/* global $, APP */
const logger = require('jitsi-meet-logger').getLogger(__filename);
import jitsiLocalStorage from '../../util/JitsiLocalStorage';
import {
} from '../../../react/features/notifications';
* Flag for enabling/disabling popups.
* @type {boolean}
let popupEnabled = true;
* Currently displayed two button dialog.
* @type {null}
let twoButtonDialog = null;
* Generates html for dont show again checkbox.
* @param {object} options options
* @param {string} options.id the id of the checkbox.
* @param {string} options.textKey the key for the text displayed next to
* checkbox
* @param {boolean} options.checked if true the checkbox is foing to be checked
* by default.
* @returns {string}
function generateDontShowCheckbox(options) {
if (!isDontShowAgainEnabled(options)) {
return '';
const checked
= options.checked === true ? 'checked' : '';
return `
* Checks whether the dont show again checkbox was checked before.
* @param {object} options - options for dont show again checkbox.
* @param {string} options.id the id of the checkbox.
* @param {string} options.localStorageKey the key for the local storage. if
* not provided options.id will be used.
* @returns {boolean} true if the dialog mustn't be displayed and
* false otherwise.
function dontShowTheDialog(options) {
if (isDontShowAgainEnabled(options)) {
if (jitsiLocalStorage.getItem(options.localStorageKey || options.id)
=== 'true') {
return true;
return false;
* Wraps the submit function to process the dont show again status and store
* it.
* @param {object} options - options for dont show again checkbox.
* @param {string} options.id the id of the checkbox.
* @param {Array} options.buttonValues The button values that will trigger
* storing he checkbox value
* @param {string} options.localStorageKey the key for the local storage. if
* not provided options.id will be used.
* @param {Function} submitFunction the submit function to be wrapped
* @returns {Function} wrapped function
function dontShowAgainSubmitFunctionWrapper(options, submitFunction) {
if (isDontShowAgainEnabled(options)) {
return (...args) => {
logger.debug(args, options.buttonValues);
// args[1] is the value associated with the pressed button
if (!options.buttonValues || options.buttonValues.length === 0
|| options.buttonValues.indexOf(args[1]) !== -1) {
const checkbox = $(`#${options.id}`);
if (checkbox.length) {
options.localStorageKey || options.id,
return submitFunction;
* Check whether dont show again checkbox is enabled or not.
* @param {object} options - options for dont show again checkbox.
* @returns {boolean} true if enabled and false if not.
function isDontShowAgainEnabled(options) {
return typeof options === 'object';
const messageHandler = {
OK: 'dialog.OK',
CANCEL: 'dialog.Cancel',
* Shows a message to the user.
* @param titleKey the key used to find the translation of the title of the
* message, if a message title is not provided.
* @param messageKey the key used to find the translation of the message
* @param i18nOptions the i18n options (optional)
* @param closeFunction function to be called after
* the prompt is closed (optional)
* @return the prompt that was created, or null
// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
openMessageDialog(titleKey, messageKey, i18nOptions, closeFunction) {
if (!popupEnabled) {
return null;
const dialog = $.prompt(
APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML(messageKey, i18nOptions),
title: this._getFormattedTitleString(titleKey),
persistent: false,
promptspeed: 0,
classes: this._getDialogClasses(),
// eslint-disable-next-line max-params
close(e, v, m, f) {
if (closeFunction) {
closeFunction(e, v, m, f);
APP.translation.translateElement(dialog, i18nOptions);
return $.prompt.getApi();
* Shows a message to the user with two buttons: first is given as a
* parameter and the second is Cancel.
* @param titleKey the key for the title of the message
* @param msgKey the key for the message
* @param msgString the text of the message
* @param persistent boolean value which determines whether the message is
* persistent or not
* @param leftButton the fist button's text
* @param submitFunction function to be called on submit
* @param loadedFunction function to be called after the prompt is fully
* loaded
* @param closeFunction function to be called after the prompt is closed
* @param focus optional focus selector or button index to be focused after
* the dialog is opened
* @param defaultButton index of default button which will be activated when
* the user press 'enter'. Indexed from 0.
* @param {object} dontShowAgain - options for dont show again checkbox.
* @param {string} dontShowAgain.id the id of the checkbox.
* @param {string} dontShowAgain.textKey the key for the text displayed
* next to checkbox
* @param {boolean} dontShowAgain.checked if true the checkbox is foing to
* be checked
* @param {Array} dontShowAgain.buttonValues The button values that will
* trigger storing the checkbox value
* @param {string} dontShowAgain.localStorageKey the key for the local
* storage. if not provided dontShowAgain.id will be used.
* @return the prompt that was created, or null
openTwoButtonDialog(options) {
const {
} = options;
let { classes } = options;
if (!popupEnabled || twoButtonDialog) {
return null;
if (dontShowTheDialog(dontShowAgain)) {
// Maybe we should pass some parameters here? I'm not sure
// and currently we don't need any parameters.
return null;
const buttons = [];
const leftButton = leftButtonKey
? APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML(leftButtonKey)
: APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML('dialog.Submit');
buttons.push({ title: leftButton,
value: true });
const cancelButton
= APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML('dialog.Cancel');
buttons.push({ title: cancelButton,
value: false });
let message = msgString;
if (msgKey) {
message = APP.translation.generateTranslationHTML(msgKey);
message += generateDontShowCheckbox(dontShowAgain);
classes = classes || this._getDialogClasses(size);
if (wrapperClass) {
classes.prompt += ` ${wrapperClass}`;
twoButtonDialog = $.prompt(message, {
title: this._getFormattedTitleString(titleKey),
persistent: false,
loaded: loadedFunction,
promptspeed: 0,
submit: dontShowAgainSubmitFunctionWrapper(dontShowAgain,
(e, v, m, f) => { // eslint-disable-line max-params
twoButtonDialog = null;
if (v && submitFunction) {
submitFunction(e, v, m, f);
close(e, v, m, f) { // eslint-disable-line max-params
twoButtonDialog = null;
if (closeFunction) {
closeFunction(e, v, m, f);
return $.prompt.getApi();
* Shows a message to the user with two buttons: first is given as a
* parameter and the second is Cancel.
* @param titleKey the key for the title of the message
* @param msgString the text of the message
* @param persistent boolean value which determines whether the message is
* persistent or not
* @param buttons object with the buttons. The keys must be the name of the
* button and value is the value that will be passed to
* submitFunction
* @param submitFunction function to be called on submit
* @param loadedFunction function to be called after the prompt is fully
* loaded
* @param closeFunction function to be called on dialog close
* @param {object} dontShowAgain - options for dont show again checkbox.
* @param {string} dontShowAgain.id the id of the checkbox.
* @param {string} dontShowAgain.textKey the key for the text displayed
* next to checkbox
* @param {boolean} dontShowAgain.checked if true the checkbox is foing to
* be checked
* @param {Array} dontShowAgain.buttonValues The button values that will
* trigger storing the checkbox value
* @param {string} dontShowAgain.localStorageKey the key for the local
* storage. if not provided dontShowAgain.id will be used.
openDialog(// eslint-disable-line max-params
dontShowAgain) {
if (!popupEnabled) {
if (dontShowTheDialog(dontShowAgain)) {
// Maybe we should pass some parameters here? I'm not sure
// and currently we don't need any parameters.
const args = {
title: this._getFormattedTitleString(titleKey),
defaultButton: 1,
promptspeed: 0,
loaded() {
if (loadedFunction) {
// eslint-disable-next-line prefer-rest-params
loadedFunction.apply(this, arguments);
// Hide the close button
if (persistent) {
$('.jqiclose', this).hide();
submit: dontShowAgainSubmitFunctionWrapper(
dontShowAgain, submitFunction),
close: closeFunction,
classes: this._getDialogClasses()
if (persistent) {
args.closeText = '';
const dialog = $.prompt(
msgString + generateDontShowCheckbox(dontShowAgain), args);
return $.prompt.getApi();
* Returns the formatted title string.
* @return the title string formatted as a div.
_getFormattedTitleString(titleKey) {
const $titleString = $('