/* global $, APP*/ var LoginDialog = require('./LoginDialog'); var Moderator = require('../../xmpp/moderator'); /* Initial "authentication required" dialog */ var authDialog = null; /* Loop retry ID that wits for other user to create the room */ var authRetryId = null; var authenticationWindow = null; var Authentication = { openAuthenticationDialog: function (roomName, intervalCallback, callback) { // This is the loop that will wait for the room to be created by // someone else. 'auth_required.moderator' will bring us back here. authRetryId = window.setTimeout(intervalCallback, 5000); // Show prompt only if it's not open if (authDialog !== null) { return; } // extract room name from 'room@muc.server.net' var room = roomName.substr(0, roomName.indexOf('@')); var title = APP.translation.generateTranslatonHTML("dialog.Stop"); var msg = APP.translation.generateTranslatonHTML("dialog.AuthMsg", {room: room}); var buttonTxt = APP.translation.generateTranslatonHTML("dialog.Authenticate"); var buttons = []; buttons.push({title: buttonTxt, value: "authNow"}); authDialog = APP.UI.messageHandler.openDialog( title, msg, true, buttons, function (onSubmitEvent, submitValue) { // Do not close the dialog yet onSubmitEvent.preventDefault(); // Open login popup if (submitValue === 'authNow') { callback(); } } ); }, closeAuthenticationWindow: function () { if (authenticationWindow) { authenticationWindow.close(); authenticationWindow = null; } }, xmppAuthenticate: function () { var loginDialog = LoginDialog.show( function (connection, state) { if (!state) { // User cancelled loginDialog.close(); return; } else if (state == APP.xmpp.Status.CONNECTED) { loginDialog.close(); Authentication.stopInterval(); Authentication.closeAuthenticationDialog(); // Close the connection as anonymous one will be used // to create the conference. Session-id will authorize // the request. connection.disconnect(); var roomName = APP.UI.generateRoomName(); Moderator.allocateConferenceFocus(roomName, function () { // If it's not "on the fly" authentication now join // the conference room if (!APP.xmpp.getMUCJoined()) { APP.UI.checkForNicknameAndJoin(); } }); } }, true); }, focusAuthenticationWindow: function () { // If auth window exists just bring it to the front if (authenticationWindow) { authenticationWindow.focus(); return; } }, closeAuthenticationDialog: function () { // Close authentication dialog if opened if (authDialog) { authDialog.close(); authDialog = null; } }, createAuthenticationWindow: function (callback, url) { authenticationWindow = APP.UI.messageHandler.openCenteredPopup( url, 910, 660, // On closed function () { // Close authentication dialog if opened Authentication.closeAuthenticationDialog(); callback(); authenticationWindow = null; }); return authenticationWindow; }, stopInterval: function () { // Clear retry interval, so that we don't call 'doJoinAfterFocus' twice if (authRetryId) { window.clearTimeout(authRetryId); authRetryId = null; } } }; module.exports = Authentication;