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/* listboxes.cpp: class for displaying footprint list and component list */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "wxstruct.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "cvpcb.h"
#include "id.h"
#include "protos.h"
/* Basic class (from wxListView) for displaying component and footprint lists */
/* Not directly used: the 2 list boxes actually used are derived from it */
ListBoxBase::ListBoxBase( WinEDA_CvpcbFrame* parent,
wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& loc, const wxSize& size ) :
LIST_BOX_TYPE( parent, id, loc, size,
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
m_Parent = parent;
InsertColumn( 0, wxEmptyString );
SetColumnWidth( 0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE );
void ListBoxBase::OnSize( wxSizeEvent& event )
// Ajust the column width to the entire available window width
wxSize size = GetClientSize();
int width = 0;
// SetColumnWidth(0, wxLIST_AUTOSIZE );
// width = GetColumnWidth(0);
SetColumnWidth( 0, MAX( width, size.x ) );
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
int ListBoxBase::GetSelection()
// Return an index for the selected item
return GetFirstSelected();
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/* ListBox handling the footprint list */
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
FootprintListBox::FootprintListBox( WinEDA_CvpcbFrame* parent,
wxWindowID id, const wxPoint& loc, const wxSize& size,
int nbitems, wxString choice[] ) :
ListBoxBase( parent, id, loc, size )
m_ActiveFootprintList = NULL;
SetActiveFootprintList( TRUE );
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
int FootprintListBox::GetCount()
// Return number of items
return m_ActiveFootprintList->Count();
void FootprintListBox::SetString( unsigned linecount, const wxString& text )
// Change an item text
if( linecount >= m_ActiveFootprintList->Count() )
linecount = m_ActiveFootprintList->Count() - 1;
if( linecount >= 0 )
(*m_ActiveFootprintList)[linecount] = text;
wxString FootprintListBox::GetSelectedFootprint()
// Return an index for the selected item
wxString FootprintName;
int ii = GetFirstSelected();
if( ii >= 0 )
wxString msg = (*m_ActiveFootprintList)[ii];
msg.Trim( TRUE ); msg.Trim( FALSE );
FootprintName = msg.AfterFirst( wxChar( ' ' ) );
return FootprintName;
void FootprintListBox::AppendLine( const wxString& text )
// Add an item at end of list
m_ActiveFootprintList->Add( text );
SetItemCount( m_ActiveFootprintList->Count() );
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
wxString FootprintListBox::OnGetItemText( long item, long column ) const
/* Overlayed function: MUST be provided in wxLC_VIRTUAL mode
* because real datas are not handled by ListBoxBase
return m_ActiveFootprintList->Item( item );
void FootprintListBox::SetSelection( unsigned index, bool State )
// Enable or disable an item
if( (int) index >= GetCount() )
index = GetCount() - 1;
if ( (index >= 0) && (GetCount() > 0) )
#ifndef __WXMAC__
Select( index, State );
EnsureVisible( index );
#ifdef __WXMAC__
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2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
/* ListBox handling the schematic components list */
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
ListBoxCmp::ListBoxCmp( WinEDA_CvpcbFrame* parent, wxWindowID id,
const wxPoint& loc, const wxSize& size,
int nbitems, wxString choice[] ) :
ListBoxBase( parent, id, loc, size )
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
/* Build the events table for the schematic components list box
EVT_SIZE( ListBoxBase::OnSize )
void ListBoxCmp::Clear()
// Reset ALL datas
SetItemCount( 0 );
int ListBoxCmp::GetCount()
// Return number of items
return m_ComponentList.Count();
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
void ListBoxCmp::SetString( unsigned linecount, const wxString& text )
// Change an item text
if( linecount >= m_ComponentList.Count() )
linecount = m_ComponentList.Count() - 1;
if( linecount >= 0 )
m_ComponentList[linecount] = text;
2007-05-06 16:03:28 +00:00
void ListBoxCmp::AppendLine( const wxString& text )
// Add an item at end of list
m_ComponentList.Add( text );
SetItemCount( m_ComponentList.Count() );
wxString ListBoxCmp::OnGetItemText( long item, long column ) const
/* Overlayed function: MUST be provided in wxLC_VIRTUAL mode
* because real datas are not handled by ListBoxBase
return m_ComponentList.Item( item );
void ListBoxCmp::SetSelection( unsigned index, bool State )
// Enable or disable an item
if( (int) index >= GetCount() )
index = GetCount() - 1;
if ( (index >= 0) && (GetCount() > 0) )
#ifndef __WXMAC__
Select( index, State );
EnsureVisible( index );
#ifdef __WXMAC__
void WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::BuildCmpListBox()
/* Create or update the schematic components list.
int ii;
STORECMP* Composant;
wxString msg;
wxSize size( 10, 10 );
if( m_ListCmp == NULL )
m_ListCmp = new ListBoxCmp( this, ID_CVPCB_COMPONENT_LIST,
wxDefaultPosition, size,
0, NULL );
m_ListCmp->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour( 225, 255, 255 ) );
m_ListCmp->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ) );
m_ListCmp->SetFont( *g_FixedFont );
Composant = g_BaseListeCmp;
for( ii = 1; Composant != NULL; Composant = Composant->Pnext, ii++ )
msg.Printf( CMP_FORMAT, ii,
Composant->m_Reference.GetData(), Composant->m_Valeur.GetData(),
Composant->m_Module.GetData() );
m_ListCmp->m_ComponentList.Add( msg );
m_ListCmp->SetItemCount( m_ListCmp->m_ComponentList.Count() );
m_ListCmp->SetSelection( 0, TRUE );
void WinEDA_CvpcbFrame::BuildFootprintListBox()
/* Create or update the footprint list.
wxString msg;
wxSize size( 10, 10 );
if( m_FootprintList == NULL )
m_FootprintList = new FootprintListBox( this, ID_CVPCB_FOOTPRINT_LIST,
wxDefaultPosition, size,
0, NULL );
m_FootprintList->SetBackgroundColour( wxColour( 225, 255, 225 ) );
m_FootprintList->SetForegroundColour( wxColour( 0, 0, 0 ) );
m_FootprintList->SetFont( *g_FixedFont );
msg.Printf( _( "Footprints: %d" ), m_FootprintList->GetCount() );
SetStatusText( msg, 2 );
void FootprintListBox::SetFootprintFullList()
STOREMOD* FootprintItem;
wxString msg;
int OldSelection = GetSelection();
FootprintItem = g_BaseListePkg;
for( int ii = 1; FootprintItem != NULL; FootprintItem = FootprintItem->Pnext, ii++ )
msg.Printf( wxT( "%3d %s" ), ii, FootprintItem->m_Module.GetData() );
m_FullFootprintList.Add( msg );
SetActiveFootprintList( TRUE );
if( (GetCount() == 0) || (OldSelection < 0) || ( OldSelection >= GetCount() ) )
SetSelection( 0, TRUE );
void FootprintListBox::SetFootprintFilteredList( STORECMP* Component )
STOREMOD* FootprintItem;
wxString msg;
int OldSelection = GetSelection();
bool HasItem = FALSE;
FootprintItem = g_BaseListePkg;
int cmpnum = 1;
for( int ii = 0; FootprintItem != NULL; FootprintItem = FootprintItem->Pnext, ii++ )
/* Search for matching footprints */
for( unsigned jj = 0; jj < Component->m_FootprintFilter.GetCount(); jj++ )
if( !FootprintItem->m_Module.Matches( Component->m_FootprintFilter[jj] ) )
msg.Printf( wxT( "%3d %s" ), cmpnum++, FootprintItem->m_Module.GetData() );
m_FilteredFootprintList.Add( msg );
HasItem = TRUE;
if( HasItem )
SetActiveFootprintList( FALSE );
SetActiveFootprintList( TRUE );
if( (GetCount() == 0) || ( OldSelection >= GetCount() ) )
SetSelection( 0, TRUE );
void FootprintListBox::SetActiveFootprintList( bool FullList, bool Redraw )
/** Set the footprint list. We can have 2 footprint list:
* The full footprint list
* The filtered footprint list (if the current selected component has a filter for footprints)
* @param FullList true = full footprint list, false = filtered footprint list
* @param Redraw = true to redraw the window
bool old_selection = m_UseFootprintFullList;
#ifdef __WINDOWS__
/* Workaround for a curious bug in wxWidgets:
* if we switch from a long list of footprints to a short list (a filtered footprint list),
* and if the selected item is near the end of the long list,
* the new list is not displayed from the top of the list box
if ( m_ActiveFootprintList )
bool new_selection;
if( FullList ) new_selection = TRUE;
else new_selection = FALSE;
if( new_selection != old_selection )
SetSelection( 0, TRUE );
if( FullList )
m_UseFootprintFullList = TRUE;
m_ActiveFootprintList = &m_FullFootprintList;
SetItemCount( m_FullFootprintList.GetCount() );
m_UseFootprintFullList = FALSE;
m_ActiveFootprintList = &m_FilteredFootprintList;
SetItemCount( m_FilteredFootprintList.GetCount() );
if( Redraw )
if( !m_UseFootprintFullList || (m_UseFootprintFullList != old_selection) )
if( !m_UseFootprintFullList || (m_UseFootprintFullList != old_selection) )
m_Parent->SetStatusText( wxEmptyString, 0 );
m_Parent->SetStatusText( wxEmptyString, 1 );
wxString msg;
if( FullList )
msg.Printf( _( "Footprints (All): %d" ), m_ActiveFootprintList->GetCount() );
msg.Printf( _( "Footprints (filtered): %d" ), m_ActiveFootprintList->GetCount() );
m_Parent->SetStatusText( msg, 2 );
/* Event table for the footprint list */
EVT_SIZE( ListBoxBase::OnSize )
void FootprintListBox::OnLeftClick( wxListEvent& event )
wxString msg;
wxString FootprintName = GetSelectedFootprint();
Module = GetModuleDescrByName( FootprintName );
if( m_Parent->DrawFrame )
m_Parent->CreateScreenCmp(); /* refresh general */
if( Module )
msg = Module->m_Doc;
m_Parent->SetStatusText( msg, 0 );
msg = wxT( "KeyW: " );
if( Module )
msg += Module->m_KeyWord;
m_Parent->SetStatusText( msg, 1 );
void FootprintListBox::OnLeftDClick( wxListEvent& event )
wxString FootprintName = GetSelectedFootprint();
m_Parent->SetNewPkg( FootprintName );
STOREMOD* GetModuleDescrByName( const wxString& FootprintName )
STOREMOD* FootprintItem = g_BaseListePkg;
for( ; FootprintItem != NULL; FootprintItem = FootprintItem->Pnext )
if( FootprintItem->m_Module == FootprintName )
break; // found !
return FootprintItem;