// @flow import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import { BoxModel, createStyleSheet, ColorPalette } from '../../base/styles'; /** * The styles of the React {@code Components} of the feature notifications. */ export default createStyleSheet({ /** * The content (left) column of the notification. */ contentColumn: { flex: 1, flexDirection: 'column', padding: BoxModel.padding }, /** * Test style of the notification. */ contentText: { color: ColorPalette.white }, /** * Dismiss icon style. */ dismissIcon: { alignSelf: 'center', color: ColorPalette.white, fontSize: 16, padding: 1.5 * BoxModel.padding }, /** * Outermost view of a single notification. */ notification: { borderRadius: 5, flexDirection: 'row', marginTop: 0.5 * BoxModel.margin }, /** * Outermost container of a list of notifications. */ notificationContainer: { alignItems: 'flex-start', bottom: 0, left: 0, padding: 2 * BoxModel.padding, position: 'absolute', right: 0 }, /** * Wrapper for the message (without title). */ notificationContent: { flexDirection: 'column', paddingVertical: 0.5 * BoxModel.padding }, /** * A full screen overlay to help to position the container. */ notificationOverlay: { ...StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject }, /** * The View containing the title. */ notificationTitle: { paddingVertical: 0.5 * BoxModel.padding }, /** * Background settings for different notification types. */ notificationTypeError: { backgroundColor: ColorPalette.R400 }, notificationTypeInfo: { backgroundColor: ColorPalette.N500 }, notificationTypeNormal: { // NOTE: Mobile has black background when the large video doesn't render // a stream, so we avoid using black as the background of the normal // type notifications. backgroundColor: ColorPalette.N500 }, notificationTypeSuccess: { backgroundColor: ColorPalette.G400 }, notificationTypeWarning: { backgroundColor: ColorPalette.Y200 }, /** * Title text style. */ titleText: { color: ColorPalette.white, fontWeight: 'bold' } });