import i18n from 'i18next'; import { batch } from 'react-redux'; // @ts-expect-error import UIEvents from '../../../../service/UI/UIEvents'; import { IStore } from '../../app/types'; import { approveParticipant } from '../../av-moderation/actions'; import { UPDATE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS } from '../../breakout-rooms/actionTypes'; import { getBreakoutRooms } from '../../breakout-rooms/functions'; import { toggleE2EE } from '../../e2ee/actions'; import { MAX_MODE } from '../../e2ee/constants'; import { showNotification } from '../../notifications/actions'; import { LOCAL_RECORDING_NOTIFICATION_ID, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE, RAISE_HAND_NOTIFICATION_ID } from '../../notifications/constants'; import { isForceMuted } from '../../participants-pane/functions'; import { CALLING, INVITED } from '../../presence-status/constants'; import { RAISE_HAND_SOUND_ID } from '../../reactions/constants'; import { RECORDING_OFF_SOUND_ID, RECORDING_ON_SOUND_ID } from '../../recording/constants'; import { APP_WILL_MOUNT, APP_WILL_UNMOUNT } from '../app/actionTypes'; import { CONFERENCE_WILL_JOIN } from '../conference/actionTypes'; import { forEachConference, getCurrentConference } from '../conference/functions'; import { IJitsiConference } from '../conference/reducer'; import { SET_CONFIG } from '../config/actionTypes'; import { getDisableRemoveRaisedHandOnFocus } from '../config/functions.any'; import { JitsiConferenceEvents } from '../lib-jitsi-meet'; import { MEDIA_TYPE } from '../media/constants'; import MiddlewareRegistry from '../redux/MiddlewareRegistry'; import StateListenerRegistry from '../redux/StateListenerRegistry'; import { playSound, registerSound, unregisterSound } from '../sounds/actions'; import { DOMINANT_SPEAKER_CHANGED, GRANT_MODERATOR, KICK_PARTICIPANT, LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_AUDIO_LEVEL_CHANGED, LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_RAISE_HAND, MUTE_REMOTE_PARTICIPANT, OVERWRITE_PARTICIPANTS_NAMES, OVERWRITE_PARTICIPANT_NAME, PARTICIPANT_DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGED, PARTICIPANT_JOINED, PARTICIPANT_LEFT, PARTICIPANT_UPDATED, RAISE_HAND_UPDATED, SET_LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_RECORDING_STATUS } from './actionTypes'; import { localParticipantIdChanged, localParticipantJoined, localParticipantLeft, overwriteParticipantName, participantLeft, participantUpdated, raiseHand, raiseHandUpdateQueue, setLoadableAvatarUrl } from './actions'; import { LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_DEFAULT_ID, LOWER_HAND_AUDIO_LEVEL, PARTICIPANT_JOINED_SOUND_ID, PARTICIPANT_LEFT_SOUND_ID } from './constants'; import { getDominantSpeakerParticipant, getFirstLoadableAvatarUrl, getLocalParticipant, getParticipantById, getParticipantCount, getParticipantDisplayName, getRaiseHandsQueue, getRemoteParticipants, hasRaisedHand, isLocalParticipantModerator, isScreenShareParticipant, isWhiteboardParticipant } from './functions'; import logger from './logger'; import { PARTICIPANT_JOINED_FILE, PARTICIPANT_LEFT_FILE } from './sounds'; import { IJitsiParticipant } from './types'; import './subscriber'; /** * Middleware that captures CONFERENCE_JOINED and CONFERENCE_LEFT actions and * updates respectively ID of local participant. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @returns {Function} */ MiddlewareRegistry.register(store => next => action => { switch (action.type) { case APP_WILL_MOUNT: _registerSounds(store); return _localParticipantJoined(store, next, action); case APP_WILL_UNMOUNT: _unregisterSounds(store); return _localParticipantLeft(store, next, action); case CONFERENCE_WILL_JOIN: store.dispatch(localParticipantIdChanged(action.conference.myUserId())); break; case DOMINANT_SPEAKER_CHANGED: { // Lower hand through xmpp when local participant becomes dominant speaker. const { id } = action.participant; const state = store.getState(); const participant = getLocalParticipant(state); const dominantSpeaker = getDominantSpeakerParticipant(state); const isLocal = participant && === id; if (isLocal && dominantSpeaker?.id !== id && hasRaisedHand(participant) && !getDisableRemoveRaisedHandOnFocus(state)) { store.dispatch(raiseHand(false)); } break; } case LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_AUDIO_LEVEL_CHANGED: { const state = store.getState(); const participant = getDominantSpeakerParticipant(state); if ( participant?.local && hasRaisedHand(participant) && action.level > LOWER_HAND_AUDIO_LEVEL && !getDisableRemoveRaisedHandOnFocus(state) ) { store.dispatch(raiseHand(false)); } break; } case GRANT_MODERATOR: { const { conference } = store.getState()['features/base/conference']; conference?.grantOwner(; break; } case KICK_PARTICIPANT: { const { conference } = store.getState()['features/base/conference']; conference?.kickParticipant(; break; } case LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_RAISE_HAND: { const { raisedHandTimestamp } = action; const localId = getLocalParticipant(store.getState())?.id; store.dispatch(participantUpdated({ // XXX Only the local participant is allowed to update without // stating the JitsiConference instance (i.e. participant property // `conference` for a remote participant) because the local // participant is uniquely identified by the very fact that there is // only one local participant. id: localId ?? '', local: true, raisedHandTimestamp })); store.dispatch(raiseHandUpdateQueue({ id: localId ?? '', raisedHandTimestamp })); if (typeof APP !== 'undefined') { APP.API.notifyRaiseHandUpdated(localId, raisedHandTimestamp); } break; } case SET_CONFIG: { const result = next(action); const state = store.getState(); const { deploymentInfo } = state['features/base/config']; // if there userRegion set let's use it for the local participant if (deploymentInfo?.userRegion) { const localId = getLocalParticipant(state)?.id; if (localId) { store.dispatch(participantUpdated({ id: localId, local: true, region: deploymentInfo.userRegion })); } } return result; } case SET_LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_RECORDING_STATUS: { const state = store.getState(); const { recording, onlySelf } = action; const localId = getLocalParticipant(state)?.id; const { localRecording } = state['features/base/config']; if (localRecording?.notifyAllParticipants && !onlySelf && localId) { store.dispatch(participantUpdated({ // XXX Only the local participant is allowed to update without // stating the JitsiConference instance (i.e. participant property // `conference` for a remote participant) because the local // participant is uniquely identified by the very fact that there is // only one local participant. id: localId, local: true, localRecording: recording })); } break; } case MUTE_REMOTE_PARTICIPANT: { const { conference } = store.getState()['features/base/conference']; conference?.muteParticipant(, action.mediaType); break; } // TODO Remove this middleware when the local display name update flow is // fully brought into redux. case PARTICIPANT_DISPLAY_NAME_CHANGED: { if (typeof APP !== 'undefined') { const participant = getLocalParticipant(store.getState()); if (participant && === { APP.UI.emitEvent(UIEvents.NICKNAME_CHANGED,; } } break; } case RAISE_HAND_UPDATED: { const { participant } = action; let queue = getRaiseHandsQueue(store.getState()); if (participant.raisedHandTimestamp) { queue.push({ id:, raisedHandTimestamp: participant.raisedHandTimestamp }); // sort the queue before adding to store. queue = queue.sort(({ raisedHandTimestamp: a }, { raisedHandTimestamp: b }) => a - b); } else { // no need to sort on remove value. queue = queue.filter(({ id }) => id !==; } action.queue = queue; break; } case PARTICIPANT_JOINED: { // Do not play sounds when a screenshare or whiteboard participant tile is created for screenshare. (!isScreenShareParticipant(action.participant) && !isWhiteboardParticipant(action.participant) ) && _maybePlaySounds(store, action); return _participantJoinedOrUpdated(store, next, action); } case PARTICIPANT_LEFT: { // Do not play sounds when a tile for screenshare or whiteboard is removed. (!isScreenShareParticipant(action.participant) && !isWhiteboardParticipant(action.participant) ) && _maybePlaySounds(store, action); break; } case PARTICIPANT_UPDATED: return _participantJoinedOrUpdated(store, next, action); case OVERWRITE_PARTICIPANTS_NAMES: { const { participantList } = action; if (!Array.isArray(participantList)) { logger.error('Overwrite names failed. Argument is not an array.'); return; } batch(() => { participantList.forEach(p => { store.dispatch(overwriteParticipantName(,; }); }); break; } case OVERWRITE_PARTICIPANT_NAME: { const { dispatch, getState } = store; const state = getState(); const { id, name } = action; let breakoutRoom = false, identifier = id; if (id.indexOf('@') !== -1) { identifier = id.slice(id.indexOf('/') + 1); breakoutRoom = true; = identifier; } if (breakoutRoom) { const rooms = getBreakoutRooms(state); const roomCounter = state['features/breakout-rooms'].roomCounter; const newRooms: any = {}; Object.entries(rooms).forEach(([ key, r ]) => { const participants = r?.participants || {}; const jid = Object.keys(participants).find(p => p.slice(p.indexOf('/') + 1) === identifier); if (jid) { newRooms[key] = { ...r, participants: { ...participants, [jid]: { ...participants[jid], displayName: name } } }; } else { newRooms[key] = r; } }); dispatch({ type: UPDATE_BREAKOUT_ROOMS, rooms, roomCounter, updatedNames: true }); } else { dispatch(participantUpdated({ id: identifier, name })); } break; } } return next(action); }); /** * Syncs the redux state features/base/participants up with the redux state * features/base/conference by ensuring that the former does not contain remote * participants no longer relevant to the latter. Introduced to address an issue * with multiplying thumbnails in the filmstrip. */ StateListenerRegistry.register( /* selector */ state => getCurrentConference(state), /* listener */ (conference, { dispatch, getState }) => { batch(() => { for (const [ id, p ] of getRemoteParticipants(getState())) { (!conference || p.conference !== conference) && dispatch(participantLeft(id, p.conference, { isReplaced: p.isReplaced })); } }); }); /** * Reset the ID of the local participant to * {@link LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_DEFAULT_ID}. Such a reset is deemed possible only if * the local participant and, respectively, her ID is not involved in a * conference which is still of interest to the user and, consequently, the app. * For example, a conference which is in the process of leaving is no longer of * interest the user, is unrecoverable from the perspective of the user and, * consequently, the app. */ StateListenerRegistry.register( /* selector */ state => state['features/base/conference'], /* listener */ ({ leaving }, { dispatch, getState }) => { const state = getState(); const localParticipant = getLocalParticipant(state); let id: string; if (!localParticipant || (id = === LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_DEFAULT_ID) { // The ID of the local participant has been reset already. return; } // The ID of the local may be reset only if it is not in use. const dispatchLocalParticipantIdChanged = forEachConference( state, conference => conference === leaving || conference.myUserId() !== id); dispatchLocalParticipantIdChanged && dispatch( localParticipantIdChanged(LOCAL_PARTICIPANT_DEFAULT_ID)); }); /** * Registers listeners for participant change events. */ StateListenerRegistry.register( state => state['features/base/conference'].conference, (conference, store) => { if (conference) { const propertyHandlers: { [key: string]: Function; } = { 'e2ee.enabled': (participant: IJitsiParticipant, value: string) => _e2eeUpdated(store, conference, participant.getId(), value), 'features_e2ee': (participant: IJitsiParticipant, value: boolean) => store.dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id: participant.getId(), e2eeSupported: value })), 'features_jigasi': (participant: IJitsiParticipant, value: boolean) => store.dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id: participant.getId(), isJigasi: value })), // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars 'features_screen-sharing': (participant: IJitsiParticipant, value: string) => store.dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id: participant.getId(), features: { 'screen-sharing': true } })), 'localRecording': (participant: IJitsiParticipant, value: string) => _localRecordingUpdated(store, conference, participant.getId(), value), 'raisedHand': (participant: IJitsiParticipant, value: string) => _raiseHandUpdated(store, conference, participant.getId(), value), 'region': (participant: IJitsiParticipant, value: string) => store.dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id: participant.getId(), region: value })), 'remoteControlSessionStatus': (participant: IJitsiParticipant, value: boolean) => store.dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id: participant.getId(), remoteControlSessionStatus: value })) }; // update properties for the participants that are already in the conference conference.getParticipants().forEach((participant: any) => { Object.keys(propertyHandlers).forEach(propertyName => { const value = participant.getProperty(propertyName); if (value !== undefined) { propertyHandlers[propertyName as keyof typeof propertyHandlers](participant, value); } }); }); // We joined a conference conference.on( JitsiConferenceEvents.PARTICIPANT_PROPERTY_CHANGED, (participant: IJitsiParticipant, propertyName: string, oldValue: string, newValue: string) => { if (propertyHandlers.hasOwnProperty(propertyName)) { propertyHandlers[propertyName](participant, newValue); } }); } else { const localParticipantId = getLocalParticipant(store.getState)?.id; // We left the conference, the local participant must be updated. _e2eeUpdated(store, conference, localParticipantId ?? '', false); _raiseHandUpdated(store, conference, localParticipantId ?? '', 0); } } ); /** * Handles a E2EE enabled status update. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @param {Object} conference - The conference for which we got an update. * @param {string} participantId - The ID of the participant from which we got an update. * @param {boolean} newValue - The new value of the E2EE enabled status. * @returns {void} */ function _e2eeUpdated({ getState, dispatch }: IStore, conference: IJitsiConference, participantId: string, newValue: string | boolean) { const e2eeEnabled = newValue === 'true'; const { e2ee = {} } = getState()['features/base/config']; dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id: participantId, e2eeEnabled })); if (e2ee.externallyManagedKey) { return; } const { maxMode } = getState()['features/e2ee'] || {}; if (maxMode !== MAX_MODE.THRESHOLD_EXCEEDED || !e2eeEnabled) { dispatch(toggleE2EE(e2eeEnabled)); } } /** * Initializes the local participant and signals that it joined. * * @private * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @param {Dispatch} next - The redux dispatch function to dispatch the * specified action to the specified store. * @param {Action} action - The redux action which is being dispatched * in the specified store. * @private * @returns {Object} The value returned by {@code next(action)}. */ function _localParticipantJoined({ getState, dispatch }: IStore, next: Function, action: any) { const result = next(action); const settings = getState()['features/base/settings']; // @ts-ignore dispatch(localParticipantJoined({ avatarURL: settings.avatarURL, email:, name: settings.displayName })); return result; } /** * Signals that the local participant has left. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @param {Dispatch} next - The redux {@code dispatch} function to dispatch the * specified {@code action} into the specified {@code store}. * @param {Action} action - The redux action which is being dispatched in the * specified {@code store}. * @private * @returns {Object} The value returned by {@code next(action)}. */ function _localParticipantLeft({ dispatch }: IStore, next: Function, action: any) { const result = next(action); dispatch(localParticipantLeft()); return result; } /** * Plays sounds when participants join/leave conference. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @param {Action} action - The redux action. Should be either * {@link PARTICIPANT_JOINED} or {@link PARTICIPANT_LEFT}. * @private * @returns {void} */ function _maybePlaySounds({ getState, dispatch }: IStore, action: any) { const state = getState(); const { startAudioMuted } = state['features/base/config']; const { soundsParticipantJoined: joinSound, soundsParticipantLeft: leftSound } = state['features/base/settings']; // We're not playing sounds for local participant // nor when the user is joining past the "startAudioMuted" limit. // The intention there was to not play user joined notification in big // conferences where 100th person is joining. if (!action.participant.local && (!startAudioMuted || getParticipantCount(state) < startAudioMuted)) { const { isReplacing, isReplaced } = action.participant; if (action.type === PARTICIPANT_JOINED) { if (!joinSound) { return; } const { presence } = action.participant; // The sounds for the poltergeist are handled by features/invite. if (presence !== INVITED && presence !== CALLING && !isReplacing) { dispatch(playSound(PARTICIPANT_JOINED_SOUND_ID)); } } else if (action.type === PARTICIPANT_LEFT && !isReplaced && leftSound) { dispatch(playSound(PARTICIPANT_LEFT_SOUND_ID)); } } } /** * Notifies the feature base/participants that the action * {@code PARTICIPANT_JOINED} or {@code PARTICIPANT_UPDATED} is being dispatched * within a specific redux store. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store in which the specified {@code action} * is being dispatched. * @param {Dispatch} next - The redux {@code dispatch} function to dispatch the * specified {@code action} in the specified {@code store}. * @param {Action} action - The redux action {@code PARTICIPANT_JOINED} or * {@code PARTICIPANT_UPDATED} which is being dispatched in the specified * {@code store}. * @private * @returns {Object} The value returned by {@code next(action)}. */ function _participantJoinedOrUpdated(store: IStore, next: Function, action: any) { const { dispatch, getState } = store; const { overwrittenNameList } = store.getState()['features/base/participants']; const { participant: { avatarURL, email, id, local, localRecording, name, raisedHandTimestamp } } = action; // Send an external update of the local participant's raised hand state // if a new raised hand state is defined in the action. if (typeof raisedHandTimestamp !== 'undefined') { if (local) { const { conference } = getState()['features/base/conference']; const rHand = parseInt(raisedHandTimestamp, 10); // Send raisedHand signalling only if there is a change if (conference && rHand !== getLocalParticipant(getState())?.raisedHandTimestamp) { conference.setLocalParticipantProperty('raisedHand', rHand); } } } if (overwrittenNameList[id]) { = overwrittenNameList[id]; } // Send an external update of the local participant's local recording state // if a new local recording state is defined in the action. if (typeof localRecording !== 'undefined') { if (local) { const conference = getCurrentConference(getState); // Send localRecording signalling only if there is a change if (conference && localRecording !== getLocalParticipant(getState())?.localRecording) { conference.setLocalParticipantProperty('localRecording', localRecording); } } } // Allow the redux update to go through and compare the old avatar // to the new avatar and emit out change events if necessary. const result = next(action); // Only run this if the config is populated, otherwise we preload external resources // even if disableThirdPartyRequests is set to true in config if (Object.keys(getState()['features/base/config']).length) { const { disableThirdPartyRequests } = getState()['features/base/config']; if (!disableThirdPartyRequests && (avatarURL || email || id || name)) { const participantId = !id && local ? getLocalParticipant(getState())?.id : id; const updatedParticipant = getParticipantById(getState(), participantId); getFirstLoadableAvatarUrl(updatedParticipant ?? { id: '' }, store) .then((urlData?: { isUsingCORS: boolean; src: string; }) => { dispatch(setLoadableAvatarUrl(participantId, urlData?.src ?? '', Boolean(urlData?.isUsingCORS))); }); } } return result; } /** * Handles a local recording status update. * * @param {Function} dispatch - The Redux dispatch function. * @param {Object} conference - The conference for which we got an update. * @param {string} participantId - The ID of the participant from which we got an update. * @param {boolean} newValue - The new value of the local recording status. * @returns {void} */ function _localRecordingUpdated({ dispatch, getState }: IStore, conference: IJitsiConference, participantId: string, newValue: string) { const state = getState(); dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id: participantId, localRecording: newValue })); const participantName = getParticipantDisplayName(state, participantId); dispatch(showNotification({ titleKey: 'notify.somebody', title: participantName, descriptionKey: newValue ? 'notify.localRecordingStarted' : 'notify.localRecordingStopped', uid: LOCAL_RECORDING_NOTIFICATION_ID }, NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.MEDIUM)); dispatch(playSound(newValue ? RECORDING_ON_SOUND_ID : RECORDING_OFF_SOUND_ID)); } /** * Handles a raise hand status update. * * @param {Function} dispatch - The Redux dispatch function. * @param {Object} conference - The conference for which we got an update. * @param {string} participantId - The ID of the participant from which we got an update. * @param {boolean} newValue - The new value of the raise hand status. * @returns {void} */ function _raiseHandUpdated({ dispatch, getState }: IStore, conference: IJitsiConference, participantId: string, newValue: string | number) { let raisedHandTimestamp; switch (newValue) { case undefined: case 'false': raisedHandTimestamp = 0; break; case 'true': raisedHandTimestamp =; break; default: raisedHandTimestamp = parseInt(`${newValue}`, 10); } const state = getState(); dispatch(participantUpdated({ conference, id: participantId, raisedHandTimestamp })); dispatch(raiseHandUpdateQueue({ id: participantId, raisedHandTimestamp })); if (typeof APP !== 'undefined') { APP.API.notifyRaiseHandUpdated(participantId, raisedHandTimestamp); } const isModerator = isLocalParticipantModerator(state); const participant = getParticipantById(state, participantId); let shouldDisplayAllowAction = false; if (isModerator) { shouldDisplayAllowAction = isForceMuted(participant, MEDIA_TYPE.AUDIO, state) || isForceMuted(participant, MEDIA_TYPE.VIDEO, state); } const action = shouldDisplayAllowAction ? { customActionNameKey: [ 'notify.allowAction' ], customActionHandler: [ () => dispatch(approveParticipant(participantId)) ] } : {}; if (raisedHandTimestamp) { let notificationTitle; const participantName = getParticipantDisplayName(state, participantId); const { raisedHandsQueue } = state['features/base/participants']; if (raisedHandsQueue.length > 1) { const raisedHands = raisedHandsQueue.length - 1; notificationTitle = i18n.t('notify.raisedHands', { participantName, raisedHands }); } else { notificationTitle = participantName; } dispatch(showNotification({ titleKey: 'notify.somebody', title: notificationTitle, descriptionKey: 'notify.raisedHand', concatText: true, uid: RAISE_HAND_NOTIFICATION_ID, ...action }, shouldDisplayAllowAction ? NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.MEDIUM : NOTIFICATION_TIMEOUT_TYPE.SHORT)); dispatch(playSound(RAISE_HAND_SOUND_ID)); } } /** * Registers sounds related with the participants feature. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @private * @returns {void} */ function _registerSounds({ dispatch }: IStore) { dispatch( registerSound(PARTICIPANT_JOINED_SOUND_ID, PARTICIPANT_JOINED_FILE)); dispatch(registerSound(PARTICIPANT_LEFT_SOUND_ID, PARTICIPANT_LEFT_FILE)); } /** * Unregisters sounds related with the participants feature. * * @param {Store} store - The redux store. * @private * @returns {void} */ function _unregisterSounds({ dispatch }: IStore) { dispatch(unregisterSound(PARTICIPANT_JOINED_SOUND_ID)); dispatch(unregisterSound(PARTICIPANT_LEFT_SOUND_ID)); }