Eagle Plugin Implementation Notes.
2017 Russell Oliver
Kicad Eagle
Footprint Package
Symbol Device
Unit Gate
Pin # Pad # from connect for gate
An Eagle library is made up of a description, package, symbols and devicesets.
Symbols outline the graphical layout of items including pins.
Pins for multi gate symbols are generally labled according to their function, i.e input / output. I/O
In contrast to kicad, different gates can have different symbols.
An Eagle gate is equivelent to a Kicad symbol Unit.
An Eagle symbol pin is not numbered, therefore the relationship is made by the Eagle connect element.
A connect element gives the pad number for each pin found in that gate.
Therefore the equivelent kicad pin number is read from the connect element pad number.
Since an Eagle gate is equivelent to a kicad symbol unit, the graphical items for that unit will be copied from the Eagle symbol and will be unique for that unit.
This will yield duplication of the graphical elements if the same symbol is used for multiple gates but the conversion will be complete.
A second pass may be used to remove duplicate items.
A kicad pin is numbered using the pad number found in the connect element. The pin name will be retained.
An Eagle sheet contains a list of instances, which are equivelent to Kicad schematic component entries.
An instance describes the part, the gate used and its location on the sheet.
A part has a name, the library used, the deviceset, the device, and optionally the device's value.