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				(xy 68.249999 -16.46) (xy 67.665002 -16.46) (xy 67.665001 -16.459999) (xy 67.665001 -15.816737)
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				(xy 69.52 -16.690001) (xy 69.75 -16.690001) (xy 69.750001 -16.69) (xy 70.334998 -16.69) (xy 70.334999 -16.690001)
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				(xy 69.52 -17.849998) (xy 69.519999 -17.849999) (xy 69.451737 -17.849999) (xy 69.451721 -17.849998)
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				(xy 69.258846 -17.802454) (xy 69.199944 -17.77154) (xy 69.19994 -17.771537) (xy 69.145188 -17.733744)
				(xy 69.145182 -17.733739) (xy 69.095394 -17.689631) (xy 69.095369 -17.689606) (xy 69.074103 -17.665601)
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				(xy 68.54827 -17.849999) (xy 68.48 -17.849998) (xy 68.48 -16.690001) (xy 68.25 -16.690001) (xy 68.25 -17.849998)
				(xy 68.249999 -17.849999) (xy 68.181737 -17.849999) (xy 68.181721 -17.849998) (xy 68.11569 -17.84198)
				(xy 68.115682 -17.841979) (xy 68.051081 -17.826057) (xy 67.98886 -17.80246) (xy 67.988846 -17.802454)
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