// @flow import InlineDialog from '@atlaskit/inline-dialog'; import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { getRoomName } from '../../base/conference'; import { translate } from '../../base/i18n'; import { Icon, IconPhone, IconVolumeOff } from '../../base/icons'; import { isVideoMutedByUser } from '../../base/media'; import { ActionButton, InputField, PreMeetingScreen, ToggleButton } from '../../base/premeeting'; import { connect } from '../../base/redux'; import { getDisplayName, updateSettings } from '../../base/settings'; import { getLocalJitsiVideoTrack } from '../../base/tracks'; import { joinConference as joinConferenceAction, joinConferenceWithoutAudio as joinConferenceWithoutAudioAction, setSkipPrejoin as setSkipPrejoinAction, setJoinByPhoneDialogVisiblity as setJoinByPhoneDialogVisiblityAction } from '../actions'; import { isDeviceStatusVisible, isDisplayNameRequired, isJoinByPhoneButtonVisible, isJoinByPhoneDialogVisible, isPrejoinSkipped } from '../functions'; import JoinByPhoneDialog from './dialogs/JoinByPhoneDialog'; import DeviceStatus from './preview/DeviceStatus'; type Props = { /** * Flag signaling if the 'skip prejoin' button is toggled or not. */ buttonIsToggled: boolean, /** * Flag signaling if the device status is visible or not. */ deviceStatusVisible: boolean, /** * If join by phone button should be visible. */ hasJoinByPhoneButton: boolean, /** * If join button is disabled or not. */ joinButtonDisabled: boolean, /** * Joins the current meeting. */ joinConference: Function, /** * Joins the current meeting without audio. */ joinConferenceWithoutAudio: Function, /** * The name of the user that is about to join. */ name: string, /** * Updates settings. */ updateSettings: Function, /** * The name of the meeting that is about to be joined. */ roomName: string, /** * Sets visibility of the prejoin page for the next sessions. */ setSkipPrejoin: Function, /** * Sets visibility of the 'JoinByPhoneDialog'. */ setJoinByPhoneDialogVisiblity: Function, /** * Indicates whether the avatar should be shown when video is off */ showAvatar: boolean, /** * Flag signaling the visibility of camera preview. */ showCameraPreview: boolean, /** * Flag signaling the visibility of join label, input and buttons */ showJoinActions: boolean, /** * If 'JoinByPhoneDialog' is visible or not. */ showDialog: boolean, /** * Used for translation. */ t: Function, /** * The JitsiLocalTrack to display. */ videoTrack: ?Object, }; type State = { /** * Flag controlling the visibility of the 'join by phone' buttons. */ showJoinByPhoneButtons: boolean } /** * This component is displayed before joining a meeting. */ class Prejoin extends Component { /** * Default values for {@code Prejoin} component's properties. * * @static */ static defaultProps = { showJoinActions: true }; /** * Initializes a new {@code Prejoin} instance. * * @inheritdoc */ constructor(props) { super(props); this.state = { showJoinByPhoneButtons: false }; this._closeDialog = this._closeDialog.bind(this); this._showDialog = this._showDialog.bind(this); this._onToggleButtonClick = this._onToggleButtonClick.bind(this); this._onDropdownClose = this._onDropdownClose.bind(this); this._onOptionsClick = this._onOptionsClick.bind(this); this._setName = this._setName.bind(this); } _onToggleButtonClick: () => void; /** * Handler for the toggle button. * * @param {Object} e - The synthetic event. * @returns {void} */ _onToggleButtonClick() { this.props.setSkipPrejoin(!this.props.buttonIsToggled); } _onDropdownClose: () => void; /** * Closes the dropdown. * * @returns {void} */ _onDropdownClose() { this.setState({ showJoinByPhoneButtons: false }); } _onOptionsClick: () => void; /** * Displays the join by phone buttons dropdown. * * @param {Object} e - The synthetic event. * @returns {void} */ _onOptionsClick(e) { e.stopPropagation(); this.setState({ showJoinByPhoneButtons: !this.state.showJoinByPhoneButtons }); } _setName: () => void; /** * Sets the guest participant name. * * @param {string} displayName - Participant name. * @returns {void} */ _setName(displayName) { this.props.updateSettings({ displayName }); } _closeDialog: () => void; /** * Closes the join by phone dialog. * * @returns {undefined} */ _closeDialog() { this.props.setJoinByPhoneDialogVisiblity(false); } _showDialog: () => void; /** * Displays the dialog for joining a meeting by phone. * * @returns {undefined} */ _showDialog() { this.props.setJoinByPhoneDialogVisiblity(true); this._onDropdownClose(); } /** * Implements React's {@link Component#render()}. * * @inheritdoc * @returns {ReactElement} */ render() { const { joinButtonDisabled, hasJoinByPhoneButton, joinConference, joinConferenceWithoutAudio, name, showAvatar, showCameraPreview, showDialog, showJoinActions, t, videoTrack } = this.props; const { _closeDialog, _onDropdownClose, _onOptionsClick, _setName, _showDialog } = this; const { showJoinByPhoneButtons } = this.state; return ( {showJoinActions && (
{ t('prejoin.joinWithoutAudio') }
{hasJoinByPhoneButton &&
{ t('prejoin.joinAudioByPhone') }
} isOpen = { showJoinByPhoneButtons } onClose = { _onDropdownClose }> { t('prejoin.joinMeeting') }
)} { showDialog && ( )}
); } /** * Renders the screen footer if any. * * @returns {React$Element} */ _renderFooter() { return this.props.deviceStatusVisible && ; } /** * Renders the 'skip prejoin' button. * * @returns {React$Element} */ _renderSkipPrejoinButton() { const { buttonIsToggled, t } = this.props; return (
); } } /** * Maps (parts of) the redux state to the React {@code Component} props. * * @param {Object} state - The redux state. * @returns {Object} */ function mapStateToProps(state): Object { const name = getDisplayName(state); const joinButtonDisabled = isDisplayNameRequired(state) && !name; return { buttonIsToggled: isPrejoinSkipped(state), joinButtonDisabled, name, deviceStatusVisible: isDeviceStatusVisible(state), roomName: getRoomName(state), showDialog: isJoinByPhoneDialogVisible(state), hasJoinByPhoneButton: isJoinByPhoneButtonVisible(state), showCameraPreview: !isVideoMutedByUser(state), videoTrack: getLocalJitsiVideoTrack(state) }; } const mapDispatchToProps = { joinConferenceWithoutAudio: joinConferenceWithoutAudioAction, joinConference: joinConferenceAction, setJoinByPhoneDialogVisiblity: setJoinByPhoneDialogVisiblityAction, setSkipPrejoin: setSkipPrejoinAction, updateSettings }; export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(translate(Prejoin));