///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Name: sheet.cpp // Purpose: // Author: jean-pierre Charras // Modified by: // Created: 08/02/2006 18:37:02 // RCS-ID: // Copyright: License GNU // Licence: ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // For compilers that support precompilation, includes "wx/wx.h". #include "wx/wxprec.h" #ifdef __BORLANDC__ #pragma hdrstop #endif #ifndef WX_PRECOMP #include "wx/wx.h" #endif #include "fctsys.h" #include "gr_basic.h" #include "common.h" #include "program.h" #include "libcmp.h" #include "general.h" #include "protos.h" /***********************************************************/ DrawSheetStruct::DrawSheetStruct(const wxPoint & pos) : SCH_SCREEN( SCHEMATIC_FRAME ) /***********************************************************/ { m_Label = NULL; m_NbLabel = 0; m_Layer = LAYER_SHEET; m_Pos = pos; m_SheetNameSize = m_FileNameSize = 60; /* change the struct type: SCREEN_STRUCT_TYPE to DRAW_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE */ m_StructType = DRAW_SHEET_STRUCT_TYPE; } /**************************************/ DrawSheetStruct::~DrawSheetStruct(void) /**************************************/ { DrawSheetLabelStruct * label = m_Label, * next_label; while (label) { next_label = (DrawSheetLabelStruct *)label->Pnext; delete label; label = next_label; } } /***********************************************/ DrawSheetStruct * DrawSheetStruct::GenCopy(void) /***********************************************/ /* creates a copy of a sheet The linked data itself (EEDrawList) is not duplicated */ { DrawSheetStruct * newitem = new DrawSheetStruct(m_Pos); DrawSheetLabelStruct * Slabel = NULL, * label = m_Label; newitem->m_Size = m_Size; newitem->m_Parent = m_Parent; newitem->m_TimeStamp = GetTimeStamp(); newitem->m_FileName = m_FileName; newitem->m_FileNameSize = m_FileNameSize; newitem->m_SheetName = m_SheetName; newitem->m_SheetNameSize = m_SheetNameSize; if( label ) { Slabel = newitem->m_Label = label->GenCopy(); Slabel->m_Parent = newitem; label = (DrawSheetLabelStruct*)label->Pnext; } while( label ) { Slabel->Pnext = label->GenCopy(); Slabel = (DrawSheetLabelStruct*)Slabel->Pnext; Slabel->m_Parent = newitem; label = (DrawSheetLabelStruct*)label->Pnext; } /* copy screen data */ newitem->m_DrawOrg = m_DrawOrg; newitem->m_Curseur = m_Curseur; newitem->m_MousePosition = m_MousePosition; newitem->m_MousePositionInPixels = m_MousePositionInPixels; newitem->m_O_Curseur = m_O_Curseur; newitem->m_ScrollbarPos = m_ScrollbarPos; newitem->m_ScrollbarNumber = m_ScrollbarNumber; newitem->m_StartVisu = m_StartVisu; newitem->m_FirstRedraw = m_FirstRedraw; newitem->EEDrawList = EEDrawList; /* Object list (main data) for schematic */ newitem->m_UndoList = m_UndoList; /* Object list for the undo command (old data) */ newitem->m_RedoList = m_RedoList; /* Object list for the redo command (old data) */ newitem->m_CurrentSheet = m_CurrentSheet; newitem->m_SheetNumber = m_SheetNumber; newitem->m_NumberOfSheet = m_NumberOfSheet; newitem->m_FileName = m_FileName; newitem->m_Title = m_Title; newitem->m_Date = m_Date; newitem->m_Revision = m_Revision; newitem->m_Company = m_Company; newitem->m_Commentaire1 = m_Commentaire1; newitem->m_Commentaire2 = m_Commentaire2; newitem->m_Commentaire3 = m_Commentaire3; newitem->m_Commentaire4 = m_Commentaire4; return newitem; } /**********************************************************/ void DrawSheetStruct::SwapData(DrawSheetStruct * copyitem) /**********************************************************/ /* Used if undo / redo command: swap data between this and copyitem */ { EXCHG(m_Pos, copyitem->m_Pos); EXCHG(m_Size, copyitem->m_Size); EXCHG(m_SheetName, copyitem->m_SheetName); EXCHG(m_SheetNameSize, copyitem->m_SheetNameSize); EXCHG(m_FileNameSize, copyitem->m_FileNameSize); EXCHG(m_Label, copyitem->m_Label); EXCHG(m_NbLabel, copyitem->m_NbLabel); } /**************************************************************************************/ void DrawSheetStruct::Draw(WinEDA_DrawPanel * panel,wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & offset, int DrawMode, int Color) /**************************************************************************************/ /* Draw the hierarchical sheet shape */ { DrawSheetLabelStruct * SheetLabelStruct; int txtcolor; wxString Text; int color; wxPoint pos = m_Pos + offset; int LineWidth = g_DrawMinimunLineWidth; if( Color >= 0 ) color = Color; else color = ReturnLayerColor(m_Layer); GRSetDrawMode(DC, DrawMode); GRRect(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, pos.x, pos.y, pos.x + m_Size.x, pos.y + m_Size.y, LineWidth, color); /* Trace des textes : SheetName */ if( Color > 0 ) txtcolor = Color; else txtcolor = ReturnLayerColor(LAYER_SHEETNAME); Text = wxT("Sheet: ") + m_SheetName; DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(pos.x, pos.y - 8), txtcolor, Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, wxSize(m_SheetNameSize,m_SheetNameSize), GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_BOTTOM, LineWidth); /* Trace des textes : FileName */ if( Color >= 0 ) txtcolor = Color; else txtcolor = ReturnLayerColor(LAYER_SHEETFILENAME); Text = wxT("File: ") + m_FileName; DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(pos.x, pos.y + m_Size.y + 4), txtcolor, Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ, wxSize(m_FileNameSize,m_FileNameSize), GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_TOP, LineWidth); /* Trace des textes : SheetLabel */ SheetLabelStruct = m_Label; while( SheetLabelStruct != NULL ) { SheetLabelStruct->Draw(panel, DC, offset,DrawMode, Color); SheetLabelStruct = (DrawSheetLabelStruct*)(SheetLabelStruct->Pnext); } } /************************/ /* DrawSheetLabelStruct */ /************************/ /*******************************************************************/ DrawSheetLabelStruct::DrawSheetLabelStruct(DrawSheetStruct * parent, const wxPoint & pos, const wxString & text) : EDA_BaseStruct(DRAW_SHEETLABEL_STRUCT_TYPE), EDA_TextStruct(text) /*******************************************************************/ { m_Layer = LAYER_SHEETLABEL; m_Parent = parent; m_Pos = pos; m_Edge = 0; m_Shape = NET_INPUT; m_IsDangling = TRUE; } /***********************************************************/ DrawSheetLabelStruct * DrawSheetLabelStruct::GenCopy(void) /***********************************************************/ { DrawSheetLabelStruct * newitem = new DrawSheetLabelStruct( (DrawSheetStruct *)m_Parent, m_Pos, m_Text); newitem->m_Edge = m_Edge; newitem->m_Shape = m_Shape; return newitem; } /********************************************************************************************/ void DrawSheetLabelStruct::Draw(WinEDA_DrawPanel * panel,wxDC * DC, const wxPoint & offset, int DrawMode, int Color) /********************************************************************************************/ /* Routine de dessin des Labels type hierarchie */ { int side, txtcolor; int posx , tposx, posy, size2; wxSize size; int NbSegm, coord[12]; int LineWidth = g_DrawMinimunLineWidth; if( Color >= 0 ) txtcolor = Color; else txtcolor = ReturnLayerColor(m_Layer); GRSetDrawMode(DC, DrawMode); posx = m_Pos.x + offset.x; posy = m_Pos.y + offset.y; size = m_Size; if( !m_Text.IsEmpty() ) { if( m_Edge ) { tposx = posx - size.x; side = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_RIGHT; } else { tposx = posx + size.x + (size.x /8) ; side = GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_LEFT; } DrawGraphicText(panel, DC, wxPoint(tposx, posy), txtcolor, m_Text, TEXT_ORIENT_HORIZ,size , side, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER, LineWidth); } /* dessin du symbole de connexion */ if(m_Edge) { size.x = -size.x; size.y = -size.y; } coord[0] = posx; coord[1] = posy; size2 = size.x /2; NbSegm = 0; switch(m_Shape) { case 0: /* input |> */ coord[2] = posx ; coord[3] = posy - size2; coord[4] = posx + size2; coord[5] = posy - size2; coord[6] = posx + size.x; coord[7] = posy; coord[8] = posx + size2; coord[9] = posy + size2; coord[10] = posx ; coord[11] = posy + size2; coord[12] = coord[0] ; coord[13] = coord[1]; NbSegm = 7; break; case 1: /* output <| */ coord[2] = posx + size2; coord[3] = posy - size2; coord[4] = posx + size.x; coord[5] = posy - size2; coord[6] = posx + size.x; coord[7] = posy + size2; coord[8] = posx + size2; coord[9] = posy + size2; coord[10] = coord[0] ; coord[11] = coord[1]; NbSegm = 6; break; case 2: /* bidi <> */ case 3: /* TriSt <> */ coord[2] = posx + size2; coord[3] = posy - size2; coord[4] = posx + size.x; coord[5] = posy; coord[6] = posx + size2; coord[7] = posy +size2; coord[8] = coord[0]; coord[9] = coord[1]; NbSegm = 5; break; default: /* unsp []*/ coord[2] = posx ; coord[3] = posy - size2; coord[4] = posx + size.x; coord[5] = posy - size2; coord[6] = posx + size.x; coord[7] = posy + size2; coord[8] = posx ; coord[9] = posy + size2; coord[10] = coord[0] ; coord[11] = coord[1]; NbSegm = 6; break; } int FillShape = FALSE; GRPoly(&panel->m_ClipBox, DC, NbSegm, coord, FillShape, LineWidth, txtcolor, txtcolor); /* Poly Non rempli */ }