/* global $, alert, changeLocalVideo, chrome, config, connection, getConferenceHandler, getUserMediaWithConstraints */ /** * Indicates that desktop stream is currently in use(for toggle purpose). * @type {boolean} */ var isUsingScreenStream = false; /** * Indicates that switch stream operation is in progress and prevent from triggering new events. * @type {boolean} */ var switchInProgress = false; /** * Method used to get screen sharing stream. * * @type {function (stream_callback, failure_callback} */ var obtainDesktopStream = null; /** * Flag used to cache desktop sharing enabled state. Do not use directly as it can be null. * @type {null|boolean} */ var _desktopSharingEnabled = null; /** * Method obtains desktop stream from WebRTC 'screen' source. * Flag 'chrome://flags/#enable-usermedia-screen-capture' must be enabled. */ function obtainWebRTCScreen(streamCallback, failCallback) { RTC.getUserMediaWithConstraints( ['screen'], streamCallback, failCallback ); } /** * Constructs inline install URL for Chrome desktop streaming extension. * The 'chromeExtensionId' must be defined in config.js. * @returns {string} */ function getWebStoreInstallUrl() { return "https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/" + config.chromeExtensionId; } /** * Checks whether extension update is required. * @param minVersion minimal required version * @param extVersion current extension version * @returns {boolean} */ function isUpdateRequired(minVersion, extVersion) { try { var s1 = minVersion.split('.'); var s2 = extVersion.split('.'); var len = Math.max(s1.length, s2.length); for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var n1 = 0, n2 = 0; if (i < s1.length) n1 = parseInt(s1[i]); if (i < s2.length) n2 = parseInt(s2[i]); if (isNaN(n1) || isNaN(n2)) { return true; } else if (n1 !== n2) { return n1 > n2; } } // will happen if boths version has identical numbers in // their components (even if one of them is longer, has more components) return false; } catch (e) { console.error("Failed to parse extension version", e); UI.messageHandler.showError('Error', 'Error when trying to detect desktopsharing extension.'); return true; } } function checkExtInstalled(isInstalledCallback) { if (!chrome.runtime) { // No API, so no extension for sure isInstalledCallback(false); return; } chrome.runtime.sendMessage( config.chromeExtensionId, { getVersion: true }, function (response) { if (!response || !response.version) { // Communication failure - assume that no endpoint exists console.warn("Extension not installed?: " + chrome.runtime.lastError); isInstalledCallback(false); } else { // Check installed extension version var extVersion = response.version; console.log('Extension version is: ' + extVersion); var updateRequired = isUpdateRequired(config.minChromeExtVersion, extVersion); if (updateRequired) { alert( 'Jitsi Desktop Streamer requires update. ' + 'Changes will take effect after next Chrome restart.'); } isInstalledCallback(!updateRequired); } } ); } function doGetStreamFromExtension(streamCallback, failCallback) { // Sends 'getStream' msg to the extension. Extension id must be defined in the config. chrome.runtime.sendMessage( config.chromeExtensionId, { getStream: true, sources: config.desktopSharingSources }, function (response) { if (!response) { failCallback(chrome.runtime.lastError); return; } console.log("Response from extension: " + response); if (response.streamId) { RTC.getUserMediaWithConstraints( ['desktop'], function (stream) { streamCallback(stream); }, failCallback, null, null, null, response.streamId); } else { failCallback("Extension failed to get the stream"); } } ); } /** * Asks Chrome extension to call chooseDesktopMedia and gets chrome 'desktop' stream for returned stream token. */ function obtainScreenFromExtension(streamCallback, failCallback) { checkExtInstalled( function (isInstalled) { if (isInstalled) { doGetStreamFromExtension(streamCallback, failCallback); } else { chrome.webstore.install( getWebStoreInstallUrl(), function (arg) { console.log("Extension installed successfully", arg); // We need to reload the page in order to get the access to chrome.runtime window.location.reload(false); }, function (arg) { console.log("Failed to install the extension", arg); failCallback(arg); UI.messageHandler.showError('Error', 'Failed to install desktop sharing extension'); } ); } } ); } /** * @returns {boolean} true if desktop sharing feature is available and enabled. */ function isDesktopSharingEnabled() { if (_desktopSharingEnabled === null) { if (obtainDesktopStream === obtainScreenFromExtension) { // Parse chrome version var userAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase(); // We can assume that user agent is chrome, because it's enforced when 'ext' streaming method is set var ver = parseInt(userAgent.match(/chrome\/(\d+)\./)[1], 10); console.log("Chrome version" + userAgent, ver); _desktopSharingEnabled = ver >= 34; } else { _desktopSharingEnabled = obtainDesktopStream === obtainWebRTCScreen; } } return _desktopSharingEnabled; } function showDesktopSharingButton() { if (isDesktopSharingEnabled()) { $('#desktopsharing').css({display: "inline"}); } else { $('#desktopsharing').css({display: "none"}); } } /** * Call this method to toggle desktop sharing feature. * @param method pass "ext" to use chrome extension for desktop capture(chrome extension required), * pass "webrtc" to use WebRTC "screen" desktop source('chrome://flags/#enable-usermedia-screen-capture' * must be enabled), pass any other string or nothing in order to disable this feature completely. */ function setDesktopSharing(method) { // Check if we are running chrome if (!navigator.webkitGetUserMedia) { obtainDesktopStream = null; console.info("Desktop sharing disabled"); } else if (method == "ext") { obtainDesktopStream = obtainScreenFromExtension; console.info("Using Chrome extension for desktop sharing"); } else if (method == "webrtc") { obtainDesktopStream = obtainWebRTCScreen; console.info("Using Chrome WebRTC for desktop sharing"); } // Reset enabled cache _desktopSharingEnabled = null; showDesktopSharingButton(); } /** * Initializes with extension id set in config.js to support inline installs. * Host site must be selected as main website of published extension. */ function initInlineInstalls() { $("link[rel=chrome-webstore-item]").attr("href", getWebStoreInstallUrl()); } function getSwitchStreamFailed(error) { console.error("Failed to obtain the stream to switch to", error); switchInProgress = false; } function streamSwitchDone() { //window.setTimeout( // function () { switchInProgress = false; UI.changeDesktopSharingButtonState(isUsingScreenStream); // }, 100 //); } function newStreamCreated(stream) { var oldStream = RTC.localVideo.getOriginalStream(); RTC.localVideo.stream = stream; UI.changeLocalVideo(stream, !isUsingScreenStream); if (activecall) { // FIXME: will block switchInProgress on true value in case of exception activecall.switchStreams(stream, oldStream, streamSwitchDone); } else { // We are done immediately console.error("No conference handler"); UI.messageHandler.showError('Error', 'Unable to switch video stream.'); streamSwitchDone(); } } /* * Toggles screen sharing. */ function toggleScreenSharing() { if (switchInProgress || !obtainDesktopStream) { console.warn("Switch in progress or no method defined"); return; } switchInProgress = true; if (!isUsingScreenStream) { // Switch to desktop stream obtainDesktopStream( function (stream) { // We now use screen stream isUsingScreenStream = true; // Hook 'ended' event to restore camera when screen stream stops stream.addEventListener('ended', function (e) { if (!switchInProgress && isUsingScreenStream) { toggleScreenSharing(); } } ); newStreamCreated(stream); }, getSwitchStreamFailed); } else { // Disable screen stream RTC.getUserMediaWithConstraints( ['video'], function (stream) { // We are now using camera stream isUsingScreenStream = false; newStreamCreated(stream); }, getSwitchStreamFailed, config.resolution || '360' ); } }