diff --git a/common/selcolor.cpp b/common/selcolor.cpp
index c9574b45a5..8d4308d27f 100644
--- a/common/selcolor.cpp
+++ b/common/selcolor.cpp
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ EDA_COLOR_T DisplayColorFrame( wxWindow* aParent, EDA_COLOR_T aOldColor )
- wxDialog( aParent, -1, _( "Colors" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
+ wxDialog( aParent, wxID_ANY, _( "Colors" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize,
m_color = aOldColor;
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ CHOOSE_COLOR_DLG::CHOOSE_COLOR_DLG( wxWindow* aParent, EDA_COLOR_T aOldColor ) :
// Resize the dialog
GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this );
+ Centre();
void CHOOSE_COLOR_DLG::init_Dialog()
diff --git a/include/wxPcbStruct.h b/include/wxPcbStruct.h
index 33d95c4f0c..a850228702 100644
--- a/include/wxPcbStruct.h
+++ b/include/wxPcbStruct.h
@@ -793,11 +793,12 @@ public:
* @param aSide = 0 to list footprints on BACK side,
* 1 to list footprints on FRONT side
* 2 to list footprints on both sides
+ * @param aFormatCSV = true to use a comma separated file (CSV) format; defautl = false
* @return the number of footprints found on aSide side,
* or -1 if the file could not be created
int DoGenFootprintsPositionFile( const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aUnitsMM,
- bool aForceSmdItems, int aSide );
+ bool aForceSmdItems, int aSide, bool aFormatCSV = false );
* Function GenFootprintsReport
diff --git a/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.cpp b/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.cpp
index 352459a90d..3c2798ab2a 100644
--- a/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.cpp
+++ b/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.cpp
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Mar 9 2015)
+// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Mar 28 2016)
// http://www.wxformbuilder.org/
bSizerdirBrowse = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
m_outputDirectoryName = new wxTextCtrl( this, wxID_ANY, wxEmptyString, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, 0 );
- m_outputDirectoryName->SetMaxLength( 0 );
m_outputDirectoryName->SetToolTip( _("Target directory for plot files. Can be absolute or relative to the board file location.") );
m_outputDirectoryName->SetMinSize( wxSize( 350,-1 ) );
wxBoxSizer* bSizerOptions;
bSizerOptions = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL );
+ wxString m_rbFormatChoices[] = { _("Ascii"), _("CSV") };
+ int m_rbFormatNChoices = sizeof( m_rbFormatChoices ) / sizeof( wxString );
+ m_rbFormat = new wxRadioBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Format:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_rbFormatNChoices, m_rbFormatChoices, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
+ m_rbFormat->SetSelection( 0 );
+ bSizerOptions->Add( m_rbFormat, 0, wxALL, 5 );
wxString m_radioBoxUnitsChoices[] = { _("Inches"), _("mm") };
int m_radioBoxUnitsNChoices = sizeof( m_radioBoxUnitsChoices ) / sizeof( wxString );
m_radioBoxUnits = new wxRadioBox( this, wxID_ANY, _("Units:"), wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize, m_radioBoxUnitsNChoices, m_radioBoxUnitsChoices, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS );
m_radioBoxUnits->SetSelection( 0 );
- bSizerOptions->Add( m_radioBoxUnits, 1, wxALL, 5 );
+ bSizerOptions->Add( m_radioBoxUnits, 0, wxALL|wxEXPAND, 5 );
wxString m_radioBoxFilesCountChoices[] = { _("One file per side"), _("One file for board") };
int m_radioBoxFilesCountNChoices = sizeof( m_radioBoxFilesCountChoices ) / sizeof( wxString );
this->Centre( wxBOTH );
// Connect Events
- this->Connect( wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, wxCloseEventHandler( DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE::OnClose ) );
- this->Connect( wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG, wxInitDialogEventHandler( DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE::OnInitDialog ) );
m_browseButton->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler( DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE::OnOutputDirectoryBrowseClicked ), NULL, this );
m_sdbSizerButtonsOK->Connect( wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler( DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE::OnOKButton ), NULL, this );
// Disconnect Events
- this->Disconnect( wxEVT_CLOSE_WINDOW, wxCloseEventHandler( DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE::OnClose ) );
- this->Disconnect( wxEVT_INIT_DIALOG, wxInitDialogEventHandler( DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE::OnInitDialog ) );
m_browseButton->Disconnect( wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler( DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE::OnOutputDirectoryBrowseClicked ), NULL, this );
m_sdbSizerButtonsOK->Disconnect( wxEVT_COMMAND_BUTTON_CLICKED, wxCommandEventHandler( DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE::OnOKButton ), NULL, this );
diff --git a/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.fbp b/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.fbp
index 6b5131a5ab..efbc343fcb 100644
--- a/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.fbp
+++ b/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.fbp
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@
- 510,351
+ 525,304
DIALOG_SHIM; dialog_shim.h
Generate Component Position Files
@@ -61,13 +61,13 @@
- OnClose
- OnInitDialog
@@ -400,7 +400,97 @@
+ 5
+ 0
diff --git a/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.h b/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.h
index 72a4bd9577..cc64f79ff0 100644
--- a/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.h
+++ b/pcbnew/dialogs/dialog_gen_module_position_file_base.h
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Mar 9 2015)
+// C++ code generated with wxFormBuilder (version Mar 28 2016)
// http://www.wxformbuilder.org/
@@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ class DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE : public DIALOG_SHIM
wxStaticText* m_staticTextDir;
wxTextCtrl* m_outputDirectoryName;
wxButton* m_browseButton;
+ wxRadioBox* m_rbFormat;
wxRadioBox* m_radioBoxUnits;
wxRadioBox* m_radioBoxFilesCount;
wxRadioBox* m_radioBoxForceSmd;
@@ -51,15 +52,13 @@ class DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE : public DIALOG_SHIM
wxButton* m_sdbSizerButtonsCancel;
// Virtual event handlers, overide them in your derived class
- virtual void OnClose( wxCloseEvent& event ) { event.Skip(); }
- virtual void OnInitDialog( wxInitDialogEvent& event ) { event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnOutputDirectoryBrowseClicked( wxCommandEvent& event ) { event.Skip(); }
virtual void OnOKButton( wxCommandEvent& event ) { event.Skip(); }
- DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = _("Generate Component Position Files"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 510,351 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
+ DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION_BASE( wxWindow* parent, wxWindowID id = wxID_ANY, const wxString& title = _("Generate Component Position Files"), const wxPoint& pos = wxDefaultPosition, const wxSize& size = wxSize( 525,304 ), long style = wxDEFAULT_DIALOG_STYLE|wxRESIZE_BORDER );
diff --git a/pcbnew/exporters/gen_modules_placefile.cpp b/pcbnew/exporters/gen_modules_placefile.cpp
index 202ddb1518..8bc79ab942 100644
--- a/pcbnew/exporters/gen_modules_placefile.cpp
+++ b/pcbnew/exporters/gen_modules_placefile.cpp
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
- * The format of the kicad place file is:
+ * The ASCII format of the kicad place file is:
* ### Module positions - created on 04/12/2012 15:24:24 ###
* ### Printed by Pcbnew version pcbnew (2012-11-30 BZR 3828)-testing
* ## Unit = inches, Angle = deg.
@@ -68,8 +68,9 @@
* ## End
-#define PLACEFILE_UNITS_KEY wxT( "PlaceFileUnits" )
-#define PLACEFILE_OPT_KEY wxT( "PlaceFileOpts" )
+#define PLACEFILE_UNITS_KEY wxT( "PlaceFileUnits" )
+#define PLACEFILE_OPT_KEY wxT( "PlaceFileOpts" )
+#define PLACEFILE_FORMAT_KEY wxT( "PlaceFileFormat" )
#define PCB_BACK_SIDE 0
@@ -113,6 +114,7 @@ private:
static int m_unitsOpt;
static int m_fileOpt;
+ static int m_fileFormat;
void initDialog();
void OnOutputDirectoryBrowseClicked( wxCommandEvent& event );
@@ -146,6 +148,7 @@ private:
// Static members to remember choices
+int DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION::m_fileFormat = 0;
// Use standard board side name. do not translate them,
// they are keywords in place file
@@ -157,11 +160,13 @@ void DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION::initDialog()
m_config = Kiface().KifaceSettings();
m_config->Read( PLACEFILE_UNITS_KEY, &m_unitsOpt, 1 );
m_config->Read( PLACEFILE_OPT_KEY, &m_fileOpt, 0 );
+ m_config->Read( PLACEFILE_FORMAT_KEY, &m_fileFormat, 0 );
// Output directory
m_outputDirectoryName->SetValue( m_plotOpts.GetOutputDirectory() );
m_radioBoxUnits->SetSelection( m_unitsOpt );
m_radioBoxFilesCount->SetSelection( m_fileOpt );
+ m_rbFormat->SetSelection( m_fileFormat );
@@ -199,9 +204,12 @@ void DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION::OnOKButton( wxCommandEvent& event )
m_unitsOpt = m_radioBoxUnits->GetSelection();
m_fileOpt = m_radioBoxFilesCount->GetSelection();
+ m_fileFormat = m_rbFormat->GetSelection();
m_config->Write( PLACEFILE_UNITS_KEY, m_unitsOpt );
m_config->Write( PLACEFILE_OPT_KEY, m_fileOpt );
+ m_config->Write( PLACEFILE_FORMAT_KEY, m_fileFormat );
// Set output directory and replace backslashes with forward ones
// (Keep unix convention in cfg files)
@@ -210,10 +218,11 @@ void DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION::OnOKButton( wxCommandEvent& event )
dirStr.Replace( wxT( "\\" ), wxT( "/" ) );
m_plotOpts.SetOutputDirectory( dirStr );
m_parent->SetPlotSettings( m_plotOpts );
+ // the dialog is not closed here.
@@ -223,11 +232,13 @@ bool DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION::CreateFiles()
wxFileName fn;
wxString msg;
bool singleFile = OneFileOnly();
+ bool useCSVfmt = m_fileFormat == 1;
int fullcount = 0;
// Count the footprints to place, do not yet create a file
int fpcount = m_parent->DoGenFootprintsPositionFile( wxEmptyString, UnitsMM(),
- ForceAllSmd(), PCB_BOTH_SIDES );
+ ForceAllSmd(), PCB_BOTH_SIDES,
+ useCSVfmt );
if( fpcount == 0)
wxMessageBox( _( "No footprint for automated placement." ) );
@@ -235,7 +246,7 @@ bool DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION::CreateFiles()
// Create output directory if it does not exist (also transform it in
- // absolute form). Bail if it fails
+ // absolute path). Bail if it fails
wxFileName outputDir = wxFileName::DirName( m_plotOpts.GetOutputDirectory() );
wxString boardFilename = m_parent->GetBoard()->GetFileName();
@@ -264,10 +275,17 @@ bool DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION::CreateFiles()
fn.SetName( fn.GetName() + wxT( "-" ) + frontSideName );
- fn.SetExt( FootprintPlaceFileExtension );
+ if( useCSVfmt )
+ {
+ fn.SetName( fn.GetName() + wxT( "-" ) + FootprintPlaceFileExtension );
+ fn.SetExt( wxT( "csv" ) );
+ }
+ else
+ fn.SetExt( FootprintPlaceFileExtension );
fpcount = m_parent->DoGenFootprintsPositionFile( fn.GetFullPath(), UnitsMM(),
- ForceAllSmd(), side );
+ ForceAllSmd(), side, useCSVfmt );
if( fpcount < 0 )
msg.Printf( _( "Unable to create '%s'." ), GetChars( fn.GetFullPath() ) );
@@ -298,10 +316,17 @@ bool DIALOG_GEN_MODULE_POSITION::CreateFiles()
fn = brd->GetFileName();
fn.SetPath( outputDir.GetPath() );
fn.SetName( fn.GetName() + wxT( "-" ) + backSideName );
- fn.SetExt( wxT( "pos" ) );
+ if( useCSVfmt )
+ {
+ fn.SetName( fn.GetName() + wxT( "-" ) + FootprintPlaceFileExtension );
+ fn.SetExt( wxT( "csv" ) );
+ }
+ else
+ fn.SetExt( FootprintPlaceFileExtension );
fpcount = m_parent->DoGenFootprintsPositionFile( fn.GetFullPath(), UnitsMM(),
- ForceAllSmd(), side );
+ ForceAllSmd(), side, useCSVfmt );
if( fpcount < 0 )
@@ -390,7 +415,8 @@ void PCB_EDIT_FRAME::GenFootprintsPositionFile( wxCommandEvent& event )
int PCB_EDIT_FRAME::DoGenFootprintsPositionFile( const wxString& aFullFileName,
bool aUnitsMM,
- bool aForceSmdItems, int aSide )
+ bool aForceSmdItems, int aSide,
+ bool aFormatCSV )
MODULE* footprint;
@@ -477,58 +503,99 @@ int PCB_EDIT_FRAME::DoGenFootprintsPositionFile( const wxString& aFullFileName,
// Switch the locale to standard C (needed to print floating point numbers)
LOCALE_IO toggle;
- // Write file header
- fprintf( file, "### Module positions - created on %s ###\n", TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );
- wxString Title = Pgm().App().GetAppName() + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion();
- fprintf( file, "### Printed by Pcbnew version %s\n", TO_UTF8( Title ) );
- fputs( unit_text, file );
- fputs( "## Side : ", file );
- if( aSide == PCB_BACK_SIDE )
- fputs( TO_UTF8( backSideName ), file );
- else if( aSide == PCB_FRONT_SIDE )
- fputs( TO_UTF8( frontSideName ), file );
- else
- fputs( "All", file );
- fputs( "\n", file );
- fprintf(file, "%-*s %-*s %-*s %9.9s %9.9s %8.8s %s\n",
- int(lenRefText), "# Ref",
- int(lenValText), "Val",
- int(lenPkgText), "Package",
- "PosX", "PosY", "Rot", "Side" );
- for( int ii = 0; ii < footprintCount; ii++ )
+ if( aFormatCSV )
- wxPoint footprint_pos;
- footprint_pos = list[ii].m_Module->GetPosition();
- footprint_pos -= File_Place_Offset;
+ wxChar csv_sep = ',';
- LAYER_NUM layer = list[ii].m_Module->GetLayer();
- wxASSERT( layer==F_Cu || layer==B_Cu );
+ // Set first line:;
+ fprintf( file, "Ref%cVal%cPackage%cPosX%cPosY%cRot%cSide\n",
+ csv_sep, csv_sep, csv_sep, csv_sep, csv_sep, csv_sep );
- const wxString& ref = list[ii].m_Reference;
- const wxString& val = list[ii].m_Value;
- const wxString& pkg = list[ii].m_Module->GetFPID().GetFootprintName();
+ for( int ii = 0; ii < footprintCount; ii++ )
+ {
+ wxPoint footprint_pos;
+ footprint_pos = list[ii].m_Module->GetPosition();
+ footprint_pos -= File_Place_Offset;
- fprintf(file, "%-*s %-*s %-*s %9.4f %9.4f %8.4f %s\n",
- lenRefText, TO_UTF8( ref ),
- lenValText, TO_UTF8( val ),
- lenPkgText, TO_UTF8( pkg ),
- footprint_pos.x * conv_unit,
- // Keep the coordinates in the first quadrant,
- // (i.e. change y sign
- -footprint_pos.y * conv_unit,
- list[ii].m_Module->GetOrientation() / 10.0,
- (layer == F_Cu ) ? TO_UTF8( frontSideName ) : TO_UTF8( backSideName ));
+ LAYER_NUM layer = list[ii].m_Module->GetLayer();
+ wxASSERT( layer == F_Cu || layer == B_Cu );
+ wxString line = list[ii].m_Reference;
+ line << csv_sep;
+ line << list[ii].m_Value;
+ line << csv_sep;
+ line << wxString( list[ii].m_Module->GetFPID().GetFootprintName() );
+ line << csv_sep;
+ line << wxString::Format( "%f%c%f%c%f",
+ footprint_pos.x * conv_unit, csv_sep,
+ // Keep the Y axis oriented from bottom to top,
+ // ( change y coordinate sign )
+ -footprint_pos.y * conv_unit, csv_sep,
+ list[ii].m_Module->GetOrientation() / 10.0 );
+ line << csv_sep;
+ line << ( (layer == F_Cu ) ? frontSideName : backSideName );
+ line << '\n';
+ fputs( TO_UTF8( line ), file );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Write file header
+ fprintf( file, "### Module positions - created on %s ###\n", TO_UTF8( DateAndTime() ) );
- // Write EOF
- fputs( "## End\n", file );
+ wxString Title = Pgm().App().GetAppName() + wxT( " " ) + GetBuildVersion();
+ fprintf( file, "### Printed by Pcbnew version %s\n", TO_UTF8( Title ) );
+ fputs( unit_text, file );
+ fputs( "## Side : ", file );
+ if( aSide == PCB_BACK_SIDE )
+ fputs( TO_UTF8( backSideName ), file );
+ else if( aSide == PCB_FRONT_SIDE )
+ fputs( TO_UTF8( frontSideName ), file );
+ else
+ fputs( "All", file );
+ fputs( "\n", file );
+ fprintf(file, "%-*s %-*s %-*s %9.9s %9.9s %8.8s %s\n",
+ int(lenRefText), "# Ref",
+ int(lenValText), "Val",
+ int(lenPkgText), "Package",
+ "PosX", "PosY", "Rot", "Side" );
+ for( int ii = 0; ii < footprintCount; ii++ )
+ {
+ wxPoint footprint_pos;
+ footprint_pos = list[ii].m_Module->GetPosition();
+ footprint_pos -= File_Place_Offset;
+ LAYER_NUM layer = list[ii].m_Module->GetLayer();
+ wxASSERT( layer == F_Cu || layer == B_Cu );
+ const wxString& ref = list[ii].m_Reference;
+ const wxString& val = list[ii].m_Value;
+ const wxString& pkg = list[ii].m_Module->GetFPID().GetFootprintName();
+ fprintf(file, "%-*s %-*s %-*s %9.4f %9.4f %8.4f %s\n",
+ lenRefText, TO_UTF8( ref ),
+ lenValText, TO_UTF8( val ),
+ lenPkgText, TO_UTF8( pkg ),
+ footprint_pos.x * conv_unit,
+ // Keep the coordinates in the first quadrant,
+ // (i.e. change y sign
+ -footprint_pos.y * conv_unit,
+ list[ii].m_Module->GetOrientation() / 10.0,
+ (layer == F_Cu ) ? TO_UTF8( frontSideName ) : TO_UTF8( backSideName ));
+ }
+ // Write EOF
+ fputs( "## End\n", file );
+ }
fclose( file );
return footprintCount;