local bare = require "util.jid".bare; local get_room_from_jid = module:require "util".get_room_from_jid; local jid = require "util.jid"; local neturl = require "net.url"; local parse = neturl.parseQuery; local poltergeist = module:require "poltergeist"; local wrap_async_run = module:require "util".wrap_async_run; -- Options local poltergeist_component = module:get_option_string("poltergeist_component", module.host); -- this basically strips the domain from the conference.domain address local parentHostName = string.gmatch(tostring(module.host), "%w+.(%w.+)")(); if parentHostName == nil then log("error", "Failed to start - unable to get parent hostname"); return; end local parentCtx = module:context(parentHostName); if parentCtx == nil then log("error", "Failed to start - unable to get parent context for host: %s", tostring(parentHostName)); return; end local token_util = module:require "token/util".new(parentCtx); -- option to enable/disable token verifications local disableTokenVerification = module:get_option_boolean("disable_polergeist_token_verification", false); -- poltergaist management functions -- Returns the room if available, work and in multidomain mode -- @param room_name the name of the room -- @param group name of the group (optional) -- @return returns room if found or nil function get_room(room_name, group) local room_address = jid.join(room_name, module:get_host()); -- if there is a group we are in multidomain mode and that group is not -- our parent host if group and group ~= "" and group ~= parentHostName then room_address = "["..group.."]"..room_address; end return get_room_from_jid(room_address); end --- Verifies room name, domain name with the values in the token -- @param token the token we received -- @param room_name the room name -- @param group name of the group (optional) -- @param session the session to use for storing token specific fields -- @return true if values are ok or false otherwise function verify_token(token, room_name, group, session) if disableTokenVerification then return true; end -- if not disableTokenVerification and we do not have token -- stop here, cause the main virtual host can have guest access enabled -- (allowEmptyToken = true) and we will allow access to rooms info without -- a token if token == nil then log("warn", "no token provided"); return false; end session.auth_token = token; local verified, reason = token_util:process_and_verify_token(session); if not verified then log("warn", "not a valid token %s", tostring(reason)); return false; end local room_address = jid.join(room_name, module:get_host()); -- if there is a group we are in multidomain mode and that group is not -- our parent host if group and group ~= "" and group ~= parentHostName then room_address = "["..group.."]"..room_address; end if not token_util:verify_room(session, room_address) then log("warn", "Token %s not allowed to join: %s", tostring(token), tostring(room_address)); return false; end return true; end -- Event handlers -- if we found that a session for a user with id has a poltergiest already -- created, retrieve its jid and return it to the authentication -- so we can reuse it and we that real user will replace the poltergiest prosody.events.add_handler("pre-jitsi-authentication", function(session) if (session.jitsi_meet_context_user) then local room = get_room( session.jitsi_bosh_query_room, session.jitsi_bosh_query_prefix); if (not room) then return nil; end local username = poltergeist.get_username( room, session.jitsi_meet_context_user["id"] ); if (not username) then return nil; end log("debug", "Found predefined username %s", username); -- let's find the room and if the poltergeist occupant is there -- lets remove him before the real participant joins -- when we see the unavailable presence to go out the server -- we will mark it with ignore tag local nick = poltergeist.create_nick(username); if (poltergeist.occupies(room, nick)) then module:log("info", "swapping poltergeist for user: %s/%s", room, nick) -- notify that user connected using the poltergeist poltergeist.update(room, nick, "connected"); poltergeist.remove(room, nick, true); end return username; end return nil; end); --- Note: mod_muc and some of its sub-modules add event handlers between 0 and -100, --- e.g. to check for banned users, etc.. Hence adding these handlers at priority -100. module:hook("muc-decline", function (event) poltergeist.remove(event.room, bare(event.stanza.attr.from), false); end, -100); -- before sending the presence for a poltergeist leaving add ignore tag -- as poltergeist is leaving just before the real user joins and in the client -- we ignore this presence to avoid leaving/joining experience and the real -- user will reuse all currently created UI components for the same nick module:hook("muc-broadcast-presence", function (event) if (bare(event.occupant.jid) == poltergeist_component) then if(event.stanza.attr.type == "unavailable" and poltergeist.should_ignore(event.occupant.nick)) then event.stanza:tag( "ignore", { xmlns = "http://jitsi.org/jitmeet/" }):up(); poltergeist.reset_ignored(event.occupant.nick); end end end, -100); -- cleanup room table after room is destroyed module:hook( "muc-room-destroyed", function(event) poltergeist.remove_room(event.room); end ); --- Handles request for creating/managing poltergeists -- @param event the http event, holds the request query -- @return GET response, containing a json with response details function handle_create_poltergeist (event) if (not event.request.url.query) then return 400; end local params = parse(event.request.url.query); local user_id = params["user"]; local room_name = params["room"]; local group = params["group"]; local name = params["name"]; local avatar = params["avatar"]; local status = params["status"]; local conversation = params["conversation"]; local session = {}; if not verify_token(params["token"], room_name, group, session) then return 403; end -- If the provided room conference doesn't exist then we -- can't add a poltergeist to it. local room = get_room(room_name, group); if (not room) then log("error", "no room found %s", room_name); return 404; end -- If the poltergiest is already in the conference then it will -- be in our username store and another can't be added. local username = poltergeist.get_username(room, user_id); if (username ~=nil and poltergeist.occupies(room, poltergeist.create_nick(username))) then log("warn", "poltergeist for username:%s already in the room:%s", username, room_name ); return 202; end local context = { user = { id = user_id; }; group = group; creator_user = session.jitsi_meet_context_user; creator_group = session.jitsi_meet_context_group; }; local resources = {}; if conversation ~= nil then resources["conversation"] = conversation end poltergeist.add_to_muc(room, user_id, name, avatar, context, status, resources) return 200; end --- Handles request for updating poltergeists status -- @param event the http event, holds the request query -- @return GET response, containing a json with response details function handle_update_poltergeist (event) if (not event.request.url.query) then return 400; end local params = parse(event.request.url.query); local user_id = params["user"]; local room_name = params["room"]; local group = params["group"]; local status = params["status"]; local call_id = params["callid"]; local call_cancel = false if params["callcancel"] == "true" then call_cancel = true; end if not verify_token(params["token"], room_name, group, {}) then return 403; end local room = get_room(room_name, group); if (not room) then log("error", "no room found %s", room_name); return 404; end local username = poltergeist.get_username(room, user_id); if (not username) then return 404; end local call_details = { ["cancel"] = call_cancel; ["id"] = call_id; }; local nick = poltergeist.create_nick(username); if (not poltergeist.occupies(room, nick)) then return 404; end poltergeist.update(room, nick, status, call_details); return 200; end --- Handles remove poltergeists -- @param event the http event, holds the request query -- @return GET response, containing a json with response details function handle_remove_poltergeist (event) if (not event.request.url.query) then return 400; end local params = parse(event.request.url.query); local user_id = params["user"]; local room_name = params["room"]; local group = params["group"]; if not verify_token(params["token"], room_name, group, {}) then return 403; end local room = get_room(room_name, group); if (not room) then log("error", "no room found %s", room_name); return 404; end local username = poltergeist.get_username(room, user_id); if (not username) then return 404; end local nick = poltergeist.create_nick(username); if (not poltergeist.occupies(room, nick)) then return 404; end poltergeist.remove(room, nick, false); return 200; end log("info", "Loading poltergeist service"); module:depends("http"); module:provides("http", { default_path = "/"; name = "poltergeist"; route = { ["GET /poltergeist/create"] = function (event) return wrap_async_run(event,handle_create_poltergeist) end; ["GET /poltergeist/update"] = function (event) return wrap_async_run(event,handle_update_poltergeist) end; ["GET /poltergeist/remove"] = function (event) return wrap_async_run(event,handle_remove_poltergeist) end; }; });