/** * The set of facing modes for camera. * * @enum {string} */ export const CAMERA_FACING_MODE = { ENVIRONMENT: 'environment', USER: 'user' }; export type MediaType = 'audio' | 'video' | 'screenshare'; /** * The set of media types. * * @enum {string} */ export const MEDIA_TYPE: { AUDIO: MediaType; SCREENSHARE: MediaType; VIDEO: MediaType; } = { AUDIO: 'audio', SCREENSHARE: 'screenshare', VIDEO: 'video' }; /* eslint-disable no-bitwise */ /** * The types of authorities which may mute/unmute the local screenshare. * * @enum {number} */ export const SCREENSHARE_MUTISM_AUTHORITY = { AUDIO_ONLY: 1 << 0, USER: 1 << 2 }; /** * The types of authorities which may mute/unmute the local video. * * @enum {number} */ export const VIDEO_MUTISM_AUTHORITY = { AUDIO_ONLY: 1 << 0, BACKGROUND: 1 << 1, USER: 1 << 2, CAR_MODE: 1 << 3, SCREEN_SHARE: 1 << 4 }; /* eslint-enable no-bitwise */ /** * The types of video tracks. * * @enum {string} */ export const VIDEO_TYPE: { [key: string]: VideoType; } = { CAMERA: 'camera', DESKTOP: 'desktop' }; export type VideoType = 'camera' | 'desktop';