152 lines
3.9 KiB
152 lines
3.9 KiB
/* libarch.cc */
/* Module de generation du fichier d'archivage des composants */
#include "fctsys.h"
#include "gr_basic.h"
#include "common.h"
#include "program.h"
#include "libcmp.h"
#include "general.h"
#include "netlist.h"
#include "protos.h"
/* fonctions exportees */
/* fonctions locales */
static int TriListEntry(EDA_LibComponentStruct **Objet1,
EDA_LibComponentStruct **Objet2);
/* Variable locales */
bool LibArchive(wxWindow * frame, const wxString & ArchFullFileName)
Creation du fichier librairie contenant tous les composants utilis<EFBFBD>s dans
le projet en cours
retourne TRUE si fichier cr<EFBFBD><EFBFBD>
wxString DocFileName, msg;
char Line[256];
FILE *ArchiveFile, *DocFile;
EDA_BaseStruct ** ListStruct;
EDA_LibComponentStruct ** ListEntry, *Entry;
int ii, NbItems;
const wxChar * Text;
/* Creation de la liste des elements */
NbItems = GenListeCmp(NULL ); // Comptage des composants
if ( NbItems == 0 ) return FALSE;
ListStruct = (EDA_BaseStruct **)
MyZMalloc( NbItems * sizeof(EDA_BaseStruct **) );
if (ListStruct == NULL ) return FALSE;
/* Calcul de la liste des composants */
/* Calcul de la liste des Entrees de librairie
et Remplacement des alias par les composants "Root" */
ListEntry = (EDA_LibComponentStruct ** )
MyZMalloc( NbItems * sizeof(EDA_LibComponentStruct *) );
if (ListEntry == NULL ) return FALSE;
for ( ii = 0; ii < NbItems; ii++ )
Text = ( (EDA_SchComponentStruct*)ListStruct[ii])->m_ChipName.GetData();
Entry = FindLibPart(Text, wxEmptyString, FIND_ROOT);
ListEntry[ii] = Entry; // = NULL si Composant non trouv<75> en librairie
qsort( ListEntry, NbItems, sizeof(EDA_LibComponentStruct *),
(int(*)(const void*, const void*))TriListEntry);
/* mise a jour extension fichier doc associe */
DocFileName = ArchFullFileName;
ChangeFileNameExt(DocFileName, wxT(".bck"));
if ((ArchiveFile = wxFopen(ArchFullFileName, wxT("wt"))) == NULL)
msg = _("Failed to create archive lib file ") + ArchFullFileName;
DisplayError(frame, msg);
return FALSE;
if ((DocFile = wxFopen(DocFileName, wxT("wt"))) == NULL)
msg = _("Failed to create doc lib file ") + DocFileName;
DisplayError(frame, msg);
fprintf(ArchiveFile,"%s %s\n#\n", LIBFILE_IDENT,DateAndTime(Line));
if( DocFile)
fprintf(DocFile,"%s %s\n", DOCFILE_IDENT, DateAndTime(Line));
/* Generation des elements */
for ( ii = 0; ii < NbItems; ii++ )
if ( ListEntry[ii] == NULL ) // Composant non trouv<75> en librairie
if ( ii == 0 )
WriteOneLibEntry(frame, ArchiveFile, ListEntry[ii]);
if( DocFile ) WriteOneDocLibEntry(DocFile, ListEntry[ii]);
else if ( ListEntry[ii-1] != ListEntry[ii] )
WriteOneLibEntry(frame, ArchiveFile, ListEntry[ii]);
if( DocFile ) WriteOneDocLibEntry(DocFile, ListEntry[ii]);
/* Generation fin de fichier */
if( DocFile )
fprintf(DocFile,"#\n#End Doc Library\n");
return TRUE;
static int TriListEntry(EDA_LibComponentStruct **Objet1,
EDA_LibComponentStruct **Objet2)
/* Routine de comparaison pour le tri du Tableau par qsort()
Les composants sont tries par LibName
int ii;
const wxString * Text1, *Text2;
if( (*Objet1 == NULL) && (*Objet2 == NULL ) ) return(0);
if( *Objet1 == NULL) return(-1);
if( *Objet2 == NULL) return(1);
Text1 = &(*Objet1)->m_Name.m_Text;
Text2 = &(*Objet2)->m_Name.m_Text;
ii = Text1->CmpNoCase(* Text2);