = true; } else { logger.error(e); } } if (!url) { if (!isCancelled) { dispatch(showErrorNotification({ titleKey: 'virtualBackground.desktopShareError' })); logger.error('Could not create desktop share as a virtual background!'); } /** * For electron createLocalTrack will open the {@code DesktopPicker} dialog and hide the * {@code VirtualBackgroundDialog}. That's why we need to reopen the {@code VirtualBackgroundDialog} * and restore the current state through {@code initialOptions} prop. */ if (browser.isElectron()) { dispatch(openDialog(VirtualBackgroundDialog, { initialOptions: options })); } return; } const newOptions = { backgroundType: VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE.DESKTOP_SHARE, enabled: true, selectedThumbnail: 'desktop-share', url }; /** * For electron createLocalTrack will open the {@code DesktopPicker} dialog and hide the * {@code VirtualBackgroundDialog}. That's why we need to reopen the {@code VirtualBackgroundDialog} * and force it to show desktop share virtual background through {@code initialOptions} prop. */ if (browser.isElectron()) { dispatch(openDialog(VirtualBackgroundDialog, { initialOptions: newOptions })); } else { setOptions(newOptions); } }, [ dispatch, options ]); const shareDesktopKeyPress = useCallback(e => { if (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); shareDesktop(); } }, [ shareDesktop ]); const removeBackground = useCallback(async () => { setOptions({ enabled: false, selectedThumbnail: 'none' }); }, []); const removeBackgroundKeyPress = useCallback(e => { if (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); removeBackground(); } }, [ removeBackground ]); const setUploadedImageBackground = useCallback(async e => { const imageId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-imageid'); const image = storedImages.find(img => img.id === imageId); if (image) { setOptions({ backgroundType: 'image', enabled: true, url: image.src, selectedThumbnail: image.id }); } }, [ storedImages ]); const setImageBackground = useCallback(async e => { const imageId = e.currentTarget.getAttribute('data-imageid'); const image = images.find(img => img.id === imageId); if (image) { const url = await toDataURL(image.src); setOptions({ backgroundType: 'image', enabled: true, url, selectedThumbnail: image.id }); setLoading(false); } }, []); const uploadImage = useCallback(async e => { const reader = new FileReader(); const imageFile = e.target.files; reader.readAsDataURL(imageFile[0]); reader.onload = async () => { const url = await resizeImage(reader.result); const uuId = uuid.v4(); setStoredImages([ ...storedImages, { id: uuId, src: url } ]); setOptions({ backgroundType: VIRTUAL_BACKGROUND_TYPE.IMAGE, enabled: true, url, selectedThumbnail: uuId }); }; reader.onerror = () => { setLoading(false); logger.error('Failed to upload virtual image!'); }; }, [ dispatch, storedImages ]); const uploadImageKeyPress = useCallback(e => { if (uploadImageButton.current && (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter')) { e.preventDefault(); uploadImageButton.current.click(); } }, [ uploadImageButton.current ]); const setImageBackgroundKeyPress = useCallback(e => { if (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); setImageBackground(e); } }, [ setImageBackground ]); const setUploadedImageBackgroundKeyPress = useCallback(e => { if (e.key === ' ' || e.key === 'Enter') { e.preventDefault(); setUploadedImageBackground(e); } }, [ setUploadedImageBackground ]); const applyVirtualBackground = useCallback(async () => { if (activeDesktopVideo) { await activeDesktopVideo.dispose(); } setLoading(true); await dispatch(toggleBackgroundEffect(options, _jitsiTrack)); await setLoading(false); dispatch(hideDialog()); }, [ dispatch, options ]); // Prevent the selection of a new virtual background if it has not been applied by default const cancelVirtualBackground = useCallback(async () => { await setOptions({ backgroundType: initialVirtualBackground.backgroundType, enabled: initialVirtualBackground.backgroundEffectEnabled, url: initialVirtualBackground.virtualSource, selectedThumbnail: initialVirtualBackground.selectedThumbnail, blurValue: initialVirtualBackground.blurValue }); dispatch(hideDialog()); }); return ( {loading ? (
) : (
{images.map(image => ( { ))} {storedImages.map((image, index) => (
); } export default VirtualBackgroundDialog;