/* global $, APP, config, interfaceConfig */ import UIEvents from "../../service/UI/UIEvents"; /* * Created by Yana Stamcheva on 2/10/15. */ var messageHandler = require("./util/MessageHandler"); /** * Constructs the html for the overall feedback window. * * @returns {string} the constructed html string */ var constructOverallFeedbackHtml = function() { var feedbackQuestion = (Feedback.feedbackScore < 0) ? '

' + APP.translation .translateString("dialog.feedbackQuestion") : ''; var message = '
' + '
' + APP.translation.translateString("dialog.thankYou", {appName:interfaceConfig.APP_NAME}) + '
' + feedbackQuestion + '

' + '
' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '
'; return message; }; /** * Constructs the html for the detailed feedback window. * * @returns {string} the contructed html string */ var constructDetailedFeedbackHtml = function() { // Construct the html, which will be served as a dialog message. var message = '
' + '
' + APP.translation.translateString("dialog.sorryFeedback") + '

' + '
' + '' + '
'; return message; }; /** * The callback function corresponding to the openFeedbackWindow parameter. * * @type {function} */ var feedbackWindowCallback = null; /** * Shows / hides the feedback button. * @private */ function _toggleFeedbackIcon() { $('#feedbackButtonDiv').toggleClass("hidden"); } /** * Shows / hides the feedback button. * @param {show} set to {true} to show the feedback button or to {false} * to hide it * @private */ function _showFeedbackButton (show) { var feedbackButton = $("#feedbackButtonDiv"); if (show) feedbackButton.css("display", "block"); else feedbackButton.css("display", "none"); } /** * Defines all methods in connection to the Feedback window. * * @type {{feedbackScore: number, openFeedbackWindow: Function, * toggleStars: Function, hoverStars: Function, unhoverStars: Function}} */ var Feedback = { /** * The feedback score. -1 indicates no score has been given for now. */ feedbackScore: -1, /** * Initialise the Feedback functionality. * @param emitter the EventEmitter to associate with the Feedback. */ init: function (emitter) { // CallStats is the way we send feedback, so we don't have to initialise // if callstats isn't enabled. if (!APP.conference.isCallstatsEnabled()) return; // If enabled property is still undefined, i.e. it hasn't been set from // some other module already, we set it to true by default. if (typeof this.enabled == "undefined") this.enabled = true; _showFeedbackButton(this.enabled); $("#feedbackButton").click(function (event) { Feedback.openFeedbackWindow(); }); // Show / hide the feedback button whenever the film strip is // shown / hidden. emitter.addListener(UIEvents.TOGGLE_FILM_STRIP, function () { _toggleFeedbackIcon(); }); }, /** * Enables/ disabled the feedback feature. */ enableFeedback: function (enable) { if (this.enabled !== enable) _showFeedbackButton(enable); this.enabled = enable; }, /** * Indicates if the feedback functionality is enabled. * * @return true if the feedback functionality is enabled, false otherwise. */ isEnabled: function() { return this.enabled && APP.conference.isCallstatsEnabled(); }, /** * Opens the feedback window. */ openFeedbackWindow: function (callback) { feedbackWindowCallback = callback; // Add all mouse and click listeners. var onLoadFunction = function (event) { $('#stars >a').each(function(index) { // On star mouse over. $(this).get(0).onmouseover = function(){ Feedback.hoverStars(index); }; // On star mouse leave. $(this).get(0).onmouseleave = function(){ Feedback.unhoverStars(index); }; // On star click. $(this).get(0).onclick = function(){ Feedback.toggleStars(index); Feedback.feedbackScore = index+1; // If the feedback is less than 3 stars we're going to // ask the user for more information. if (Feedback.feedbackScore > 3) { APP.conference.sendFeedback(Feedback.feedbackScore, ""); if (feedbackWindowCallback) feedbackWindowCallback(); else APP.UI.messageHandler.closeDialog(); } else { feedbackDialog.goToState('detailed_feedback'); } }; // Init stars to correspond to previously entered feedback. if (Feedback.feedbackScore > 0 && index < Feedback.feedbackScore) { Feedback.hoverStars(index); Feedback.toggleStars(index); } }); }; // Defines the different states of the feedback window. var states = { overall_feedback: { html: constructOverallFeedbackHtml(), persistent: false, buttons: {}, closeText: '', focus: "div[id='stars']", position: {width: 500} }, detailed_feedback: { html: constructDetailedFeedbackHtml(), buttons: {"Submit": true, "Cancel": false}, closeText: '', focus: "textarea[id='feedbackTextArea']", position: {width: 500}, submit: function(e,v,m,f) { e.preventDefault(); if (v) { var feedbackDetails = document.getElementById("feedbackTextArea").value; if (feedbackDetails && feedbackDetails.length > 0) APP.conference.sendFeedback( Feedback.feedbackScore, feedbackDetails); if (feedbackWindowCallback) feedbackWindowCallback(); else APP.UI.messageHandler.closeDialog(); } else { // User cancelled if (feedbackWindowCallback) feedbackWindowCallback(); else APP.UI.messageHandler.closeDialog(); } } } }; // Create the feedback dialog. var feedbackDialog = APP.UI.messageHandler.openDialogWithStates( states, { persistent: false, buttons: {}, closeText: '', loaded: onLoadFunction, position: {width: 500}}, null); }, /** * Toggles the appropriate css class for the given number of stars, to * indicate that those stars have been clicked/selected. * * @param starCount the number of stars, for which to toggle the css class */ toggleStars: function (starCount) { $('#stars >a >i').each(function(index) { if (index <= starCount) { $(this).removeClass("fa-star-o"); } else $(this).addClass("fa-star-o"); }); }, /** * Toggles the appropriate css class for the given number of stars, to * indicate that those stars have been hovered. * * @param starCount the number of stars, for which to toggle the css class */ hoverStars: function (starCount) { $('#stars >a >i').each(function(index) { if (index <= starCount) $(this).addClass("starHover"); }); }, /** * Toggles the appropriate css class for the given number of stars, to * indicate that those stars have been un-hovered. * * @param starCount the number of stars, for which to toggle the css class */ unhoverStars: function (starCount) { $('#stars >a >i').each(function(index) { if (index <= starCount && $(this).hasClass("fa-star-o")) $(this).removeClass("starHover"); }); } }; // Exports the Feedback class. module.exports = Feedback;