/* global $, APP, JitsiMeetJS */ /* jshint -W101 */ import Avatar from "../avatar/Avatar"; import UIUtil from "../util/UIUtil"; const RTCUIHelper = JitsiMeetJS.util.RTCUIHelper; function SmallVideo(VideoLayout) { this.isMuted = false; this.hasAvatar = false; this.isVideoMuted = false; this.videoStream = null; this.audioStream = null; this.VideoLayout = VideoLayout; } function setVisibility(selector, show) { if (selector && selector.length > 0) { selector.css("visibility", show ? "visible" : "hidden"); } } /** * Returns the identifier of this small video. * * @returns the identifier of this small video */ SmallVideo.prototype.getId = function () { return this.id; }; /* Indicates if this small video is currently visible. * * @return true if this small video isn't currently visible and * false - otherwise. */ SmallVideo.prototype.isVisible = function () { return $('#' + this.videoSpanId).is(':visible'); }; SmallVideo.prototype.showDisplayName = function(isShow) { var nameSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '>span.displayname').get(0); if (isShow) { if (nameSpan && nameSpan.innerHTML && nameSpan.innerHTML.length) nameSpan.setAttribute("style", "display:inline-block;"); } else { if (nameSpan) nameSpan.setAttribute("style", "display:none;"); } }; /** * Enables / disables the device availability icons for this small video. * @param {enable} set to {true} to enable and {false} to disable */ SmallVideo.prototype.enableDeviceAvailabilityIcons = function (enable) { if (typeof enable === "undefined") return; this.deviceAvailabilityIconsEnabled = enable; }; /** * Sets the device "non" availability icons. * @param devices the devices, which will be checked for availability */ SmallVideo.prototype.setDeviceAvailabilityIcons = function (devices) { if (!this.deviceAvailabilityIconsEnabled) return; if(!this.container) return; var noMic = $("#" + this.videoSpanId + " > .noMic"); var noVideo = $("#" + this.videoSpanId + " > .noVideo"); noMic.remove(); noVideo.remove(); if (!devices.audio) { this.container.appendChild( document.createElement("div")).setAttribute("class", "noMic"); } if (!devices.video) { this.container.appendChild( document.createElement("div")).setAttribute("class", "noVideo"); } if (!devices.audio && !devices.video) { noMic.css("background-position", "75%"); noVideo.css("background-position", "25%"); noVideo.css("background-color", "transparent"); } }; /** * Sets the type of the video displayed by this instance. * @param videoType 'camera' or 'desktop' */ SmallVideo.prototype.setVideoType = function (videoType) { this.videoType = videoType; }; /** * Returns the type of the video displayed by this instance. * @returns {String} 'camera', 'screen' or undefined. */ SmallVideo.prototype.getVideoType = function () { return this.videoType; }; /** * Shows the presence status message for the given video. */ SmallVideo.prototype.setPresenceStatus = function (statusMsg) { if (!this.container) { // No container return; } var statusSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '>span.status'); if (!statusSpan.length) { //Add status span statusSpan = document.createElement('span'); statusSpan.className = 'status'; statusSpan.id = this.videoSpanId + '_status'; $('#' + this.videoSpanId)[0].appendChild(statusSpan); statusSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '>span.status'); } // Display status if (statusMsg && statusMsg.length) { $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '_status').text(statusMsg); statusSpan.get(0).setAttribute("style", "display:inline-block;"); } else { // Hide statusSpan.get(0).setAttribute("style", "display:none;"); } }; /** * Creates an audio or video element for a particular MediaStream. */ SmallVideo.createStreamElement = function (stream) { let isVideo = stream.isVideoTrack(); let element = isVideo ? document.createElement('video') : document.createElement('audio'); if (isVideo) { element.setAttribute("muted", "true"); } RTCUIHelper.setAutoPlay(element, true); element.id = SmallVideo.getStreamElementID(stream); element.onplay = function () { var type = (isVideo ? 'video' : 'audio'); var now = APP.connectionTimes[type + ".render"] = window.performance.now(); console.log("(TIME) Render " + type + ":\t", now); }; return element; }; /** * Returns the element id for a particular MediaStream. */ SmallVideo.getStreamElementID = function (stream) { let isVideo = stream.isVideoTrack(); return (isVideo ? 'remoteVideo_' : 'remoteAudio_') + stream.getId(); }; /** * Configures hoverIn/hoverOut handlers. */ SmallVideo.prototype.bindHoverHandler = function () { // Add hover handler var self = this; $(this.container).hover( function () { self.showDisplayName(true); }, function () { // If the video has been "pinned" by the user we want to // keep the display name on place. if (!self.VideoLayout.isLargeVideoVisible() || !self.VideoLayout.isCurrentlyOnLarge(self.id)) self.showDisplayName(false); } ); }; /** * Updates the data for the indicator * @param id the id of the indicator * @param percent the percent for connection quality * @param object the data */ SmallVideo.prototype.updateStatsIndicator = function (percent, object) { if(this.connectionIndicator) this.connectionIndicator.updateConnectionQuality(percent, object); }; SmallVideo.prototype.hideIndicator = function () { if(this.connectionIndicator) this.connectionIndicator.hideIndicator(); }; /** * Shows audio muted indicator over small videos. * @param {string} isMuted */ SmallVideo.prototype.showAudioIndicator = function(isMuted) { var audioMutedSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '>span.audioMuted'); if (!isMuted) { if (audioMutedSpan.length > 0) { audioMutedSpan.popover('hide'); audioMutedSpan.remove(); } } else { if (!audioMutedSpan.length) { audioMutedSpan = document.createElement('span'); audioMutedSpan.className = 'audioMuted'; UIUtil.setTooltip(audioMutedSpan, "videothumbnail.mute", "top"); this.container.appendChild(audioMutedSpan); APP.translation.translateElement($('#' + this.videoSpanId + " > span")); var mutedIndicator = document.createElement('i'); mutedIndicator.className = 'icon-mic-disabled'; audioMutedSpan.appendChild(mutedIndicator); } this.updateIconPositions(); } this.isMuted = isMuted; }; /** * Shows video muted indicator over small videos and disables/enables avatar * if video muted. */ SmallVideo.prototype.setMutedView = function(isMuted) { this.isVideoMuted = isMuted; this.updateView(); var videoMutedSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '>span.videoMuted'); if (isMuted === false) { if (videoMutedSpan.length > 0) { videoMutedSpan.remove(); } } else { if (!videoMutedSpan.length) { videoMutedSpan = document.createElement('span'); videoMutedSpan.className = 'videoMuted'; this.container.appendChild(videoMutedSpan); var mutedIndicator = document.createElement('i'); mutedIndicator.className = 'icon-camera-disabled'; UIUtil.setTooltip(mutedIndicator, "videothumbnail.videomute", "top"); videoMutedSpan.appendChild(mutedIndicator); //translate texts for muted indicator APP.translation.translateElement($('#' + this.videoSpanId + " > span > i")); } this.updateIconPositions(); } }; SmallVideo.prototype.updateIconPositions = function () { var audioMutedSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '>span.audioMuted'); var connectionIndicator = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '>div.connectionindicator'); var videoMutedSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '>span.videoMuted'); if(connectionIndicator.length > 0 && connectionIndicator[0].style.display != "none") { audioMutedSpan.css({right: "23px"}); videoMutedSpan.css({right: ((audioMutedSpan.length > 0? 23 : 0) + 30) + "px"}); } else { audioMutedSpan.css({right: "0px"}); videoMutedSpan.css({right: (audioMutedSpan.length > 0? 30 : 0) + "px"}); } }; /** * Creates the element indicating the moderator(owner) of the conference. * * @param parentElement the parent element where the owner indicator will * be added */ SmallVideo.prototype.createModeratorIndicatorElement = function () { // Show moderator indicator var indicatorSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + ' .focusindicator'); if (!indicatorSpan || indicatorSpan.length === 0) { indicatorSpan = document.createElement('span'); indicatorSpan.className = 'focusindicator'; this.container.appendChild(indicatorSpan); indicatorSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + ' .focusindicator'); } if (indicatorSpan.children().length !== 0) return; var moderatorIndicator = document.createElement('i'); moderatorIndicator.className = 'fa fa-star'; indicatorSpan[0].appendChild(moderatorIndicator); UIUtil.setTooltip(indicatorSpan[0], "videothumbnail.moderator", "top"); //translates text in focus indicators APP.translation.translateElement($('#' + this.videoSpanId + ' .focusindicator')); }; SmallVideo.prototype.selectVideoElement = function () { return $(RTCUIHelper.findVideoElement($('#' + this.videoSpanId)[0])); }; /** * Enables / disables the css responsible for focusing/pinning a video * thumbnail. * * @param isFocused indicates if the thumbnail should be focused/pinned or not */ SmallVideo.prototype.focus = function(isFocused) { var focusedCssClass = "videoContainerFocused"; var isFocusClassEnabled = $(this.container).hasClass(focusedCssClass); if (!isFocused && isFocusClassEnabled) { $(this.container).removeClass(focusedCssClass); } else if (isFocused && !isFocusClassEnabled) { $(this.container).addClass(focusedCssClass); } }; SmallVideo.prototype.hasVideo = function () { return this.selectVideoElement().length !== 0; }; /** * Hides or shows the user's avatar. * This update assumes that large video had been updated and we will * reflect it on this small video. * * @param show whether we should show the avatar or not * video because there is no dominant speaker and no focused speaker */ SmallVideo.prototype.updateView = function () { if (!this.hasAvatar) { if (this.id) { // Init avatar this.avatarChanged(Avatar.getAvatarUrl(this.id)); } else { console.error("Unable to init avatar - no id", this); return; } } let video = this.selectVideoElement(); let avatar = $(`#avatar_${this.id}`); var isCurrentlyOnLarge = this.VideoLayout.isCurrentlyOnLarge(this.id); var showVideo = !this.isVideoMuted && !isCurrentlyOnLarge; var showAvatar; if ((!this.isLocal && !this.VideoLayout.isInLastN(this.id)) || this.isVideoMuted) { showAvatar = true; } else { // We want to show the avatar when the video is muted or not exists // that is when 'true' or 'null' is returned showAvatar = !this.videoStream || this.videoStream.isMuted(); } showAvatar = showAvatar && !isCurrentlyOnLarge; if (video && video.length > 0) { setVisibility(video, showVideo); } setVisibility(avatar, showAvatar); this.showDisplayName(!showVideo && !showAvatar); }; SmallVideo.prototype.avatarChanged = function (avatarUrl) { var thumbnail = $('#' + this.videoSpanId); var avatar = $('#avatar_' + this.id); this.hasAvatar = true; // set the avatar in the thumbnail if (avatar && avatar.length > 0) { avatar[0].src = avatarUrl; } else { if (thumbnail && thumbnail.length > 0) { avatar = document.createElement('img'); avatar.id = 'avatar_' + this.id; avatar.className = 'userAvatar'; avatar.src = avatarUrl; thumbnail.append(avatar); } } }; /** * Updates the Indicator for dominant speaker. * * @param isSpeaker indicates the current indicator state */ SmallVideo.prototype.updateDominantSpeakerIndicator = function (isSpeaker) { if (!this.container) { console.warn( "Unable to set dominant speaker indicator - " + this.videoSpanId + " does not exist"); return; } var indicatorSpan = $('#' + this.videoSpanId + '>span.dominantspeakerindicator'); // If we do not have an indicator for this video. if (indicatorSpan.length <= 0) { indicatorSpan = document.createElement('span'); indicatorSpan.innerHTML = ""; indicatorSpan.className = 'dominantspeakerindicator'; $('#' + this.videoSpanId)[0].appendChild(indicatorSpan); // adds a tooltip UIUtil.setTooltip(indicatorSpan, "speaker", "left"); APP.translation.translateElement($(indicatorSpan)); } $(indicatorSpan).css("visibility", isSpeaker ? "visible" : "hidden"); }; export default SmallVideo;