/* global $, APP, AJS, interfaceConfig */ import { LANGUAGES } from "../../../../react/features/base/i18n"; import { openDeviceSelectionDialog } from '../../../../react/features/device-selection'; import UIUtil from "../../util/UIUtil"; import UIEvents from "../../../../service/UI/UIEvents"; const sidePanelsContainerId = 'sideToolbarContainer'; const deviceSelectionButtonClasses = 'button-control button-control_primary button-control_full-width'; const htmlStr = `
`; function initHTML() { $(`#${sidePanelsContainerId}`) .append(htmlStr); // make sure we translate the panel, as adding it can be after i18n // library had initialized and translated already present html APP.translation.translateElement($(`#${sidePanelsContainerId}`)); } /** * Generate html select options for available languages. * * @param {string[]} items available languages * @param {string} [currentLang] current language * @returns {string} */ function generateLanguagesOptions(items, currentLang) { return items.map(function (lang) { let attrs = { value: lang, 'data-i18n': `languages:${lang}` }; if (lang === currentLang) { attrs.selected = 'selected'; } let attrsStr = UIUtil.attrsToString(attrs); return ``; }).join(''); } /** * Replace html select element to select2 custom dropdown * * @param {jQueryElement} $el native select element * @param {function} onSelectedCb fired if item is selected */ function initSelect2($el, onSelectedCb) { $el.auiSelect2({ minimumResultsForSearch: Infinity }); if (typeof onSelectedCb === 'function') { $el.change(onSelectedCb); } } export default { init (emitter) { initHTML(); //LANGUAGES BOX if (UIUtil.isSettingEnabled('language')) { const wrapperId = 'languagesSelectWrapper'; const selectId = 'languagesSelect'; const selectEl = AJS.$(`#${selectId}`); let selectInput; selectEl.html(generateLanguagesOptions( LANGUAGES, APP.translation.getCurrentLanguage() )); initSelect2(selectEl, () => { const val = selectEl.val(); selectInput[0].dataset.i18n = `languages:${val}`; APP.translation.translateElement(selectInput); emitter.emit(UIEvents.LANG_CHANGED, val); }); //find new selectInput element selectInput = $(`#s2id_${selectId} .select2-chosen`); //first select fix for languages options selectInput[0].dataset.i18n = `languages:${APP.translation.getCurrentLanguage()}`; // translate selectInput, which is the currently selected language // otherwise there will be no selected option APP.translation.translateElement(selectInput); APP.translation.translateElement(selectEl); APP.translation.addLanguageChangedListener( lng => selectInput[0].dataset.i18n = `languages:${lng}`); UIUtil.setVisible(wrapperId, true); } // DEVICES LIST if (UIUtil.isSettingEnabled('devices')) { const wrapperId = 'deviceOptionsWrapper'; $('#deviceSelection').on('click', () => APP.store.dispatch(openDeviceSelectionDialog())); // Only show the subtitle if this isn't the only setting section. if (interfaceConfig.SETTINGS_SECTIONS.length > 1) UIUtil.setVisible("deviceOptionsTitle", true); UIUtil.setVisible(wrapperId, true); } // MODERATOR if (UIUtil.isSettingEnabled('moderator')) { const wrapperId = 'moderatorOptionsWrapper'; // START MUTED $("#startMutedOptions").change(function () { let startAudioMuted = $("#startAudioMuted").is(":checked"); let startVideoMuted = $("#startVideoMuted").is(":checked"); emitter.emit( UIEvents.START_MUTED_CHANGED, startAudioMuted, startVideoMuted ); }); // FOLLOW ME const followMeToggle = document.getElementById('followMeCheckBox'); followMeToggle.addEventListener('change', () => { const isFollowMeEnabled = followMeToggle.checked; emitter.emit(UIEvents.FOLLOW_ME_ENABLED, isFollowMeEnabled); }); UIUtil.setVisible(wrapperId, true); } }, /** * If start audio muted/start video muted options should be visible or not. * @param {boolean} show */ showStartMutedOptions (show) { if (show && UIUtil.isSettingEnabled('moderator')) { // Only show the subtitle if this isn't the only setting section. if (!$("#moderatorOptionsTitle").is(":visible") && interfaceConfig.SETTINGS_SECTIONS.length > 1) UIUtil.setVisible("moderatorOptionsTitle", true); UIUtil.setVisible("startMutedOptions", true); } else { // Only show the subtitle if this isn't the only setting section. if ($("#moderatorOptionsTitle").is(":visible")) UIUtil.setVisible("moderatorOptionsTitle", false); UIUtil.setVisible("startMutedOptions", false); } }, updateStartMutedBox (startAudioMuted, startVideoMuted) { $("#startAudioMuted").attr("checked", startAudioMuted); $("#startVideoMuted").attr("checked", startVideoMuted); }, /** * Shows/hides the follow me options in the settings dialog. * * @param {boolean} show {true} to show those options, {false} to hide them */ showFollowMeOptions (show) { UIUtil.setVisible( "followMeOptions", show && UIUtil.isSettingEnabled('moderator')); }, /** * Check if settings menu is visible or not. * @returns {boolean} */ isVisible () { return UIUtil.isVisible(document.getElementById("settings_container")); } };