/** * Provides statistics for the local stream. */ var LocalStatsCollector = (function() { /** * Size of the webaudio analizer buffer. * @type {number} */ var WEBAUDIO_ANALIZER_FFT_SIZE = 2048; /** * Value of the webaudio analizer smoothing time parameter. * @type {number} */ var WEBAUDIO_ANALIZER_SMOOTING_TIME = 0.8; /** * <tt>LocalStatsCollector</tt> calculates statistics for the local stream. * * @param stream the local stream * @param interval stats refresh interval given in ms. * @param {function(LocalStatsCollector)} updateCallback the callback called on stats * update. * @constructor */ function LocalStatsCollectorProto(stream, interval, updateCallback) { window.AudioContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext; this.stream = stream; this.intervalId = null; this.intervalMilis = interval; this.updateCallback = updateCallback; this.audioLevel = 0; } /** * Starts the collecting the statistics. */ LocalStatsCollectorProto.prototype.start = function () { if (!window.AudioContext) return; var context = new AudioContext(); var analyser = context.createAnalyser(); analyser.smoothingTimeConstant = WEBAUDIO_ANALIZER_SMOOTING_TIME; analyser.fftSize = WEBAUDIO_ANALIZER_FFT_SIZE; var source = context.createMediaStreamSource(this.stream); source.connect(analyser); var self = this; this.intervalId = setInterval( function () { var array = new Uint8Array(analyser.frequencyBinCount); analyser.getByteTimeDomainData(array); var audioLevel = TimeDomainDataToAudioLevel(array); if(audioLevel != self.audioLevel) { self.audioLevel = animateLevel(audioLevel, self.audioLevel); self.updateCallback(LocalStatsCollectorProto.LOCAL_JID, self.audioLevel); } }, this.intervalMilis ); }; /** * Stops collecting the statistics. */ LocalStatsCollectorProto.prototype.stop = function () { if (this.intervalId) { clearInterval(this.intervalId); this.intervalId = null; } }; /** * Converts time domain data array to audio level. * @param array the time domain data array. * @returns {number} the audio level */ var TimeDomainDataToAudioLevel = function (samples) { var maxVolume = 0; var length = samples.length; for (var i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (maxVolume < samples[i]) maxVolume = samples[i]; } return parseFloat(((maxVolume - 127) / 128).toFixed(3)); }; /** * Animates audio level change * @param newLevel the new audio level * @param lastLevel the last audio level * @returns {Number} the audio level to be set */ function animateLevel(newLevel, lastLevel) { var value = 0; var diff = lastLevel - newLevel; if(diff > 0.2) { value = lastLevel - 0.2; } else if(diff < -0.4) { value = lastLevel + 0.4; } else { value = newLevel; } return parseFloat(value.toFixed(3)); } /** * Indicates that this audio level is for local jid. * @type {string} */ LocalStatsCollectorProto.LOCAL_JID = 'local'; return LocalStatsCollectorProto; })();