/*********************************************************/ /* Routines relatives a la gestions des pistes en "DRAG" */ /*********************************************************/ /* Fichier dragsegm.cpp */ #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "pcbnew.h" #include "autorout.h" #include "trigo.h" #include "protos.h" #include "drag.h" /* fonctions locales */ DRAG_SEGM::DRAG_SEGM( TRACK* segm ) { m_Segm = segm; m_StartInitialValue = m_Segm->m_Start; m_EndInitialValue = m_Segm->m_End; m_Pad_Start = m_Pad_End = NULL; m_Flag = 0; } DRAG_SEGM::~DRAG_SEGM() { } void DRAG_SEGM::SetInitialValues() { m_Segm->m_Start = m_StartInitialValue; m_Segm->m_End = m_EndInitialValue; } /*******************************************************************/ void Dessine_Segments_Dragges( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC ) /*******************************************************************/ /* Redraw the list of segments starting in g_DragSegmentList, while moving a footprint */ { D_PAD* pt_pad; TRACK* Track; DRAG_SEGM* pt_drag; if( g_DragSegmentList == NULL ) return; pt_drag = g_DragSegmentList; for( ; pt_drag; pt_drag = pt_drag->Pnext ) { int px, py; Track = pt_drag->m_Segm; Track->Draw( panel, DC, GR_XOR ); // erase from screen at old position pt_pad = pt_drag->m_Pad_Start; if( pt_pad ) { px = pt_pad->m_Pos.x - g_Offset_Module.x; py = pt_pad->m_Pos.y - g_Offset_Module.y; Track->m_Start.x = px; Track->m_Start.y = py; } pt_pad = pt_drag->m_Pad_End; if( pt_pad ) { px = pt_pad->m_Pos.x - g_Offset_Module.x; py = pt_pad->m_Pos.y - g_Offset_Module.y; Track->m_End.x = px; Track->m_End.y = py; } Track->Draw( panel, DC, GR_XOR ); } } /*************************************************************************/ void Build_Drag_Liste( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, MODULE* Module ) /*************************************************************************/ /* Construit la liste des segments connectes aus pads du module Module * pour le drag de ces segments * la liste est mise a l'adresse pointee par pt_drag. * la variable globale nb_drag_segment est incrementee du nombre de segments * Met l'attribut EDIT sur les segments selectionnes * et les affiche en mode EDIT (sketch) */ { D_PAD* pt_pad; pt_pad = Module->m_Pads; for( ; pt_pad != NULL; pt_pad = (D_PAD*) pt_pad->Pnext ) { Build_1_Pad_SegmentsToDrag( panel, DC, pt_pad ); } return; } /**********************************************************************************/ void Build_1_Pad_SegmentsToDrag( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, D_PAD* PtPad ) /**********************************************************************************/ /* Routine construisant la liste les segments de piste connectes au pad PtPad * Les net_codes sont supposes a jour. */ { TRACK* Track; int net_code = PtPad->GetNet(); int MasqueLayer; wxPoint pos; BOARD* pcb = ( (WinEDA_BasePcbFrame*) (panel->m_Parent) )->m_Pcb; Track = pcb->m_Track->GetStartNetCode( net_code ); pos = PtPad->m_Pos; MasqueLayer = PtPad->m_Masque_Layer; for( ; Track; Track = Track->Next() ) { if( Track->GetNet() != net_code ) break; /* hors zone */ if( ( MasqueLayer & Track->ReturnMaskLayer() ) == 0 ) continue; /* couches differentes */ if( pos == Track->m_Start ) { AddSegmentToDragList( panel, DC, STARTPOINT, Track ); g_DragSegmentList->m_Pad_Start = PtPad; } if( pos == Track->m_End ) { AddSegmentToDragList( panel, DC, ENDPOINT, Track ); g_DragSegmentList->m_Pad_End = PtPad; } } } /******************************************************************/ void AddSegmentToDragList( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, int flag, TRACK* Track ) /******************************************************************/ /* Add the segment"Track" to the drag list, and erase it from screen * flag = STARTPOINT (if the point to drag is the start point of Track) or ENDPOINT */ { DRAG_SEGM* pt_drag; pt_drag = new DRAG_SEGM( Track ); pt_drag->Pnext = g_DragSegmentList; g_DragSegmentList = pt_drag; if( (flag & STARTPOINT) ) pt_drag->m_Flag |= 1; if( (flag & ENDPOINT) ) pt_drag->m_Flag |= 2; Track->Draw( panel, DC, GR_XOR ); Track->SetState( EDIT, ON ); if( (flag & STARTPOINT) ) Track->m_Flags |= STARTPOINT; if( (flag & ENDPOINT) ) Track->m_Flags |= ENDPOINT; Track->Draw( panel, DC, GR_XOR ); } /**********************************************************************************/ void Collect_TrackSegmentsToDrag( WinEDA_DrawPanel* panel, wxDC* DC, wxPoint& point, int MasqueLayer, int net_code ) /**********************************************************************************/ /* Routine construisant la liste les segments de piste connectes a la via Via * Les net_codes sont supposes a jour. */ { BOARD* pcb = ( (WinEDA_BasePcbFrame*) (panel->m_Parent) )->m_Pcb; TRACK* Track = pcb->m_Track->GetStartNetCode( net_code ); for( ; Track; Track = Track->Next() ) { if( Track->GetNet() != net_code ) break; /* hors zone */ if( ( MasqueLayer & Track->ReturnMaskLayer() ) == 0 ) continue; /* couches differentes */ if( Track->m_Flags & IS_DRAGGED ) continue; // already in list if( Track->m_Start == point ) { AddSegmentToDragList( panel, DC, STARTPOINT, Track ); } if( Track->m_End == point ) { AddSegmentToDragList( panel, DC, ENDPOINT, Track ); } } } /*****************************/ void EraseDragListe() /*****************************/ /* Routine de liberation memoire de la liste des structures DRAG_SEGM * remet a zero le pointeur global g_DragSegmentList */ { DRAG_SEGM* pt_drag; DRAG_SEGM* NextStruct; if( g_DragSegmentList == NULL ) return; pt_drag = g_DragSegmentList; for( ; pt_drag != NULL; pt_drag = NextStruct ) { NextStruct = pt_drag->Pnext; pt_drag->m_Segm->m_Flags = 0; delete pt_drag; } g_DragSegmentList = NULL; }