// PolyLine.h ... definition of CPolyLine class // // A polyline contains one or more contours, where each contour // is defined by a list of corners and side-styles // There may be multiple contours in a polyline. // The last contour may be open or closed, any others must be closed. // All of the corners and side-styles are concatenated into 2 arrays, // separated by setting the end_contour flag of the last corner of // each contour. // // When used for copper (or technical layers) areas, the first contour is the outer edge // of the area, subsequent ones are "holes" in the copper. #ifndef POLYLINE_H #define POLYLINE_H #include #include #include // for wxPoint definition #include #include class CRect { public: int left, right, top, bottom; }; class CSegment { public: wxPoint m_Start; wxPoint m_End; CSegment() { }; CSegment( const wxPoint& aStart, const wxPoint& aEnd ) { m_Start = aStart; m_End = aEnd; } CSegment( int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1 ) { m_Start.x = x0; m_Start.y = y0; m_End.x = x1; m_End.y = y1; } }; class CPolyPt : public wxPoint { public: CPolyPt( int aX = 0, int aY = 0, bool aEnd = false, int aUtility = 0 ) : wxPoint( aX, aY ), end_contour( aEnd ), m_utility( aUtility ) {} // / Pure copy constructor is here to dis-ambiguate from the // / specialized CPolyPt( const wxPoint& ) constructor version below. CPolyPt( const CPolyPt& aPt ) : wxPoint( aPt.x, aPt.y ), end_contour( aPt.end_contour ), m_utility( aPt.m_utility ) {} CPolyPt( const wxPoint& aPoint ) : wxPoint( aPoint ), end_contour( false ), m_utility( 0 ) {} bool end_contour; int m_utility; bool operator ==( const CPolyPt& cpt2 ) const { return (x == cpt2.x) && (y == cpt2.y) && (end_contour == cpt2.end_contour); } bool operator !=( CPolyPt& cpt2 ) const { return (x != cpt2.x) || (y != cpt2.y) || (end_contour != cpt2.end_contour); } }; /** * CPOLYGONS_LIST handle a list of contours (polygons corners). * Each corner is a CPolyPt item. * The last cornet of each contour has its end_contour member = true */ class CPOLYGONS_LIST { private: std::vector m_cornersList; // array of points for corners public: CPOLYGONS_LIST() {}; CPolyPt& operator [](int aIdx) {return m_cornersList[aIdx]; } // Accessor: const std::vector & GetList() const {return m_cornersList;} int GetX( int ic ) const { return m_cornersList[ic].x; } void SetX( int ic, int aValue ) { m_cornersList[ic].x = aValue; } int GetY( int ic ) const { return m_cornersList[ic].y; } void SetY( int ic, int aValue ) { m_cornersList[ic].y = aValue; } int GetUtility( int ic ) const { return m_cornersList[ic].m_utility; } void SetFlag( int ic, int aFlag ) { m_cornersList[ic].m_utility = aFlag; } bool IsEndContour( int ic ) const { return m_cornersList[ic].end_contour; } void SetEndContour( int ic, bool end_contour ) { m_cornersList[ic].end_contour = end_contour; } const wxPoint& GetPos( int ic ) const { return m_cornersList[ic]; } const CPolyPt& GetCorner( int ic ) const { return m_cornersList[ic]; } // vector <> methods void reserve( int aSize ) { m_cornersList.reserve( aSize ); } void RemoveAllContours( void ) { m_cornersList.clear(); } CPolyPt& GetLastCorner() { return m_cornersList.back(); } unsigned GetCornersCount() const { return m_cornersList.size(); } void DeleteCorner( int aIdx ) { m_cornersList.erase( m_cornersList.begin() + aIdx ); } void DeleteCorners( int aIdFirstCorner, int aIdLastCorner ) { m_cornersList.erase( m_cornersList.begin() + aIdFirstCorner, m_cornersList.begin() + aIdLastCorner + 1 ); } void Append( const CPOLYGONS_LIST& aList ) { m_cornersList.insert( m_cornersList.end(), aList.m_cornersList.begin(), aList.m_cornersList.end() ); } void Append( const CPolyPt& aItem ) { m_cornersList.push_back( aItem ); } void Append( const wxPoint& aItem ) { CPolyPt item( aItem ); m_cornersList.push_back( aItem ); } void InsertCorner( int aPosition, const CPolyPt& aItem ) { m_cornersList.insert( m_cornersList.begin() + aPosition + 1, aItem ); } /** * Function ExportTo * Copy all contours to a KI_POLYGON_SET * @param aPolygons = the KI_POLYGON_WITH_HOLES to populate */ void ExportTo( KI_POLYGON_SET& aPolygons ); /** * Function ExportTo * Copy the contours to a KI_POLYGON_WITH_HOLES * The first contour is the main outline, others are holes * @param aPolygoneWithHole = the KI_POLYGON_WITH_HOLES to populate */ void ExportTo( KI_POLYGON_WITH_HOLES& aPolygoneWithHole ); /** * Function ImportFrom * Copy all polygons from a KI_POLYGON_SET in list * @param aPolygons = the KI_POLYGON_SET to import */ void ImportFrom( KI_POLYGON_SET& aPolygons ); /** * function AddCorner * add a corner to the list */ void AddCorner( const CPolyPt& aCorner ) { m_cornersList.push_back( aCorner ); } /** * function CloseLastContour * Set the .end_contour member of the last corner in list to true */ void CloseLastContour() { if( m_cornersList.size() > 0 ) m_cornersList.back().end_contour = true; } }; class CPolyLine { public: enum HATCH_STYLE { NO_HATCH, DIAGONAL_FULL, DIAGONAL_EDGE }; // hatch styles // constructors/destructor CPolyLine(); CPolyLine( const CPolyLine& aCPolyLine); ~CPolyLine(); /** * Function ImportSettings * Copy settings (layer, hatch styles) from aPoly * @param aPoly is the CPolyLine to import settings */ void ImportSettings( const CPolyLine* aPoly ); // functions for modifying the CPolyLine contours /* initialize a contour * set layer, hatch style, and starting point */ void Start( LAYER_NUM layer, int x, int y, int hatch ); void AppendCorner( int x, int y ); void InsertCorner( int ic, int x, int y ); /** * Function DeleteCorner * remove the given corner. if it is the last point of a contour * keep the controur closed by modifying the previous corner * @param ic = the index of the corner to delete */ void DeleteCorner( int ic ); void MoveCorner( int ic, int x, int y ); /** * function CloseLastContour * Set the .end_contour member of the last corner * of the last contour to true */ void CloseLastContour() { m_CornersList.CloseLastContour(); } void RemoveContour( int icont ); /** * Function IsPolygonSelfIntersecting * Test a CPolyLine for self-intersection of vertex (all contours). * * @return : * false if no intersecting sides * true if intersecting sides * When a CPolyLine is self intersectic, it need to be normalized. * (converted to non intersecting polygons) */ bool IsPolygonSelfIntersecting(); /** * Function Chamfer * returns a chamfered version of a polygon. * @param aDistance is the chamfering distance. * @return CPolyLine* - Pointer to new polygon. */ CPolyLine* Chamfer( unsigned int aDistance ); /** * Function Fillet * returns a filleted version of a polygon. * @param aRadius is the fillet radius. * @param aSegments is the number of segments / fillet. * @return CPolyLine* - Pointer to new polygon. */ CPolyLine* Fillet( unsigned int aRadius, unsigned int aSegments ); /** * Function RemoveNullSegments * Removes corners which create a null segment edge * (i.e. when 2 successive corners are at the same location) * @return the count of removed corners. */ int RemoveNullSegments(); void RemoveAllContours( void ); // Remove or create hatch void UnHatch(); void Hatch(); // Transform functions void MoveOrigin( int x_off, int y_off ); // misc. functions CRect GetBoundingBox(); CRect GetBoundingBox( int icont ); void Copy( const CPolyLine* src ); bool TestPointInside( int x, int y ); /** * @return true if the corner aCornerIdx is on a hole inside the main outline * and false if it is on the main outline */ bool IsCutoutContour( int aCornerIdx ); /** * Function AppendArc. * Adds segments to current contour to approximate the given arc */ void AppendArc( int xi, int yi, int xf, int yf, int xc, int yc, int num ); // access functions void SetLayer( LAYER_NUM aLayer ) { m_layer = aLayer; } LAYER_NUM GetLayer() const { return m_layer; } int GetCornersCount() const { return m_CornersList.GetCornersCount(); } int GetClosed(); int GetContoursCount(); int GetContour( int ic ); int GetContourStart( int icont ); int GetContourEnd( int icont ); int GetContourSize( int icont ); int GetX( int ic ) const { return m_CornersList.GetX( ic ); } int GetY( int ic ) const { return m_CornersList.GetY( ic ); } bool IsEndContour( int ic ) const { return m_CornersList.IsEndContour( ic ); } const wxPoint& GetPos( int ic ) const { return m_CornersList.GetPos( ic ); } int GetEndContour( int ic ); int GetUtility( int ic ) const { return m_CornersList.GetUtility( ic ); }; void SetUtility( int ic, int aFlag ) { m_CornersList.SetFlag( ic, aFlag ); }; int GetHatchPitch() const { return m_hatchPitch; } static int GetDefaultHatchPitchMils() { return 20; } // default hatch pitch value in mils enum HATCH_STYLE GetHatchStyle() const { return m_hatchStyle; } void SetHatch( int aHatchStyle, int aHatchPitch, bool aRebuildHatch ) { SetHatchPitch( aHatchPitch ); m_hatchStyle = (enum HATCH_STYLE) aHatchStyle; if( aRebuildHatch ) Hatch(); } void SetX( int ic, int x ) { m_CornersList.SetX( ic, x ); } void SetY( int ic, int y ) { m_CornersList.SetY( ic, y ); } void SetEndContour( int ic, bool end_contour ) { m_CornersList.SetEndContour( ic, end_contour ); } void SetHatchStyle( enum HATCH_STYLE style ) { m_hatchStyle = style; } void SetHatchPitch( int pitch ) { m_hatchPitch = pitch; } /** * Function NormalizeAreaOutlines * Convert a self-intersecting polygon to one (or more) non self-intersecting polygon(s) * @param aNewPolygonList = a std::vector reference where to store new CPolyLine * needed by the normalization * @return the polygon count (always >= 1, because there is at least one polygon) * There are new polygons only if the polygon count is > 1 */ int NormalizeAreaOutlines( std::vector* aNewPolygonList ); // Bezier Support void AppendBezier( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3 ); void AppendBezier( int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, int x4, int y4 ); /** * Function Distance * Calculates the distance between a point and the zone: * @param aPoint the coordinate of the point. * @return int = distance between the point and outline. * 0 if the point is inside */ int Distance( const wxPoint& aPoint ); /** * Function Distance * Calculates the distance between a segment and the zone: * @param aStart the starting point of the segment. * @param aEnd the ending point of the segment. * @param aWidth the width of the segment. * @return int = distance between the segment and outline. * 0 if segment intersects or is inside */ int Distance( wxPoint aStart, wxPoint aEnd, int aWidth ); /** * Function HitTestForEdge * test is the point aPos is near (< aDistMax ) a vertex * @param aPos = the reference point * @param aDistMax = the max distance between a vertex and the reference point * @return int = the index of the first corner of the vertex, or -1 if not found. */ int HitTestForEdge( const wxPoint& aPos, int aDistMax ) const; /** * Function HitTestForCorner * test is the point aPos is near (< aDistMax ) a corner * @param aPos = the reference point * @param aDistMax = the max distance between a vertex and the corner * @return int = the index of corner of the, or -1 if not found. */ int HitTestForCorner( const wxPoint& aPos, int aDistMax ) const; private: LAYER_NUM m_layer; // layer to draw on enum HATCH_STYLE m_hatchStyle; // hatch style, see enum above int m_hatchPitch; // for DIAGONAL_EDGE hatched outlines, basic distance between 2 hatch lines // and the len of eacvh segment // for DIAGONAL_FULL, the pitch is twice this value int m_utility; // a flag used in some calculations public: CPOLYGONS_LIST m_CornersList; // array of points for corners std::vector m_HatchLines; // hatch lines showing the polygon area }; /** * Function ConvertPolysListWithHolesToOnePolygon * converts the outline contours aPolysListWithHoles with holes to one polygon * with no holes (only one contour) * holes are linked to main outlines by overlap segments, to give only one polygon * * @param aPolysListWithHoles = the list of corners of contours * (main outline and holes) * @param aOnePolyList = a polygon with no holes */ void ConvertPolysListWithHolesToOnePolygon( const CPOLYGONS_LIST& aPolysListWithHoles, CPOLYGONS_LIST& aOnePolyList ); #endif // #ifndef POLYLINE_H