/***************************************************************************/ /* Dialog editor for text on copper and technical layers (TEXTE_PCB class) */ /***************************************************************************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "wxPcbStruct.h" #include "drawtxt.h" #include "confirm.h" enum id_TextPCB_properties { ID_TEXTPCB_SELECT_LAYER = 1900 }; /************************************/ /* class WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame */ /************************************/ class WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame : public wxDialog { private: WinEDA_PcbFrame* m_Parent; wxDC* m_DC; TEXTE_PCB* CurrentTextPCB; WinEDA_EnterText* m_Name; WinEDA_PositionCtrl* m_TxtPosCtrl; WinEDA_SizeCtrl* m_TxtSizeCtrl; WinEDA_ValueCtrl* m_TxtWidthCtlr; wxRadioBox* m_Orient; wxRadioBox* m_Mirror; wxRadioBox* m_Style; WinEDAChoiceBox* m_SelLayerBox; public: // Constructor and destructor WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent, TEXTE_PCB* TextPCB, wxDC* DC ); ~WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame() { } private: void OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); void OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& event ); DECLARE_EVENT_TABLE() }; BEGIN_EVENT_TABLE( WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame, wxDialog ) EVT_BUTTON( wxID_OK, WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame::OnOkClick ) EVT_BUTTON( wxID_CANCEL, WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame::OnCancelClick ) END_EVENT_TABLE() void WinEDA_PcbFrame::InstallTextPCBOptionsFrame( TEXTE_PCB* TextPCB, wxDC* DC ) { DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = TRUE; WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame* frame = new WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame( this, TextPCB, DC ); frame->ShowModal(); frame->Destroy(); DrawPanel->MouseToCursorSchema(); DrawPanel->m_IgnoreMouseEvents = FALSE; } WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame::WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame( WinEDA_PcbFrame* parent, TEXTE_PCB* TextPCB, wxDC* DC ) : wxDialog( parent, -1, _( "PCB Text properties" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( 390, 340 ) ) { wxButton* Button; BOARD* board = parent->GetBoard(); m_Parent = parent; m_DC = DC; Centre(); CurrentTextPCB = TextPCB; wxBoxSizer* MainBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxHORIZONTAL ); SetSizer( MainBoxSizer ); wxBoxSizer* LeftBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); wxBoxSizer* MiddleBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); wxBoxSizer* RightBoxSizer = new wxBoxSizer( wxVERTICAL ); MainBoxSizer->Add( LeftBoxSizer, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); MainBoxSizer->Add( MiddleBoxSizer, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); MainBoxSizer->Add( RightBoxSizer, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL | wxALL, 5 ); /* Creation des boutons de commande */ Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_OK, _( "OK" ) ); RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); Button->SetDefault(); Button = new wxButton( this, wxID_CANCEL, _( "Cancel" ) ); RightBoxSizer->Add( Button, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); m_Name = new WinEDA_EnterText( this, _( "Text:" ), TextPCB->m_Text, LeftBoxSizer, wxSize( 200, 60 ), true ); m_Name->SetFocus(); m_Name->SetSelection( -1, -1 ); m_TxtSizeCtrl = new WinEDA_SizeCtrl( this, _( "Size" ), TextPCB->m_Size, g_UnitMetric, LeftBoxSizer, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits ); m_TxtWidthCtlr = new WinEDA_ValueCtrl( this, _( "Width" ), TextPCB->m_Width, g_UnitMetric, LeftBoxSizer, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits ); m_TxtPosCtrl = new WinEDA_PositionCtrl( this, _( "Position" ), TextPCB->m_Pos, g_UnitMetric, LeftBoxSizer, m_Parent->m_InternalUnits ); m_SelLayerBox = new WinEDAChoiceBox( this, ID_TEXTPCB_SELECT_LAYER, wxDefaultPosition, wxDefaultSize ); MiddleBoxSizer->Add( m_SelLayerBox, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); for( int layer = 0; layerAppend( board->GetLayerName( layer ) ); } m_SelLayerBox->SetSelection( TextPCB->GetLayer() ); static const wxString orient_msg[4] = { wxT( "0" ), wxT( "90" ), wxT( "180" ), wxT( "-90" ) }; m_Orient = new wxRadioBox( this, -1, _( "Orientation" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( -1, -1 ), 4, orient_msg, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS ); MiddleBoxSizer->Add( m_Orient, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); switch( TextPCB->m_Orient ) { default: m_Orient->SetSelection( 0 ); break; case 900: m_Orient->SetSelection( 1 ); break; case 1800: m_Orient->SetSelection( 2 ); break; case 2700: m_Orient->SetSelection( 3 ); break; } wxString display_msg[2] = { _( "Normal" ), _( "Mirror" ) }; m_Mirror = new wxRadioBox( this, -1, _( "Display" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( -1, -1 ), 2, display_msg, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS ); if( TextPCB->m_Mirror ) m_Mirror->SetSelection( 1 ); MiddleBoxSizer->Add( m_Mirror, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); int style = 0; if( CurrentTextPCB->m_Italic ) style = 1; wxString style_msg[] = { _( "Normal" ), _( "Italic" ) }; m_Style = new wxRadioBox( this, -1, _( "Style" ), wxDefaultPosition, wxSize( -1, -1 ), 2, style_msg, 1, wxRA_SPECIFY_COLS ); m_Style->SetSelection( style ); MiddleBoxSizer->Add( m_Style, 0, wxGROW | wxALL, 5 ); GetSizer()->Fit( this ); GetSizer()->SetSizeHints( this ); } void WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame::OnCancelClick( wxCommandEvent& WXUNUSED( event ) ) { EndModal( wxID_CANCEL ); } void WinEDA_TextPCBPropertiesFrame::OnOkClick( wxCommandEvent& event ) { // If no other command in progress, prepare undo command // (for a command in progress, will be made later, at the completion of command) if( CurrentTextPCB->m_Flags == 0 ) m_Parent->SaveCopyInUndoList( CurrentTextPCB, UR_CHANGED ); /* set flag in edit to force undo/redo/abort proper operation, * and avoid new calls to SaveCopyInUndoList for the same text * this can occurs when a text is moved, and then rotated, edited .. */ if( CurrentTextPCB->m_Flags != 0 ) CurrentTextPCB->m_Flags |= IN_EDIT; // test for acceptable values for parameters: wxSize newsize = m_TxtSizeCtrl->GetValue(); if( newsize.x < TEXTS_MIN_SIZE ) newsize.x = TEXTS_MIN_SIZE; if( newsize.y < TEXTS_MIN_SIZE ) newsize.y = TEXTS_MIN_SIZE; if( newsize.x > TEXTS_MAX_WIDTH ) newsize.x = TEXTS_MAX_WIDTH; if( newsize.y > TEXTS_MAX_WIDTH ) newsize.y = TEXTS_MAX_WIDTH; if( m_DC ) // Erase old text on screen { CurrentTextPCB->Draw( m_Parent->DrawPanel, m_DC, GR_XOR ); } if( !m_Name->GetValue().IsEmpty() ) { CurrentTextPCB->m_Text = m_Name->GetValue(); } CurrentTextPCB->m_Pos = m_TxtPosCtrl->GetValue(); CurrentTextPCB->m_Size = newsize; CurrentTextPCB->m_Width = m_TxtWidthCtlr->GetValue(); // test for acceptable values for parameters: int maxthickness = Clamp_Text_PenSize( CurrentTextPCB->m_Width, CurrentTextPCB->m_Size ); if( CurrentTextPCB->m_Width > maxthickness ) { DisplayError(this, _("The text thickness is too large for the text size. It will be clamped")); CurrentTextPCB->m_Width = maxthickness; } CurrentTextPCB->m_Mirror = (m_Mirror->GetSelection() == 1) ? true : false; CurrentTextPCB->m_Orient = m_Orient->GetSelection() * 900; CurrentTextPCB->SetLayer( m_SelLayerBox->GetChoice() ); CurrentTextPCB->m_Italic = m_Style->GetSelection() ? 1 : 0; if( m_DC ) // Display new text { CurrentTextPCB->Draw( m_Parent->DrawPanel, m_DC, GR_OR ); } m_Parent->OnModify(); EndModal( 1 ); }