/* @flow */ import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { translate } from '../../base/i18n'; /** * The type of the React {@code Component} props of * {@link ConnectionStatsTable}. */ type Props = { /** * Statistics related to bandwidth. * {{ * download: Number, * upload: Number * }} */ bandwidth: Object, /** * Statistics related to bitrate. * {{ * download: Number, * upload: Number * }} */ bitrate: Object, /** * The number of bridges (aka media servers) currently used in the * conference. */ bridgeCount: number, /** * A message describing the connection quality. */ connectionSummary: string, /** * The end-to-end round-trip-time. */ e2eRtt: number, /** * Statistics related to frame rates for each ssrc. * {{ * [ ssrc ]: Number * }} */ framerate: Object, /** * Whether or not the statistics are for local video. */ isLocalVideo: boolean, /** * Callback to invoke when the show additional stats link is clicked. */ onShowMore: Function, /** * Statistics related to packet loss. * {{ * download: Number, * upload: Number * }} */ packetLoss: Object, /** * The region that we think the client is in. */ region: string, /** * Statistics related to display resolutions for each ssrc. * {{ * [ ssrc ]: { * height: Number, * width: Number * } * }} */ resolution: Object, /** * The region of the media server that we are connected to. */ serverRegion: string, /** * Whether or not additional stats about bandwidth and transport should be * displayed. Will not display even if true for remote participants. */ shouldShowMore: boolean, /** * Invoked to obtain translated strings. */ t: Function, /** * Statistics related to transports. */ transport: Array }; /** * React {@code Component} for displaying connection statistics. * * @extends Component */ class ConnectionStatsTable extends Component { /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {ReactElement} */ render() { const { isLocalVideo } = this.props; return (
{ this._renderStatistics() } { isLocalVideo ? this._renderShowMoreLink() : null } { isLocalVideo && this.props.shouldShowMore ? this._renderAdditionalStats() : null }
); } /** * Creates a table as ReactElement that will display additional statistics * related to bandwidth and transport for the local user. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderAdditionalStats() { return ( { this._renderBandwidth() } { this._renderTransport() } { this._renderRegion() }
); } /** * Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying bandwidth related * statistics. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderBandwidth() { const { download, upload } = this.props.bandwidth || {}; return ( { this.props.t('connectionindicator.bandwidth') } { download ? `${download} Kbps` : 'N/A' } { upload ? `${upload} Kbps` : 'N/A' } ); } /** * Creates a a table row as a ReactElement for displaying bitrate related * statistics. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderBitrate() { const { download, upload } = this.props.bitrate || {}; return ( { this.props.t('connectionindicator.bitrate') } { download ? `${download} Kbps` : 'N/A' } { upload ? `${upload} Kbps` : 'N/A' } ); } /** * Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying a summary message * about the current connection status. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderConnectionSummary() { return ( { this.props.t('connectionindicator.status') } { this.props.connectionSummary } ); } /** * Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying end-to-end RTT and * the region. * * @returns {ReactElement} * @private */ _renderE2eRtt() { const { e2eRtt, t } = this.props; const str = e2eRtt ? `${e2eRtt.toFixed(0)}ms` : 'N/A'; return ( { t('connectionindicator.e2e_rtt') } { str } ); } /** * Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying the "connected to" * information. * * @returns {ReactElement} * @private */ _renderRegion() { const { region, serverRegion, t } = this.props; let str = serverRegion; if (!serverRegion) { return; } if (region && serverRegion && region !== serverRegion) { str += ` from ${region}`; } return ( { t('connectionindicator.connectedTo') } { str } ); } /** * Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying the "bridge count" * information. * * @returns {*} * @private */ _renderBridgeCount() { const { bridgeCount, t } = this.props; // 0 is valid, but undefined/null/NaN aren't. if (!bridgeCount && bridgeCount !== 0) { return; } return ( { t('connectionindicator.bridgeCount') } { bridgeCount } ); } /** * Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying frame rate related * statistics. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderFrameRate() { const { framerate, t } = this.props; const frameRateString = Object.keys(framerate || {}) .map(ssrc => framerate[ssrc]) .join(', ') || 'N/A'; return ( { t('connectionindicator.framerate') } { frameRateString } ); } /** * Creates a tables row as a ReactElement for displaying packet loss related * statistics. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderPacketLoss() { const { packetLoss, t } = this.props; let packetLossTableData; if (packetLoss) { const { download, upload } = packetLoss; packetLossTableData = ( { download === null ? 'N/A' : `${download}%` } { upload === null ? 'N/A' : `${upload}%` } ); } else { packetLossTableData = N/A; } return ( { t('connectionindicator.packetloss') } { packetLossTableData } ); } /** * Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying resolution related * statistics. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderResolution() { const { resolution, t } = this.props; const resolutionString = Object.keys(resolution || {}) .map(ssrc => { const { width, height } = resolution[ssrc]; return `${width}x${height}`; }) .join(', ') || 'N/A'; return ( { t('connectionindicator.resolution') } { resolutionString } ); } /** * Creates a ReactElement for display a link to toggle showing additional * statistics. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderShowMoreLink() { const translationKey = this.props.shouldShowMore ? 'connectionindicator.less' : 'connectionindicator.more'; return ( { this.props.t(translationKey) } ); } /** * Creates a table as a ReactElement for displaying connection statistics. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderStatistics() { const isRemoteVideo = !this.props.isLocalVideo; return ( { this._renderConnectionSummary() } { this._renderBitrate() } { this._renderPacketLoss() } { isRemoteVideo ? this._renderE2eRtt() : null } { isRemoteVideo ? this._renderRegion() : null } { this._renderResolution() } { this._renderFrameRate() } { isRemoteVideo ? null : this._renderBridgeCount() }
); } /** * Creates table rows as ReactElements for displaying transport related * statistics. * * @private * @returns {ReactElement[]} */ _renderTransport() { const { t, transport } = this.props; if (!transport || transport.length === 0) { const NA = ( { t('connectionindicator.address') } N/A ); return [ NA ]; } const data = { localIP: [], localPort: [], remoteIP: [], remotePort: [], transportType: [] }; for (let i = 0; i < transport.length; i++) { const ip = getIP(transport[i].ip); const localIP = getIP(transport[i].localip); const localPort = getPort(transport[i].localip); const port = getPort(transport[i].ip); if (!data.remoteIP.includes(ip)) { data.remoteIP.push(ip); } if (!data.localIP.includes(localIP)) { data.localIP.push(localIP); } if (!data.localPort.includes(localPort)) { data.localPort.push(localPort); } if (!data.remotePort.includes(port)) { data.remotePort.push(port); } if (!data.transportType.includes(transport[i].type)) { data.transportType.push(transport[i].type); } } // All of the transports should be either P2P or JVB let isP2P = false, isTURN = false; if (transport.length) { isP2P = transport[0].p2p; isTURN = transport[0].localCandidateType === 'relay' || transport[0].remoteCandidateType === 'relay'; } let additionalData = null; if (isP2P) { additionalData = isTURN ? { t('connectionindicator.turn') } : { t('connectionindicator.peer_to_peer') }; } // First show remote statistics, then local, and then transport type. const tableRowConfigurations = [ { additionalData, data: data.remoteIP, key: 'remoteaddress', label: t('connectionindicator.remoteaddress', { count: data.remoteIP.length }) }, { data: data.remotePort, key: 'remoteport', label: t('connectionindicator.remoteport', { count: transport.length }) }, { data: data.localIP, key: 'localaddress', label: t('connectionindicator.localaddress', { count: data.localIP.length }) }, { data: data.localPort, key: 'localport', label: t('connectionindicator.localport', { count: transport.length }) }, { data: data.transportType, key: 'transport', label: t('connectionindicator.transport', { count: data.transportType.length }) } ]; return tableRowConfigurations.map(this._renderTransportTableRow); } /** * Creates a table row as a ReactElement for displaying a transport related * statistic. * * @param {Object} config - Describes the contents of the row. * @param {ReactElement} config.additionalData - Extra data to display next * to the passed in config.data. * @param {Array} config.data - The transport statistics to display. * @param {string} config.key - The ReactElement's key. Must be unique for * iterating over multiple child rows. * @param {string} config.label - The text to display describing the data. * @private * @returns {ReactElement} */ _renderTransportTableRow(config: Object) { const { additionalData, data, key, label } = config; return ( { label } { getStringFromArray(data) } { additionalData || null } ); } } /** * Utility for getting the IP from a transport statistics object's * representation of an IP. * * @param {string} value - The transport's IP to parse. * @private * @returns {string} */ function getIP(value) { if (!value) { return ''; } return value.substring(0, value.lastIndexOf(':')); } /** * Utility for getting the port from a transport statistics object's * representation of an IP. * * @param {string} value - The transport's IP to parse. * @private * @returns {string} */ function getPort(value) { if (!value) { return ''; } return value.substring(value.lastIndexOf(':') + 1, value.length); } /** * Utility for concatenating values in an array into a comma separated string. * * @param {Array} array - Transport statistics to concatenate. * @private * @returns {string} */ function getStringFromArray(array) { let res = ''; for (let i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { res += (i === 0 ? '' : ', ') + array[i]; } return res; } export default translate(ConnectionStatsTable);