**  libDXFrw - Library to read/write DXF files (ascii & binary)              **
**                                                                           **
**  Copyright (C) 2011 Rallaz, rallazz@gmail.com                             **
**                                                                           **
**  This library is free software, licensed under the terms of the GNU       **
**  General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation,     **
**  either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.  **
**  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License        **
**  along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.    **

#ifndef DRW_BASE_H
#define DRW_BASE_H

#define DRW_VERSION "0.5.11"

#include <string>
#include <cmath>

#define UTF8STRING std::string
#define DRW_UNUSED( x ) (void) x

#if defined(WIN64) || defined(_WIN64) || defined(__WIN64__)
#  define DRW_WIN
#elif defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__) || defined(__NT__)
#    define DRW_WIN
#elif defined(__MWERKS__) && defined(__INTEL__)
#  define DRW_WIN
#  define DRW_POSIX

#ifndef M_PI
 #define M_PI 3.141592653589793238462643
#ifndef M_PI_2
 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923
#define M_PIx2  6.283185307179586     // 2*PI
#define ARAD    57.29577951308232

namespace DRW {
// ! Version numbers for the DXF Format.
enum Version {
    UNKNOWNV,       /*!< UNKNOWN VERSION. */
    AC1006,         /*!< R10. */
    AC1009,         /*!< R11 & R12. */
    AC1012,         /*!< R13. */
    AC1014,         /*!< R14. */
    AC1015,         /*!< ACAD 2000. */
    AC1018,         /*!< ACAD 2004. */
    AC1021,         /*!< ACAD 2007. */
    AC1024          /*!< ACAD 2010. */

enum error {
    BAD_NONE,               /*!< No error. */
    BAD_UNKNOWN,            /*!< UNKNOWN. */
    BAD_OPEN,               /*!< error opening file. */
    BAD_VERSION,            /*!< unsupported version. */
    BAD_READ_FILE_HEADER,   /*!< error in file header read process. */
    BAD_READ_HEADER,        /*!< error in header vars read process. */
    BAD_READ_OFFSETS,       /*!< error in object map read process. */
    BAD_READ_CLASSES,       /*!< error in classes read process. */
    BAD_READ_TABLES,        /*!< error in tables read process. */
    BAD_READ_ENTITIES       /*!< error in entities read process. */

// ! Class to handle 3D coordinate point
 *  Class to handle 3D coordinate point
 *  @author Rallaz
class DRW_Coord
    DRW_Coord() { x = 0; y = 0; z = 0; }
    DRW_Coord( double ix, double iy, double iz )
        x = ix; y = iy; z = iz;

    DRW_Coord operator =( const DRW_Coord& data )
        x = data.x;  y = data.y;  z = data.z;
        return *this;

/*!< convert to unitary vector */
    void unitize()
        double dist;

        dist = sqrt( x * x + y * y + z * z );

        if( dist > 0.0 )
            x   = x / dist;
            y   = y / dist;
            z   = z / dist;

    double  x;
    double  y;
    double  z;

// ! Class to handle vertex
 *  Class to handle vertex for lwpolyline entity
 *  @author Rallaz
class DRW_Vertex2D
        stawidth = endwidth = bulge = 0;

    DRW_Vertex2D( double sx, double sy, double b )
        stawidth = endwidth = 0;
        x       = sx;
        y       = sy;
        bulge   = b;

    double  x;                  /*!< x coordinate, code 10 */
    double  y;                  /*!< y coordinate, code 20 */
    double  stawidth;           /*!< Start width, code 40 */
    double  endwidth;           /*!< End width, code 41 */
    double  bulge;              /*!< bulge, code 42 */

// ! Class to handle header vars
 *  Class to handle header vars
 *  @author Rallaz
class DRW_Variant
    enum TYPE {

        type = INVALID;

        if( type == COORD )
            delete content.v;

    enum TYPE type;

    void addString( UTF8STRING s ) { setType( STRING ); data = s; content.s = &data; }
    void addInt( int i ) { setType( INTEGER ); content.i = i; }
    void addDouble( double d ) { setType( DOUBLE ); content.d = d; }
    void addCoord( DRW_Coord* v ) { setType( COORD ); content.v = v; }
    void setType( enum TYPE t )
        if( type == COORD )
            delete content.v;

        type = t;

    void setCoordX( double d ) { if( type == COORD ) content.v->x = d; }
    void setCoordY( double d ) { if( type == COORD ) content.v->y = d; }
    void setCoordZ( double d ) { if( type == COORD ) content.v->z = d; }
    typedef union
        UTF8STRING* s;
        int         i;
        double      d;
        DRW_Coord*  v;
    } DRW_VarContent;
    DRW_VarContent  content;
    int             code;
// string version;
// string codepage;
// DRW_VarContent content;
    std::string data;

// ! Class to convert between line width and integer
 *  Class to convert between line width and integer
 *  verifing valid values, if value is not valid
 *  returns widthDefault.
 *  @author Rallaz
class DRW_LW_Conv
    enum lineWidth {
        width00 = 0,            /*!< 0.00mm (dxf 0)*/
        width01 = 1,            /*!< 0.05mm (dxf 5)*/
        width02 = 2,            /*!< 0.09mm (dxf 9)*/
        width03 = 3,            /*!< 0.13mm (dxf 13)*/
        width04 = 4,            /*!< 0.15mm (dxf 15)*/
        width05 = 5,            /*!< 0.18mm (dxf 18)*/
        width06 = 6,            /*!< 0.20mm (dxf 20)*/
        width07 = 7,            /*!< 0.25mm (dxf 25)*/
        width08 = 8,            /*!< 0.30mm (dxf 30)*/
        width09 = 9,            /*!< 0.35mm (dxf 35)*/
        width10 = 10,           /*!< 0.40mm (dxf 40)*/
        width11 = 11,           /*!< 0.50mm (dxf 50)*/
        width12 = 12,           /*!< 0.53mm (dxf 53)*/
        width13 = 13,           /*!< 0.60mm (dxf 60)*/
        width14 = 14,           /*!< 0.70mm (dxf 70)*/
        width15 = 15,           /*!< 0.80mm (dxf 80)*/
        width16 = 16,           /*!< 0.90mm (dxf 90)*/
        width17 = 17,           /*!< 1.00mm (dxf 100)*/
        width18 = 18,           /*!< 1.06mm (dxf 106)*/
        width19 = 19,           /*!< 1.20mm (dxf 120)*/
        width20 = 20,           /*!< 1.40mm (dxf 140)*/
        width21 = 21,           /*!< 1.58mm (dxf 158)*/
        width22 = 22,           /*!< 2.00mm (dxf 200)*/
        width23 = 23,           /*!< 2.11mm (dxf 211)*/
        widthByLayer    = 29,   /*!< by layer (dxf -1) */
        widthByBlock    = 30,   /*!< by block (dxf -2) */
        widthDefault    = 31    /*!< by default (dxf -3) */

    static int lineWidth2dxfInt( enum lineWidth lw )
        switch( lw )
        case widthByLayer:
            return -1;

        case widthByBlock:
            return -2;

        case widthDefault:
            return -3;

        case width00:
            return 0;

        case width01:
            return 5;

        case width02:
            return 9;

        case width03:
            return 13;

        case width04:
            return 15;

        case width05:
            return 18;

        case width06:
            return 20;

        case width07:
            return 25;

        case width08:
            return 30;

        case width09:
            return 35;

        case width10:
            return 40;

        case width11:
            return 50;

        case width12:
            return 53;

        case width13:
            return 60;

        case width14:
            return 70;

        case width15:
            return 80;

        case width16:
            return 90;

        case width17:
            return 100;

        case width18:
            return 106;

        case width19:
            return 120;

        case width20:
            return 140;

        case width21:
            return 158;

        case width22:
            return 200;

        case width23:
            return 211;

            return -3;

        return static_cast<int> (lw);

    static int lineWidth2dwgInt( enum lineWidth lw )
        return static_cast<int> (lw);

    static enum lineWidth dxfInt2lineWidth( int i )
        if( i<0 )
            if( i==-1 )
                return widthByLayer;
            else if( i==-2 )
                return widthByBlock;
            else if( i==-3 )
                return widthDefault;
        else if( i<3 )
            return width00;
        else if( i<7 )
            return width01;
        else if( i<11 )
            return width02;
        else if( i<14 )
            return width03;
        else if( i<16 )
            return width04;
        else if( i<19 )
            return width05;
        else if( i<22 )
            return width06;
        else if( i<27 )
            return width07;
        else if( i<32 )
            return width08;
        else if( i<37 )
            return width09;
        else if( i<45 )
            return width10;
        else if( i<52 )
            return width11;
        else if( i<57 )
            return width12;
        else if( i<65 )
            return width13;
        else if( i<75 )
            return width14;
        else if( i<85 )
            return width15;
        else if( i<95 )
            return width16;
        else if( i<103 )
            return width17;
        else if( i<112 )
            return width18;
        else if( i<130 )
            return width19;
        else if( i<149 )
            return width20;
        else if( i<180 )
            return width21;
        else if( i<205 )
            return width22;
            return width23;

        // default by default
        return widthDefault;

    static enum lineWidth dwgInt2lineWidth( int i )
        if( (i>-1 && i<24) || (i>28 && i<32) )
            return static_cast<lineWidth> (i);

        // default by default
        return widthDefault;


// EOF