// @flow import { StateListenerRegistry, equals } from '../base/redux'; import Filmstrip from '../../../modules/UI/videolayout/Filmstrip'; import VideoLayout from '../../../modules/UI/videolayout/VideoLayout'; import { getCurrentLayout, getTileViewGridDimensions, shouldDisplayTileView, LAYOUTS } from '../video-layout'; import { setHorizontalViewDimensions, setTileViewDimensions } from './actions'; /** * Listens for changes in the number of participants to calculate the dimensions of the tile view grid and the tiles. */ StateListenerRegistry.register( /* selector */ state => state['features/base/participants'].length, /* listener */ (numberOfParticipants, store) => { const state = store.getState(); if (shouldDisplayTileView(state)) { const gridDimensions = getTileViewGridDimensions(state); const oldGridDimensions = state['features/filmstrip'].tileViewDimensions.gridDimensions; const { clientHeight, clientWidth } = state['features/base/responsive-ui']; if (!equals(gridDimensions, oldGridDimensions)) { store.dispatch(setTileViewDimensions(gridDimensions, { clientHeight, clientWidth })); } } }); /** * Listens for changes in the selected layout to calculate the dimensions of the tile view grid and horizontal view. */ StateListenerRegistry.register( /* selector */ state => getCurrentLayout(state), /* listener */ (layout, store) => { const state = store.getState(); switch (layout) { case LAYOUTS.TILE_VIEW: { const { clientHeight, clientWidth } = state['features/base/responsive-ui']; store.dispatch(setTileViewDimensions( getTileViewGridDimensions(state), { clientHeight, clientWidth })); break; } case LAYOUTS.HORIZONTAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW: store.dispatch(setHorizontalViewDimensions(state['features/base/responsive-ui'].clientHeight)); break; case LAYOUTS.VERTICAL_FILMSTRIP_VIEW: // Once the thumbnails are reactified this should be moved there too. Filmstrip.resizeThumbnailsForVerticalView(); break; } }); /** * Handles on stage participant updates. */ StateListenerRegistry.register( /* selector */ state => state['features/large-video'].participantId, /* listener */ (participantId, store, oldParticipantId) => { const newThumbnail = VideoLayout.getSmallVideo(participantId); const oldThumbnail = VideoLayout.getSmallVideo(oldParticipantId); if (newThumbnail) { newThumbnail.updateView(); } if (oldThumbnail) { oldThumbnail.updateView(); } } );