** Copyright (C) 2001-2013 RibbonSoft, GmbH. All rights reserved.
** Copyright (C) 2001 Robert J. Campbell Jr.
** This file is part of the dxflib project.
** This file is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** Licensees holding valid dxflib Professional Edition licenses may use
** this file in accordance with the dxflib Commercial License
** Agreement provided with the Software.
** This file is provided AS IS with NO WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, INCLUDING THE
** See http://www.ribbonsoft.com for further details.
** Contact info@ribbonsoft.com if any conditions of this licensing are
** not clear to you.

 * Defines common DXF codes and constants.

#ifndef DXF_CODES_H
#define DXF_CODES_H

#include "dl_global.h"

#if defined(__OS2__)||defined(__EMX__)
#define strcasecmp( s, t ) stricmp( s, t )

#if defined(_WIN32)
#ifndef strcasecmp  // on mingw, strcasecmp is defined
#define strcasecmp( s, t ) stricmp( s, t )

#ifdef _WIN32
#undef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846

#ifndef M_PI
#define M_PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

#define DL_DXF_MAXLINE      1024

// used to mark invalid vectors:
// #define DL_DXF_MAXDOUBLE 1.0E+10

 * Codes for colors and DXF versions.
     * Standard DXF colors.
    enum color
        black   = 250,
        green   = 3,
        red = 1,
        brown   = 15,
        yellow  = 2,
        cyan = 4,
        magenta = 6,
        gray    = 8,
        blue    = 5,
        l_blue  = 163,
        l_green = 121,
        l_cyan  = 131,
        l_red = 23,
        l_magenta = 221,
        l_gray  = 252,
        white   = 7,
        bylayer = 256,
        byblock = 0

     * Version numbers for the DXF Format.
    enum version
        AC1009_MIN,     // R12, minimalistic
        AC1009,         // R12
        AC1015          // R2000

// Extended color palette:
// The first entry is only for direct indexing starting with [1]
// Color 1 is red (1,0,0)
const double dxfColors[][3] =
    {      0,      0,      0 },                             // unused
    {      1,      0,      0 },                             // 1
    {      1,      1,      0 },
    {      0,      1,      0 },
    {      0,      1,      1 },
    {      0,      0,      1 },
    {      1,      0,      1 },
    {      1,      1,      1 },                           // black or white
    {    0.5,    0.5,    0.5 },
    {   0.75,   0.75,   0.75 },
    {      1,      0,      0 },                           // 10
    {      1,    0.5,    0.5 },
    {   0.65,      0,      0 },
    {   0.65,  0.325,  0.325 },
    {    0.5,      0,      0 },
    {    0.5,   0.25,   0.25 },
    {    0.3,      0,      0 },
    {    0.3,   0.15,   0.15 },
    {   0.15,      0,      0 },
    {   0.15,  0.075,  0.075 },
    {      1,   0.25,      0 },                           // 20
    {      1,  0.625,    0.5 },
    {   0.65, 0.1625,      0 },
    {   0.65, 0.4063,  0.325 },
    {    0.5,  0.125,      0 },
    {    0.5, 0.3125,   0.25 },
    {    0.3,  0.075,      0 },
    {    0.3, 0.1875,   0.15 },
    {   0.15, 0.0375,      0 },
    {   0.15, 0.0938,  0.075 },
    {      1,    0.5,      0 },                           // 30
    {      1,   0.75,    0.5 },
    {   0.65,  0.325,      0 },
    {   0.65, 0.4875,  0.325 },
    {    0.5,   0.25,      0 },
    {    0.5,  0.375,   0.25 },
    {    0.3,   0.15,      0 },
    {    0.3,  0.225,   0.15 },
    {   0.15,  0.075,      0 },
    {   0.15, 0.1125,  0.075 },
    {      1,   0.75,      0 },                           // 40
    {      1,  0.875,    0.5 },
    {   0.65, 0.4875,      0 },
    {   0.65, 0.5688,  0.325 },
    {    0.5,  0.375,      0 },
    {    0.5, 0.4375,   0.25 },
    {    0.3,  0.225,      0 },
    {    0.3, 0.2625,   0.15 },
    {   0.15, 0.1125,      0 },
    {   0.15, 0.1313,  0.075 },
    {      1,      1,      0 },                           // 50
    {      1,      1,    0.5 },
    {   0.65,   0.65,      0 },
    {   0.65,   0.65,  0.325 },
    {    0.5,    0.5,      0 },
    {    0.5,    0.5,   0.25 },
    {    0.3,    0.3,      0 },
    {    0.3,    0.3,   0.15 },
    {   0.15,   0.15,      0 },
    {   0.15,   0.15,  0.075 },
    {   0.75,      1,      0 },                           // 60
    {  0.875,      1,    0.5 },
    { 0.4875,   0.65,      0 },
    { 0.5688,   0.65,  0.325 },
    {  0.375,    0.5,      0 },
    { 0.4375,    0.5,   0.25 },
    {  0.225,    0.3,      0 },
    { 0.2625,    0.3,   0.15 },
    { 0.1125,   0.15,      0 },
    { 0.1313,   0.15,  0.075 },
    {    0.5,      1,      0 },                           // 70
    {   0.75,      1,    0.5 },
    {  0.325,   0.65,      0 },
    { 0.4875,   0.65,  0.325 },
    {   0.25,    0.5,      0 },
    {  0.375,    0.5,   0.25 },
    {   0.15,    0.3,      0 },
    {  0.225,    0.3,   0.15 },
    {  0.075,   0.15,      0 },
    { 0.1125,   0.15,  0.075 },
    {   0.25,      1,      0 },                           // 80
    {  0.625,      1,    0.5 },
    { 0.1625,   0.65,      0 },
    { 0.4063,   0.65,  0.325 },
    {  0.125,    0.5,      0 },
    { 0.3125,    0.5,   0.25 },
    {  0.075,    0.3,      0 },
    { 0.1875,    0.3,   0.15 },
    { 0.0375,   0.15,      0 },
    { 0.0938,   0.15,  0.075 },
    {      0,      1,      0 },                           // 90
    {    0.5,      1,    0.5 },
    {      0,   0.65,      0 },
    {  0.325,   0.65,  0.325 },
    {      0,    0.5,      0 },
    {   0.25,    0.5,   0.25 },
    {      0,    0.3,      0 },
    {   0.15,    0.3,   0.15 },
    {      0,   0.15,      0 },
    {  0.075,   0.15,  0.075 },
    {      0,      1,   0.25 },                           // 100
    {    0.5,      1,  0.625 },
    {      0,   0.65, 0.1625 },
    {  0.325,   0.65, 0.4063 },
    {      0,    0.5,  0.125 },
    {   0.25,    0.5, 0.3125 },
    {      0,    0.3,  0.075 },
    {   0.15,    0.3, 0.1875 },
    {      0,   0.15, 0.0375 },
    {  0.075,   0.15, 0.0938 },
    {      0,      1,    0.5 },                           // 110
    {    0.5,      1,   0.75 },
    {      0,   0.65,  0.325 },
    {  0.325,   0.65, 0.4875 },
    {      0,    0.5,   0.25 },
    {   0.25,    0.5,  0.375 },
    {      0,    0.3,   0.15 },
    {   0.15,    0.3,  0.225 },
    {      0,   0.15,  0.075 },
    {  0.075,   0.15, 0.1125 },
    {      0,      1,   0.75 },                           // 120
    {    0.5,      1,  0.875 },
    {      0,   0.65, 0.4875 },
    {  0.325,   0.65, 0.5688 },
    {      0,    0.5,  0.375 },
    {   0.25,    0.5, 0.4375 },
    {      0,    0.3,  0.225 },
    {   0.15,    0.3, 0.2625 },
    {      0,   0.15, 0.1125 },
    {  0.075,   0.15, 0.1313 },
    {      0,      1,      1 },                           // 130
    {    0.5,      1,      1 },
    {      0,   0.65,   0.65 },
    {  0.325,   0.65,   0.65 },
    {      0,    0.5,    0.5 },
    {   0.25,    0.5,    0.5 },
    {      0,    0.3,    0.3 },
    {   0.15,    0.3,    0.3 },
    {      0,   0.15,   0.15 },
    {  0.075,   0.15,   0.15 },
    {      0,   0.75,      1 },                           // 140
    {    0.5,  0.875,      1 },
    {      0, 0.4875,   0.65 },
    {  0.325, 0.5688,   0.65 },
    {      0,  0.375,    0.5 },
    {   0.25, 0.4375,    0.5 },
    {      0,  0.225,    0.3 },
    {   0.15, 0.2625,    0.3 },
    {      0, 0.1125,   0.15 },
    {  0.075, 0.1313,   0.15 },
    {      0,    0.5,      1 },                           // 150
    {    0.5,   0.75,      1 },
    {      0,  0.325,   0.65 },
    {  0.325, 0.4875,   0.65 },
    {      0,   0.25,    0.5 },
    {   0.25,  0.375,    0.5 },
    {      0,   0.15,    0.3 },
    {   0.15,  0.225,    0.3 },
    {      0,  0.075,   0.15 },
    {  0.075, 0.1125,   0.15 },
    {      0,   0.25,      1 },                           // 160
    {    0.5,  0.625,      1 },
    {      0, 0.1625,   0.65 },
    {  0.325, 0.4063,   0.65 },
    {      0,  0.125,    0.5 },
    {   0.25, 0.3125,    0.5 },
    {      0,  0.075,    0.3 },
    {   0.15, 0.1875,    0.3 },
    {      0, 0.0375,   0.15 },
    {  0.075, 0.0938,   0.15 },
    {      0,      0,      1 },                           // 170
    {    0.5,    0.5,      1 },
    {      0,      0,   0.65 },
    {  0.325,  0.325,   0.65 },
    {      0,      0,    0.5 },
    {   0.25,   0.25,    0.5 },
    {      0,      0,    0.3 },
    {   0.15,   0.15,    0.3 },
    {      0,      0,   0.15 },
    {  0.075,  0.075,   0.15 },
    {   0.25,      0,      1 },                           // 180
    {  0.625,    0.5,      1 },
    { 0.1625,      0,   0.65 },
    { 0.4063,  0.325,   0.65 },
    {  0.125,      0,    0.5 },
    { 0.3125,   0.25,    0.5 },
    {  0.075,      0,    0.3 },
    { 0.1875,   0.15,    0.3 },
    { 0.0375,      0,   0.15 },
    { 0.0938,  0.075,   0.15 },
    {    0.5,      0,      1 },                           // 190
    {   0.75,    0.5,      1 },
    {  0.325,      0,   0.65 },
    { 0.4875,  0.325,   0.65 },
    {   0.25,      0,    0.5 },
    {  0.375,   0.25,    0.5 },
    {   0.15,      0,    0.3 },
    {  0.225,   0.15,    0.3 },
    {  0.075,      0,   0.15 },
    { 0.1125,  0.075,   0.15 },
    {   0.75,      0,      1 },                           // 200
    {  0.875,    0.5,      1 },
    { 0.4875,      0,   0.65 },
    { 0.5688,  0.325,   0.65 },
    {  0.375,      0,    0.5 },
    { 0.4375,   0.25,    0.5 },
    {  0.225,      0,    0.3 },
    { 0.2625,   0.15,    0.3 },
    { 0.1125,      0,   0.15 },
    { 0.1313,  0.075,   0.15 },
    {      1,      0,      1 },                           // 210
    {      1,    0.5,      1 },
    {   0.65,      0,   0.65 },
    {   0.65,  0.325,   0.65 },
    {    0.5,      0,    0.5 },
    {    0.5,   0.25,    0.5 },
    {    0.3,      0,    0.3 },
    {    0.3,   0.15,    0.3 },
    {   0.15,      0,   0.15 },
    {   0.15,  0.075,   0.15 },
    {      1,      0,   0.75 },                           // 220
    {      1,    0.5,  0.875 },
    {   0.65,      0, 0.4875 },
    {   0.65,  0.325, 0.5688 },
    {    0.5,      0,  0.375 },
    {    0.5,   0.25, 0.4375 },
    {    0.3,      0,  0.225 },
    {    0.3,   0.15, 0.2625 },
    {   0.15,      0, 0.1125 },
    {   0.15,  0.075, 0.1313 },
    {      1,      0,    0.5 },                           // 230
    {      1,    0.5,   0.75 },
    {   0.65,      0,  0.325 },
    {   0.65,  0.325, 0.4875 },
    {    0.5,      0,   0.25 },
    {    0.5,   0.25,  0.375 },
    {    0.3,      0,   0.15 },
    {    0.3,   0.15,  0.225 },
    {   0.15,      0,  0.075 },
    {   0.15,  0.075, 0.1125 },
    {      1,      0,   0.25 },                           // 240
    {      1,    0.5,  0.625 },
    {   0.65,      0, 0.1625 },
    {   0.65,  0.325, 0.4063 },
    {    0.5,      0,  0.125 },
    {    0.5,   0.25, 0.3125 },
    {    0.3,      0,  0.075 },
    {    0.3,   0.15, 0.1875 },
    {   0.15,      0, 0.0375 },
    {   0.15,  0.075, 0.0938 },
    {   0.33,   0.33,   0.33 },                           // 250
    {  0.464,  0.464,  0.464 },
    {  0.598,  0.598,  0.598 },
    {  0.732,  0.732,  0.732 },
    {  0.866,  0.866,  0.866 },
    {      1,      1,      1 }                            // 255


// AutoCAD VERSION aliases
#define DL_VERSION_R12  DL_Codes::AC1009
#define DL_VERSION_LT2  DL_Codes::AC1009
#define DL_VERSION_R13  DL_Codes::AC1012        // not supported yet
#define DL_VERSION_LT95 DL_Codes::AC1012        // not supported yet
#define DL_VERSION_R14  DL_Codes::AC1014        // not supported yet
#define DL_VERSION_LT97 DL_Codes::AC1014        // not supported yet
#define DL_VERSION_LT98 DL_Codes::AC1014        // not supported yet
#define DL_VERSION_2000 DL_Codes::AC1015
#define DL_VERSION_2002 DL_Codes::AC1015

// DXF Group Codes:

// Strings
#define DL_STRGRP_END   9

// Coordinates
#define DL_CRDGRP_START 10
#define DL_CRDGRP_END   19

// Real values
#define DL_RLGRP_START  38
#define DL_RLGRP_END    59

// Short integer values
#define DL_SHOGRP_START 60
#define DL_SHOGRP_END   79

// New in Release 13,
#define DL_SUBCLASS 100

// More coordinates
#define DL_CRD2GRP_START    210
#define DL_CRD2GRP_END      239

// Extended data strings
#define DL_ESTRGRP_START    1000
#define DL_ESTRGRP_END      1009

// Extended data reals
#define DL_ERLGRP_START 1010
#define DL_ERLGRP_END   1059

#define DL_Y8_COORD_CODE        28
#define DL_Z0_COORD_CODE        30
#define DL_Z8_COORD_CODE        38

#define DL_POINT_COORD_CODE     10
#define DL_INSERT_COORD_CODE    10

#define DL_CRD2GRP_START        210
#define DL_CRD2GRP_END          239

#define DL_THICKNESS            39
#define DL_LAST_REAL_CODE       59
#define DL_FIRST_INT_CODE       60
#define DL_ATTFLAGS_CODE        70
#define DL_PLINE_FLAGS_CODE     70
#define DL_LAYER_FLAGS_CODE     70
#define DL_FLD_LEN_CODE         73 // Inside ATTRIB resbuf
#define DL_LAST_INT_CODE        79
#define DL_X_EXTRU_CODE         210
#define DL_Y_EXTRU_CODE         220
#define DL_Z_EXTRU_CODE         230
#define DL_COMMENT_CODE         999

// Start and endpoints of a line
#define DL_LINE_START_CODE  10      // Followed by x coord
#define DL_LINE_END_CODE    11      // Followed by x coord

// Some codes used by blocks
#define DL_BLOCK_FLAGS_CODE 70      // An int containing flags
#define DL_BLOCK_BASE_CODE  10      // Origin of block definition
#define DL_XREF_DEPENDENT   16      // If a block contains an XREF
#define DL_XREF_RESOLVED    32      // If a XREF resolved ok
#define DL_REFERENCED       64      // If a block is ref'd in DWG

#define DL_XSCALE_CODE      41
#define DL_YSCALE_CODE      42
#define DL_ANGLE_CODE       50
#define DL_INS_POINT_CODE   10      // Followed by x of ins pnt
#define DL_NAME2_CODE       3       // Second appearance of name

// Some codes used by circle entities
#define DL_CENTER_CODE  10          // Followed by x of center
#define DL_RADIUS_CODE  40          // Followd by radius of circle

#define DL_COND_OP_CODE -4          // Conditional op,ads_ssget

// When using ads_buildlist you MUST use RTDXF0 instead of these
#define DL_ENTITY_TYPE_CODE     0   // Then there is LINE, 3DFACE..
#define DL_SES_CODE             0   // Start End String Code
#define DL_FILE_SEP_CODE        0   // File separator
#define DL_SOT_CODE             0   // Start Of Table
#define DL_TEXTVAL_CODE         1
#define DL_NAME_CODE            2
#define DL_BLOCK_NAME_CODE      2
#define DL_ENT_HAND_CODE        5   // What follows is hexa string
#define DL_TXT_STYLE_CODE       7   // Inside attributes
#define DL_LAYER_NAME_CODE      8   // What follows is layer name
#define DL_FIRST_XCOORD_CODE    10  // Group code x of 1st coord
#define DL_FIRST_YCOORD_CODE    20  // Group code y of 1st coord
#define DL_FIRST_ZCOORD_CODE    30  // Group code z of 1st coord
#define DL_L_START_CODE         10
#define DL_L_END_CODE           11
#define DL_TXTHI_CODE           40
#define DL_SCALE_X_CODE         41
#define DL_SCALE_Y_CODE         42
#define DL_SCALE_Z_CODE         43
#define DL_BULGE_CODE           42  // Used in PLINE verts for arcs
#define DL_ROTATION_CODE        50
#define DL_COLOUR_CODE          62  // What follows is a color int
#define DL_LTYPE_CODE           6   // What follows is a linetype

// Attribute flags
#define DL_ATT_TAG_CODE     2
#define DL_ATT_VAL_CODE     1
#define DL_ATT_FLAGS_CODE   70      // 4 1 bit flags as follows...
#define DL_ATT_INVIS_FLAG   1
#define DL_ATT_CONST_FLAG   2
#define DL_ATT_VERIFY_FLAG  4       // Prompt and verify
#define DL_ATT_PRESET_FLAG  8       // No prompt and no verify

// PLINE defines
// Flags
#define DL_OPEN_PLINE           0x00
#define DL_CLOSED_PLINE         0x01
#define DL_POLYLINE3D           0x80
#define DL_PFACE_MESH           0x40
#define DL_PGON_MESH            0x10
// Vertices follow entity, required in POLYLINES
#define DL_VERTS_FOLLOW_CODE    66 // Value should always be 1
#define DL_VERTEX_COORD_CODE    10

// LAYER flags
#define DL_FROZEN           1
#define DL_FROZEN_BY_DEF    2
#define DL_LOCKED           4
#define DL_OBJECT_USED      64  // Object is ref'd in the dwg

#define DL_BLOCK_EN_CODE    -2  // Block entity definition
#define DL_E_NAME           -1  // Entity name

// Extended data codes
#define DL_EXTD_SENTINEL    (-3)
#define DL_EXTD_STR         1000
#define DL_EXTD_APP_NAME    1001
#define DL_EXTD_CTL_STR     1002
#define DL_EXTD_LYR_STR     1003
#define DL_EXTD_CHUNK       1004
#define DL_EXTD_HANDLE      1005
#define DL_EXTD_POINT       1010
#define DL_EXTD_POS         1011
#define DL_EXTD_DISP        1012
#define DL_EXTD_DIR         1013
#define DL_EXTD_FLOAT       1040
#define DL_EXTD_DIST        1041
#define DL_EXTD_SCALE       1042
#define DL_EXTD_INT16       1070
#define DL_EXTD_INT32       1071

// UCS codes for use in ads_trans
#define DL_WCS_TRANS_CODE   0
#define DL_UCS_TRANS_CODE   1
#define DL_DCS_TRANS_CODE   2
#define DL_PCS_TRANS_CODE   3
