import { StyleSheet } from 'react-native'; import { BoxModel, ColorPalette, createStyleSheet } from '../../base/styles'; /** * The default color of text on overlays. */ const TEXT_COLOR = ColorPalette.white; /** * The React {@code Component} styles of {@code OverlayFrame}. */ export const overlayFrame = createStyleSheet({ /** * Style for a backdrop overlay covering the screen the the overlay is * rendered. */ container: { ...StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject, backgroundColor: } }); /** * The React {@code Component} styles of {@code PageReloadOverlay}. */ export const pageReloadOverlay = createStyleSheet({ /** * Style for the buttons on {@code PageReloadOverlay}. */ button: { color: TEXT_COLOR, fontSize: 20, marginVertical: BoxModel.margin, textAlign: 'center' }, /** * Style for the "box" surrounding the buttons at the bottom of the page. */ buttonBox: { bottom: BoxModel.margin, left: 0, position: 'absolute', right: 0 }, /** * Style for the container of the {@code PageReloadOVerlay}. */ container: { flex: 1, margin: BoxModel.margin * 2 }, /** * Style for the {@code LoadingIndicator}. */ loadingIndicator: { ...StyleSheet.absoluteFillObject, alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }, /** * Style for the descriptive error message. */ message: { color: TEXT_COLOR, fontSize: 16, marginTop: BoxModel.margin, textAlign: 'center' }, /** * Style for the error title. */ title: { color: TEXT_COLOR, fontSize: 24, textAlign: 'center' } });