[Unit] ### see man systemd.unit Description=Prosody vX (visitor vX) JVB XMPP Server Documentation=https://prosody.im/doc Requires=network-online.target After=network-online.target network.target mariadb.service mysql.service postgresql.service Before=biboumi.service [Service] ### see man systemd.service Type=simple # Start by executing the main executable # Note: -F option requires Prosody 0.11.5 or later ExecStart=/usr/bin/prosody --config /etc/prosody-vX/prosody.cfg.lua -F ExecReload=/bin/kill -HUP $MAINPID Restart=on-abnormal ### see man systemd.exec User=prosody Group=prosody UMask=0027 RuntimeDirectory=prosody-vX ConfigurationDirectory=prosody-vX StateDirectory=prosody-vX StateDirectoryMode=0750 LogsDirectory=prosody-vX WorkingDirectory=~ # Set stdin to /dev/null since Prosody does not need it StandardInput=null # Direct stdout/-err to journald for use with log = "*stdout" StandardOutput=journal StandardError=inherit # Allow binding low ports AmbientCapabilities=CAP_NET_BIND_SERVICE [Install] ### see man systemd.unit WantedBy=multi-user.target # vim: filetype=systemd