 * This program source code file is part of KiCad, a free EDA CAD application.
 * Copyright (C) 2017 Chris Pavlina <pavlina.chris@gmail.com>
 * Copyright (C) 2014 Henner Zeller <h.zeller@acm.org>
 * Copyright (C) 2014-2019 KiCad Developers, see AUTHORS.txt for contributors.
 * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
 * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
 * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your
 * option) any later version.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
 * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
 * with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


#include <lib_id.h>
#include <lib_tree_model.h>
#include <wx/hashmap.h>
#include <wx/dataview.h>
#include <wx/headerctrl.h>
#include <vector>
#include <functional>
#include <set>

 * Adapter class in the component selector Model-View-Adapter (mediated MVC)
 * architecture. The other pieces are in:
 * - Model: CMP_TREE_NODE and descendants in eeschema/cmp_tree_model.h
 * - View:
 *   - DIALOG_CHOOSE_COMPONENT in eeschema/dialogs/dialog_choose_component.h
 *   - wxDataViewCtrl
 * This adapter presents the interface specified by wxDataViewModel to the
 * wxDataViewCtrl:
 *                       +---+                      +------------------+
 *     +---+  Generates  | A |                      |       VIEW       |
 *     | M |  from libs  | D |   wxDataViewModel    |------------------|
 *     | O | <---------- | A | <------------------> |  wxDataViewCtrl  |
 *     | D |             | P |                      |------------------|
 *     | E | <---------> | T | <------------------- |    wxTextCtrl    |
 *     | L | UpdateScore | E | UpdateSearchString() |------------------|
 *     +---+             | R |                      |                  |
 *                       +---+                      +------------------+
 * Because this adapter is a wxDataViewModel, it is reference-counted by
 * wxObject. To ensure this interface is used correctly, the constructor
 * is private; LIB_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER should be created by the static
 * factory method LIB_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER::Create().
 * Quick summary of methods used to drive this class:
 * - `SetFilter()` - set whether the view is restricted to power parts
 * - `ShowUnits()` - set whether units are displayed
 * - `SetPreselectNode()` - set a node to highlight when not searching
 * - `AddLibrary()` - populate the model with all aliases in a library
 * - `AddAliasList()` - populate the model with a specific list of aliases
 * Quick summary of methods used by the View:
 * - `UpdateSearchString()` - pass in the user's search text
 * - `AttachTo()` - pass in the wxDataViewCtrl
 * - `GetAliasFor()` - get the LIB_ALIAS* for a selected item
 * - `GetUnitFor()` - get the unit for a selected item
 * - `GetComponentsCount()` - count the aliases loaded
 * Methods implemented as part of wxDataViewModel:
 * - `HasContainerColumns()` - whether a parent item has more than one column
 * - `IsContainer()` - whether an item is a parent
 * - `GetParent()` - return the parent of an item, or invalid if root
 * - `GetChildren()` - get the children of an item
 * - `GetColumnCount()` - get the number of columns in the view
 * - `GetColumnType()` - get the data type shown in each column
 * - `GetValue()` - get the data shown in a cell
 * - `SetValue()` - edit the data in a cell (does nothing)
 * - `GetAttr()` - get any per-item formatting
 * - `Compare()` - compare two rows, for sorting
 * - `HasDefaultCompare()` - whether sorted by default


class LIB_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER: public wxDataViewModel

     * Reference-counting container for a pointer to CMP_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER_BASE.
    typedef wxObjectDataPtr<LIB_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER> PTR;

     * Destructor. Do NOT delete this class manually; it is reference-counted
     * by wxObject.

     * This enum allows a selective filtering of components to list
        CMP_FILTER_NONE,        ///< no filtering
        CMP_FILTER_POWER,       ///< list components flagged PWR

     * This enum defines the order of the columns in the tree view
    enum TREE_COLS
        PART_COL = 0,   ///< Part name column
        DESC_COL,       ///< Part description column
        NUM_COLS        ///< The number of tree columns

     * Save the column widths to the config file. This requires the tree view to still be
     * valid.
    void SaveColWidths();
    void SavePinnedItems();

     * Set the component filter type. Must be set before adding libraries
     * @param aFilter   if CMP_FILTER_POWER, only power parts are loaded
    void SetFilter( CMP_FILTER_TYPE aFilter );

     * Return the active filter.
    CMP_FILTER_TYPE GetFilter() const { return m_filter; }

     * Whether or not to show units. May be set at any time; updates at the next
     * UpdateSearchString()
     * @param aShow if true, units are displayed
    void ShowUnits( bool aShow );

     * Set the component name to be selected if there are no search results.
     * May be set at any time; updates at the next UpdateSearchString().
     * @param aLibId    symbol #LIB_ID to be selected
     * @param aUnit     unit to be selected, if > 0 (0 selects the alias itself)
    void SetPreselectNode( LIB_ID const& aLibId, int aUnit );

     * Add the given list of components by alias. To be called in the setup
     * phase.
     * @param aNodeName    the parent node the components will appear under
     * @param aDesc        the description field of the parent node
     * @param aItemList    list of components
    void DoAddLibrary( wxString const& aNodeName, wxString const& aDesc,
                       std::vector<LIB_TREE_ITEM*> const& aItemList, bool presorted );

     * Sort the tree and assign ranks after adding libraries.
    void AssignIntrinsicRanks() { m_tree.AssignIntrinsicRanks(); }

     * Set the search string provided by the user.
     * @param aSearch   full, unprocessed search text
    void UpdateSearchString( wxString const& aSearch );

     * Attach to a wxDataViewCtrl and initialize it. This will set up columns
     * and associate the model via the adapter.
     * @param aDataViewCtrl the view component in the dialog
    void AttachTo( wxDataViewCtrl* aDataViewCtrl );

     * Return the alias for the given item.
     * @param aSelection    item from the wxDataViewCtrl
     *                      (see wxDataViewCtrl::GetSelection())
     * @return alias, or nullptr if none is selected
    LIB_ID GetAliasFor( const wxDataViewItem& aSelection ) const;

     * Return the unit for the given item.
     * @param aSelection    item from the wxDataViewCtrl
     *                      (see wxDataViewCtrl::GetSelection())
     * @return Unit, or zero if the alias itself is selected. Return valid is
     *         invalid if GetAliasFor() returns nullptr.
    int GetUnitFor( const wxDataViewItem& aSelection ) const;

     * Return node type for the given item.
     * @param aSelection    item from the wxDataViewCtrl
     *                      (see wxDataViewCtrl::GetSelection())
     * @return Type of the selected node, might be INVALID.
    LIB_TREE_NODE::TYPE GetTypeFor( const wxDataViewItem& aSelection ) const;

    LIB_TREE_NODE* GetTreeNodeFor( const wxDataViewItem& aSelection ) const;

    virtual wxString GenerateInfo( LIB_ID const& aLibId, int aUnit ) { return wxEmptyString; };

     * Return the number of components loaded in the tree.
    int GetItemCount() const;

     * Return the number of libraries loaded in the tree.
    virtual int GetLibrariesCount() const
        return m_tree.m_Children.size();

     * Returns tree item corresponding to part.
     * @param aLibId specifies the part and library name to be searched for.
     * @return Tree data item representing the part. Might be invalid if nothings was found.
    wxDataViewItem FindItem( const LIB_ID& aLibId );

     * Populate a list of all the children of an item
     * @return number of children
    unsigned int GetChildren( wxDataViewItem const& aItem,
                              wxDataViewItemArray& aChildren ) const override;

    // Freezing/Thawing.  Used when updating the table model so that we don't try and fetch
    // values during updating.  Primarily a problem on OSX which doesn't pay attention to the
    // wxDataViewCtrl's freeze count when updating the keyWindow.
    void Freeze() { m_freeze++; }
    void Thaw() { m_freeze--; }
    bool IsFrozen() const { return m_freeze; }

    void RefreshTree();

    // Allows subclasses to nominate a context menu handler.
    virtual TOOL_INTERACTIVE* GetContextMenuTool() { return nullptr; }

    static wxDataViewItem ToItem( LIB_TREE_NODE const* aNode );
    static LIB_TREE_NODE* ToNode( wxDataViewItem aItem );
    static unsigned int IntoArray( LIB_TREE_NODE const& aNode, wxDataViewItemArray& aChildren );

    LIB_TREE_NODE_ROOT m_tree;

     * Creates the adapter
     * @param aParent is the parent frame
     * @param aPinnedKey is the key to load the pinned libraries list from the project file
    LIB_TREE_MODEL_ADAPTER( EDA_BASE_FRAME* aParent, wxString aPinnedKey );

    LIB_TREE_NODE_LIB& DoAddLibraryNode( wxString const& aNodeName, wxString const& aDesc );

     * Check whether a container has columns too
    bool HasContainerColumns( wxDataViewItem const& aItem ) const override;

     * Check whether an item can have children.
    bool IsContainer( wxDataViewItem const& aItem ) const override;

     * Get the parent of an item.
     * @return parent of aItem, or an invalid wxDataViewItem if parent is root
    wxDataViewItem GetParent( wxDataViewItem const& aItem ) const override;

    unsigned int GetColumnCount() const override { return NUM_COLS; }

     * Return the type of data stored in the column as indicated by wxVariant::GetType()
    wxString GetColumnType( unsigned int aCol ) const override { return "string"; }

     * Get the value of an item.
     * @param aVariant  wxVariant to receive the data
     * @param aItem     item whose data will be placed into aVariant
     * @param aCol      column number of the data
    void GetValue( wxVariant&              aVariant,
                   wxDataViewItem const&   aItem,
                   unsigned int            aCol ) const override;

     * Set the value of an item. Does nothing - this model doesn't support
     * editing.
    bool SetValue( wxVariant const& aVariant,
                   wxDataViewItem const&   aItem,
                   unsigned int            aCol ) override { return false; }

     * Get any formatting for an item.
     * @param aItem     item to get formatting for
     * @param aCol      column number of interest
     * @param aAttr     receiver for attributes
     * @return          true iff the item has non-default attributes
    bool GetAttr( wxDataViewItem const&   aItem,
                  unsigned int            aCol,
                  wxDataViewItemAttr&     aAttr ) const override;

     * @return a unicode string to mark a node name like
     * a pinned library name
     * This is not an ascii7 char, but a unicode char
    const wxString GetPinningSymbol() const
        return wxString::FromUTF8( "☆ " );

    EDA_BASE_FRAME*         m_parent;

    CMP_FILTER_TYPE         m_filter;
    bool                    m_show_units;
    LIB_ID                  m_preselect_lib_id;
    int                     m_preselect_unit;
    int                     m_freeze;

    wxDataViewColumn*       m_col_part;
    wxDataViewColumn*       m_col_desc;
    wxDataViewCtrl*         m_widget;

    int                     m_colWidths[NUM_COLS];
    wxArrayString           m_pinnedLibs;
    wxString                m_pinnedKey;

     * Find any results worth highlighting and expand them, according to given criteria
     * The highest-scoring node is written to aHighScore
    void FindAndExpand( LIB_TREE_NODE& aNode, std::function<bool( LIB_TREE_NODE const* )> aFunc,
                        LIB_TREE_NODE** aHighScore );

     * Find and expand successful search results.  Return the best match (if any).
    LIB_TREE_NODE* ShowResults();

     * Find and expand preselected node.  Return the best match (if any).
    LIB_TREE_NODE* ShowPreselect();

     * Find and expand a library if there is only one.  Return the best match (if any).
    LIB_TREE_NODE* ShowSingleLibrary();