var Chat = require("./chat/Chat"); var ContactList = require("./contactlist/ContactList"); var Settings = require("./settings/Settings"); var SettingsMenu = require("./settings/SettingsMenu"); var VideoLayout = require("../videolayout/VideoLayout"); var ToolbarToggler = require("../toolbars/ToolbarToggler"); var UIUtil = require("../util/UIUtil"); /** * Toggler for the chat, contact list, settings menu, etc.. */ var PanelToggler = (function(my) { var currentlyOpen = null; var buttons = { '#chatspace': '#chatBottomButton', '#contactlist': '#contactListButton', '#settingsmenu': '#settingsButton' }; /** * Resizes the video area * @param isClosing whether the side panel is going to be closed or is going to open / remain opened * @param completeFunction a function to be called when the video space is resized */ var resizeVideoArea = function(isClosing, completeFunction) { var videospace = $('#videospace'); var panelSize = isClosing ? [0, 0] : PanelToggler.getPanelSize(); var videospaceWidth = window.innerWidth - panelSize[0]; var videospaceHeight = window.innerHeight; var videoSize = VideoLayout.getVideoSize(null, null, videospaceWidth, videospaceHeight); var videoWidth = videoSize[0]; var videoHeight = videoSize[1]; var videoPosition = VideoLayout.getVideoPosition(videoWidth, videoHeight, videospaceWidth, videospaceHeight); var horizontalIndent = videoPosition[0]; var verticalIndent = videoPosition[1]; var thumbnailSize = VideoLayout.calculateThumbnailSize(videospaceWidth); var thumbnailsWidth = thumbnailSize[0]; var thumbnailsHeight = thumbnailSize[1]; //for chat videospace.animate({ right: panelSize[0], width: videospaceWidth, height: videospaceHeight }, { queue: false, duration: 500, complete: completeFunction }); $('#remoteVideos').animate({ height: thumbnailsHeight }, { queue: false, duration: 500 }); $('#remoteVideos>span').animate({ height: thumbnailsHeight, width: thumbnailsWidth }, { queue: false, duration: 500, complete: function () { $(document).trigger( "remotevideo.resized", [thumbnailsWidth, thumbnailsHeight]); } }); $('#largeVideoContainer').animate({ width: videospaceWidth, height: videospaceHeight }, { queue: false, duration: 500 }); $('#largeVideo').animate({ width: videoWidth, height: videoHeight, top: verticalIndent, bottom: verticalIndent, left: horizontalIndent, right: horizontalIndent }, { queue: false, duration: 500 }); }; /** * Toggles the windows in the side panel * @param object the window that should be shown * @param selector the selector for the element containing the panel * @param onOpenComplete function to be called when the panel is opened * @param onOpen function to be called if the window is going to be opened * @param onClose function to be called if the window is going to be closed */ var toggle = function(object, selector, onOpenComplete, onOpen, onClose) { UIUtil.buttonClick(buttons[selector], "active"); if (object.isVisible()) { $("#toast-container").animate({ right: '5px' }, { queue: false, duration: 500 }); $(selector).hide("slide", { direction: "right", queue: false, duration: 500 }); if(typeof onClose === "function") { onClose(); } currentlyOpen = null; } else { // Undock the toolbar when the chat is shown and if we're in a // video mode. if (VideoLayout.isLargeVideoVisible()) { ToolbarToggler.dockToolbar(false); } if(currentlyOpen) { var current = $(currentlyOpen); UIUtil.buttonClick(buttons[currentlyOpen], "active"); current.css('z-index', 4); setTimeout(function () { current.css('display', 'none'); current.css('z-index', 5); }, 500); } $("#toast-container").animate({ right: (PanelToggler.getPanelSize()[0] + 5) + 'px' }, { queue: false, duration: 500 }); $(selector).show("slide", { direction: "right", queue: false, duration: 500, complete: onOpenComplete }); if(typeof onOpen === "function") { onOpen(); } currentlyOpen = selector; } }; /** * Opens / closes the chat area. */ my.toggleChat = function() { var chatCompleteFunction = Chat.isVisible() ? function() {} : function () { Chat.scrollChatToBottom(); $('#chatspace').trigger('shown'); }; resizeVideoArea(Chat.isVisible(), chatCompleteFunction); toggle(Chat, '#chatspace', function () { // Request the focus in the nickname field or the chat input field. if ($('#nickname').css('visibility') === 'visible') { $('#nickinput').focus(); } else { $('#usermsg').focus(); } }, null, Chat.resizeChat, null); }; /** * Opens / closes the contact list area. */ my.toggleContactList = function () { var completeFunction = ContactList.isVisible() ? function() {} : function () { $('#contactlist').trigger('shown');}; resizeVideoArea(ContactList.isVisible(), completeFunction); toggle(ContactList, '#contactlist', null, function() { ContactList.setVisualNotification(false); }, null); }; /** * Opens / closes the settings menu */ my.toggleSettingsMenu = function() { resizeVideoArea(SettingsMenu.isVisible(), function (){}); toggle(SettingsMenu, '#settingsmenu', null, function() { var settings = Settings.getSettings(); $('#setDisplayName').get(0).value = settings.displayName; $('#setEmail').get(0).value =; }, null); }; /** * Returns the size of the side panel. */ my.getPanelSize = function () { var availableHeight = window.innerHeight; var availableWidth = window.innerWidth; var panelWidth = 200; if (availableWidth * 0.2 < 200) { panelWidth = availableWidth * 0.2; } return [panelWidth, availableHeight]; }; my.isVisible = function() { return (Chat.isVisible() || ContactList.isVisible() || SettingsMenu.isVisible()); }; return my; }(PanelToggler || {})); module.exports = PanelToggler;