/*************/ /* files.cpp */ /*************/ #include "fctsys.h" #include "common.h" #include "class_drawpanel.h" #include "confirm.h" #include "gestfich.h" #include "gerbview.h" #include "pcbplot.h" #include "protos.h" static void LoadDCodeFile( WinEDA_GerberFrame* frame, const wxString& FullFileName ); void WinEDA_GerberFrame::OnFileHistory( wxCommandEvent& event ) { wxString fn; fn = GetFileFromHistory( event.GetId(), _( "Printed circuit board" ) ); if( fn != wxEmptyString ) { Erase_Current_Layer( false ); LoadOneGerberFile( fn, false ); } } /* File commands. */ void WinEDA_GerberFrame::Files_io( wxCommandEvent& event ) { int id = event.GetId(); switch( id ) { case wxID_FILE: { wxString fileName = GetScreen()->m_FileName; Erase_Current_Layer( false ); LoadOneGerberFile( fileName, true ); break; } case ID_MENU_INC_LAYER_AND_APPEND_FILE: case ID_INC_LAYER_AND_APPEND_FILE: { int origLayer = getActiveLayer(); if( origLayer < NB_LAYERS ) { setActiveLayer(origLayer+1); if( !LoadOneGerberFile( wxEmptyString ) ) setActiveLayer(origLayer); SetToolbars(); } else { wxString msg; msg.Printf( _( "GerbView only supports a maximum of %d layers. You must first \ delete an existing layer to load any new layers." ), NB_LAYERS ); wxMessageBox( msg ); } } break; case ID_APPEND_FILE: LoadOneGerberFile( wxEmptyString ); break; case ID_NEW_BOARD: Clear_Pcb( true ); Zoom_Automatique( false ); DrawPanel->Refresh(); break; case ID_GERBVIEW_LOAD_DRILL_FILE: DisplayError( this, _( "Not yet available..." ) ); break; case ID_GERBVIEW_LOAD_DCODE_FILE: LoadDCodeFile( this, wxEmptyString ); break; case ID_SAVE_BOARD: SaveGerberFile( GetScreen()->m_FileName ); break; case ID_SAVE_BOARD_AS: SaveGerberFile( wxEmptyString ); break; default: DisplayError( this, wxT( "File_io Internal Error" ) ); break; } } bool WinEDA_GerberFrame::LoadOneGerberFile( const wxString& aFullFileName, bool aOpenFileDialog ) { wxString filetypes; wxFileName filename = aFullFileName; ActiveScreen = GetScreen(); if( !filename.IsOk() || aOpenFileDialog ) { /* Standard gerber filetypes * (See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerber_File) * the .pho extension is the default used in Pcbnew */ filetypes = _( "Gerber files (.gb* .gt* .lgr .ger .pho)" ); filetypes << wxT("|"); filetypes += wxT("*.gb*;*.GB*;*.gt*;*.GT*;*.gko;*.GKO;*.GPB;*.gpb;*.lgr;*.LGR;*.ger;*.GER;*.pho;*.PHO" ); filetypes << wxT("|"); /* Special gerber filetypes */ filetypes += _( "Top layer (*.GTL)|*.GTL;*.gtl|" ); filetypes += _( "Bottom layer (*.GBL)|*.GBL;*.gbl|" ); filetypes += _( "Bottom solder resist (*.GBS)|*.GBS;*.gbs|" ); filetypes += _( "Top solder resist (*.GTS)|*.GTS;*.gts|" ); filetypes += _( "Bottom overlay (*.GBO)|*.GBO;*.gbo|" ); filetypes += _( "Top overlay (*.GTO)|*.GTO;*.gto|" ); filetypes += _( "Bottom paste (*.GBP)|*.GBP;*.gbp|" ); filetypes += _( "Top paste (*.GTP)|*.GTP;*.gtp|" ); filetypes += _( "Keep-out layer (*.GKO)|*.GKO;*.gko|" ); filetypes += _( "Mechanical layers (*.GMx)|*.GM1;*.gm1;*.GM2;*.gm2;*.GM3;*.gm3|" ); filetypes += _( "Top Pad Master (*.GPT)|*.GPT;*.gpt|" ); filetypes += _( "Bottom Pad Master (*.GPB)|*.GPB;*.gpb|" ); /* All filetypes */ filetypes += AllFilesWildcard; /* Use the current working directory if the file name path does not exist. */ wxString current_path = wxGetCwd(); if( filename.DirExists() ) current_path = filename.GetPath(); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Open Gerber File" ), current_path, filename.GetFullName(), filetypes, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return false; filename = dlg.GetPath(); } GetScreen()->m_FileName = filename.GetFullPath(); wxSetWorkingDirectory( filename.GetPath() ); filename.SetExt( g_PenFilenameExt ); if( Read_GERBER_File( GetScreen()->m_FileName, filename.GetFullPath() ) ) SetLastProject( GetScreen()->m_FileName ); Zoom_Automatique( false ); GetScreen()->SetRefreshReq(); g_SaveTime = time( NULL ); return true; } /* * Read a DCode file (not used with RX274X files , just with RS274D old files). * Note: there is no standard for DCode file. * Just read a file format created by early versions of Pcbnew. * Returns: * 0 if file not read (cancellation of order ...) * 1 if OK */ static void LoadDCodeFile( WinEDA_GerberFrame* frame, const wxString& FullFileName ) { wxString wildcard; wxFileName fn = FullFileName; ActiveScreen = frame->GetScreen(); if( !fn.IsOk() ) { wildcard.Printf( _( "Gerber DCODE files (%s)|*.%s" ), GetChars( g_PenFilenameExt ), GetChars( g_PenFilenameExt ) ); wildcard += AllFilesWildcard; fn = frame->GetScreen()->m_FileName; fn.SetExt( g_PenFilenameExt ); wxFileDialog dlg( (wxWindow*) frame, _( "Load GERBER DCODE File" ), fn.GetPath(), fn.GetFullName(), wildcard, wxFD_OPEN | wxFD_FILE_MUST_EXIST ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return; fn = dlg.GetPath(); } frame->Read_D_Code_File( fn.GetFullPath() ); frame->CopyDCodesSizeToItems(); frame->GetScreen()->SetRefreshReq(); } /* Save the file in ASCII PCB. */ bool WinEDA_GerberFrame::SaveGerberFile( const wxString& FullFileName ) { wxString wildcard; wxFileName fn = FullFileName; if( !fn.IsOk() ) { fn = GetScreen()->m_FileName; wildcard.Printf( _( "Gerber DCODE files (%s)|*.%s" ), GetChars( g_PenFilenameExt ), GetChars( g_PenFilenameExt ) ); wxFileDialog dlg( this, _( "Save Gerber File" ), fn.GetPath(), fn.GetFullName(), wildcard, wxFD_SAVE | wxFD_OVERWRITE_PROMPT ); if( dlg.ShowModal() == wxID_CANCEL ) return false; fn = dlg.GetPath(); } GetScreen()->m_FileName = fn.GetFullPath(); // TODO return true; }