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// Copyright 2014 The Crashpad Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <map>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "snapshot/handle_snapshot.h"
#include "util/misc/uuid.h"
#include "util/process/process_id.h"
namespace crashpad {
class ExceptionSnapshot;
class MemoryMapRegionSnapshot;
class MemorySnapshot;
class ModuleSnapshot;
class ProcessMemory;
class SystemSnapshot;
class ThreadSnapshot;
class UnloadedModuleSnapshot;
//! \brief An abstract interface to a snapshot representing the state of a
//! process.
//! This is the top-level object in a family of Snapshot objects, because it
//! gives access to a SystemSnapshot, vectors of ModuleSnapshot and
//! ThreadSnapshot objects, and possibly an ExceptionSnapshot. In turn,
//! ThreadSnapshot and ExceptionSnapshot objects both give access to CPUContext
//! objects, and ThreadSnapshot objects also give access to MemorySnapshot
//! objects corresponding to thread stacks.
class ProcessSnapshot {
virtual ~ProcessSnapshot() {}
//! \brief Returns the snapshot process process ID.
virtual crashpad::ProcessID ProcessID() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the snapshot process parent process process ID.
virtual crashpad::ProcessID ParentProcessID() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the time that the snapshot was taken in \a snapshot_time.
//! \param[out] snapshot_time The time that the snapshot was taken. This is
//! distinct from the time that a ProcessSnapshot object was created or
//! initialized, although it may be that time for ProcessSnapshot objects
//! representing live or recently-crashed process state.
virtual void SnapshotTime(timeval* snapshot_time) const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the time that the snapshot process was started in \a
//! start_time.
//! Normally, process uptime in wall clock time can be computed as
//! SnapshotTime() ProcessStartTime(), but this cannot be guaranteed in
//! cases where the real-time clock has been set during the snapshot process
//! lifetime.
//! \param[out] start_time The time that the process was started.
virtual void ProcessStartTime(timeval* start_time) const = 0;
//! \brief Returns the snapshot process CPU usage times in \a user_time and
//! \a system_time.
//! \param[out] user_time The time that the process has spent executing in
//! user mode.
//! \param[out] system_time The time that the process has spent executing in
//! system (kernel) mode.
virtual void ProcessCPUTimes(timeval* user_time,
timeval* system_time) const = 0;
//! \brief Returns a %UUID identifying the event that the snapshot describes.
//! This provides a stable identifier for a crash even as the report is
//! converted to different formats, provided that all formats support storing
//! a crash report ID. When a report is originally created, a report ID should
//! be assigned. From that point on, any operations involving the same report
//! should preserve the same report ID.
//! If no identifier is available, this field will contain zeroes.
virtual void ReportID(UUID* client_id) const = 0;
//! \brief Returns a %UUID identifying the client that the snapshot
//! represents.
//! Client identification is within the scope of the application, but it is
//! expected that the identifier will be unique for an instance of Crashpad
//! monitoring an application or set of applications for a user. The
//! identifier shall remain stable over time.
//! If no identifier is available, this field will contain zeroes.
virtual void ClientID(UUID* client_id) const = 0;
//! \brief Returns key-value string annotations recorded for the process,
//! system, or snapshot producer.
//! This method retrieves annotations recorded for a process. These
//! annotations are intended for diagnostic use, including crash analysis.
//! “Simple annotations” are structured as a sequence of key-value pairs,
//! where all keys and values are strings. These are referred to in Chrome as
//! “crash keys.”
//! Annotations stored here may reflect the process, system, or snapshot
//! producer. Most annotations not under the clients direct control will be
//! retrievable by this method. For clients such as Chrome, this includes the
//! product name and version.
//! Additional per-module annotations may be obtained by calling
//! ModuleSnapshot::AnnotationsSimpleMap().
// This interface currently returns a const& because all implementations store
// the data within their objects in this format, and are therefore able to
// provide this access without requiring a copy. Future implementations may
// obtain data on demand or store data in a different format, at which point
// the cost of maintaining this data in ProcessSnapshot subclass objects will
// need to be taken into account, and this interface possibly revised.
virtual const std::map<std::string, std::string>& AnnotationsSimpleMap()
const = 0;
//! \brief Returns a SystemSnapshot reflecting the characteristics of the
//! system that ran the snapshot process at the time of the snapshot.
//! \return A SystemSnapshot object. The caller does not take ownership of
//! this object, it is scoped to the lifetime of the ProcessSnapshot
//! object that it was obtained from.
virtual const SystemSnapshot* System() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns ModuleSnapshot objects reflecting the code modules (binary
//! images) loaded into the snapshot process at the time of the snapshot.
//! \return A vector of ModuleSnapshot objects. The caller does not take
//! ownership of these objects, they are scoped to the lifetime of the
//! ProcessSnapshot object that they were obtained from.
virtual std::vector<const ModuleSnapshot*> Modules() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns UnloadedModuleSnapshot objects reflecting the code modules
//! the were recorded as unloaded at the time of the snapshot.
//! \return A vector of UnloadedModuleSnapshot objects.
virtual std::vector<UnloadedModuleSnapshot> UnloadedModules() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns ThreadSnapshot objects reflecting the threads (lightweight
//! processes) existing in the snapshot process at the time of the
//! snapshot.
//! \return A vector of ThreadSnapshot objects. The caller does not take
//! ownership of these objects, they are scoped to the lifetime of the
//! ProcessSnapshot object that they were obtained from.
virtual std::vector<const ThreadSnapshot*> Threads() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns an ExceptionSnapshot reflecting the exception that the
//! snapshot process sustained to trigger the snapshot being taken.
//! \return An ExceptionSnapshot object. The caller does not take ownership of
//! this object, it is scoped to the lifetime of the ProcessSnapshot
//! object that it was obtained from. If the snapshot is not a result of
//! an exception, returns `nullptr`.
virtual const ExceptionSnapshot* Exception() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns MemoryMapRegionSnapshot objects reflecting the regions
//! of the memory map in the snapshot process at the time of the snapshot.
//! \return A vector of MemoryMapRegionSnapshot objects. The caller does not
//! take ownership of these objects, they are scoped to the lifetime of
//! the ProcessSnapshot object that they were obtained from.
virtual std::vector<const MemoryMapRegionSnapshot*> MemoryMap() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns HandleSnapshot objects reflecting the open handles in the
//! snapshot process at the time of the snapshot.
//! \return A vector of HandleSnapshot objects.
virtual std::vector<HandleSnapshot> Handles() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns a vector of additional memory blocks that should be
//! included in a minidump.
//! \return An vector of MemorySnapshot objects that will be included in the
//! crash dump. The caller does not take ownership of these objects, they
//! are scoped to the lifetime of the ProcessSnapshot object that they
//! were obtained from.
virtual std::vector<const MemorySnapshot*> ExtraMemory() const = 0;
//! \brief Returns a ProcessMemory object that allows accessing the process'
//! memory directly.
//! \return A ProcessMemory object. The caller does not take ownership of this
//! object, it is scoped to the lifetime of the ProcessSnapshot object
//! that it was obtained from.
virtual const ProcessMemory* Memory() const = 0;
} // namespace crashpad